Green Mountain Club
From Section Leaders Handbook: “The outings or activities coordinator is key to the success of a section. This person is responsible for soliciting volunteer leaders and putting together an outings schedule which provides activities for various interests and ability levels. Often the first experience a member has with a section is when they attend a scheduled outing. Outings create interest in a section. They introduce new members to the GMC. They allow members to get to know each other and build friendships. They lead people to places they have never before explored. They give volunteers a chance to develop and sharpen their leadership skills. They are a source for recruiting new section leaders. They teach an appreciation for the outdoors. They showcase the beauty of Vermont. Best of all, outings are fun.”
We had one more cord of wood to stack at Wheeler Pond. A short notice mailchimp email was sent out and volunteers responded! It only took us 1.5 hours to get that cord moved to the lower shed and stacked. Great work volunteers! After, Andrea and John hiked the Gnome Stairs Trail
The day started with coffee & donuts, then woodstacking until 1PM. From there we hiked the Wheeler Pond Trail to the Wheeler Mountain Trail. After hiking we all cooked our dinners, started a campfire and sat around telling stories. The night ended fairly early. Sunday we woke to 38 degrees and started the day with breakfast around the campfire. Woodstacking began at 9AM and the final piece was stacked at noon. Thank you to all volunteers that participated in the events.
Fall 2022 Newsletter Ramblings 4-2 Fall Meeting Minutes
Ed Guest was honored at the 112th GMC Annual Meeting as one of three outstanding volunteers of the year. Following is a little bit about Ed that was shared at the meeting, and I’d personally like to say that his shoes were big ones to fill and I offer him my heartfelt congratulations for all his tireless work on behalf of the NEK! ~ Beth Barnes Ed Guest, a long time member of the NEK Section, has been a name we all know because we saw it on the masthead of every issue of “Ramblings,” the NEK Section’s newsletter. Through the newsletter, his editorial endeavors kept us informed and entertained. In the run up to 2019, there had been rumblings on introducing a new newsletter, to succeed the previously closed “Northeast Passages.” But, no one excitedly raised a hand to assume this task. We’ve all been there, right? Ed volunteered to design a prototype issue, and as they say, the rest is history. In the Summer of 2019, Ed launched the debut issue of the NEK’s second newsletter entitled “Ramblings.” |
He worked tirelessly to keep everyone informed, until stepping down from this post in 2021. Previously in his NEK tenure, Ed served as our dedicated Membership Coordinator, maintaining continuing communications with the Main Club and regularly updating the section on membership data. During the early years of the NEK Section’s history, Ed served as an energetic and effective lead liaison for the first GMC Annual Meeting the section hosted in 2004 at the Burke Mountain Ski Resort. Aside from these official roles, he enthusiastically participated in numerous wood stacking sessions at the Wheeler Pond Camps, always offered sage advice at the NEK Section’s Executive Committee meetings, and was a friendly and welcomed presence on NEK Section outings. Ed’s service to the section was invaluable. His fellow NEK’ers thank Ed for his many contributions to our section’s growth and vitality and wish him all the best.*Ed was unable to make the meeting in Waterbury Center so Mike Debonis made the presentation at the NEK summer meeting. |
GMC NEK Newsletter and Minutes The newsletter and minutes have been added to this website. 4-1 Ramblings Newsletter Summer Meeting Minutes
Trailfinder Map:
We celebrated Long Trail Day by hiking from Rte 105 north to the Canadian Border, then out the Journey’s End Trail. It was a beautiful day with a fun group of happy hikers. The hike started with a 1.2 mile climb to the summit of Mt. Carleton, an elevation gain of 520 feet. From there we descended 1.4 miles (about the same elevation drop) to the Canadian Border. After some photos at the border we hiked 1.3 miles out the Journey’s End Trail.
The NEK Section of the Green Mountain Club hosted an Eat and Greet and (optional) Hike on Saturday, August 27. We hiked Brousseau Mountain in Norton. This short hike to summit cliffs provides a panoramic view of this remote region of Vermont. After the hike we had lunch at Chez Pidgeon not far from the trailhead. Several newcomers attended and a great day was had by all. Trailfinder Map:
A short notice hike happened on Wednesday with Paul, Tom, Mary, Julie and John up the Averill Mountain Trail.
Haystack Mountain Hike – July 23rd Haystack Mountain (2,712 ft.) in Westmore, VT. Trip Leader-Gordon DuBois 5 of us met at the Haystack trailhead where parking is a real premium. Gordon Dubois, hike leader did the pre-hike talk to make sure everyone knew what to expect, including the option to spend some time bushwhacking after the Haystack hike. It’s a beautiful trail but steep right off the bat and very steep toward the top. Even though Trailfinder says it is easy/moderate, I would say it is more moderate/challenging due to steepness and some rocks. We were treated to good company, wonderful views and a surprise Greater Purple Fringed Orchid. A few of us ended with a well-deserved swim in the pond before leaving the magic of that very special gem of a road!
Haystack Hiking Map: Wood Relocation at Hadsel Mares Camp – July 19th The supply of wood at the lower wood shed at Hadsel Mares was empty. Paul, Bart and I moved a cord of wood from the upper shed to the lower shed. Ready for cold nights and campfires.
Summer Hike and Meeting – July 17th The day started at Lenny’s Camp on Holland Pond at 11AM with a hike to Round Pond and back, then a potluck lunch and meeting. Mike Debonis, Executive Director of the Green Mountain Club presented Edmund Guest with the Presidents Volunteer Award (President Howard VanBenthuysen was unable to attend). We continued with GMC NEK business then wrapped up with Lenny’s famous cheesecake! Lenny’s to Round Pond Map
S.L.O.T.H. Victory Hike – July 9th
S.L.O.T.H. “Sauntering Ladies On Therapeutic Hikes“. These no pressure hikes are for ladies of all ages who desire to make the journey their destination. Sweet saunter in the Victory Basin on the Multi-use trail. Excellent weather for sauntering, excellent group as well. So sad that the lean-to destination is abused by others.
Victory Multi-use Trail:
Bluff Ridge Summit Hike – July 9th
We started at the Bluff Community Trail, hiked to Lookout Junction, then took the Lookout Trail to Bluff South Summit. From there, we hiked the Bluff Ridge Trail (KHT) to the summit of Bluff Mountain. On the return we used the Bluff Community Trail. Total miles: 9.2 out and back.
Bluff Mountain Trail Map:
S.L.O.T.H. Bill Sladyk WMA Hike – July 6th
S.L.O.T.H. “Sauntering Ladies On Therapeutic Hikes“. These no pressure hikes are for ladies of all ages who desire to make the journey their destination. We had a sweet saunter in the Bill Sladyk Wildlife Management Area in Holland, Vermont. We explored three (Holland Pond, Beaver Pond and Round Pond) out of the four ponds but plan to sometime explore the fourth (Turtle Pond). Also explored and un-named pond! Wonderful day with great sauntering ladies!
S.L.O.T.H. Golden Road Hike – July 3rd
S.L.O.T.H. “Sauntering Ladies On Therapeutic Hikes“ is a group developed for ladies of all ages who desire to make the journey the destination. We headed out on the Golden Road Trail to the secluded lean-to. They made it and back!!!! Despite the many ups and downs of the trail, which were challenging for some, everyone came back smiling. Even the puppy that joined us!
Golden Road Map:
S.L.O.T. Hike to Peacham Bog – June 29th
“S.L.O.T.H.” (Sauntering Ladies On Therapeutic Hikes) hikes for ladies only who would like to hike with less pressure on the destination and more emphasis on the journey. Excellent saunter into the the Peacham Bog from Martin’s Pond in Peacham. Photo credit to Susan Esons.
Peacham Bog Trail Map:
S.L.O.T.H. Hike the South Shore Trail – June 26th
“S.L.O.T.H.” (Sauntering Ladies On Therapeutic Hikes) hikes for ladies only who would like to hike with less pressure on the destination and more emphasis on the journey.Yes, it was hot, but the sauntering ladies made their way around the loop and even went to the “cave” and ‘Jurassic Park” on the way to the cliffs. Cooling off in Lake Willoughby made the day complete. Thank you, Jill Lillis, for some of the photos!
South Shore Trail:
Brighton Trails Day – June 25th Brighton Trails Day 2nd Annual and 3rd Anniversary of the opening of the Kingdom Heritage is complete. We met at the pavilion in the center of town at 8:30am to signup from a list of hikes, by 9:10am we were headed for the trailheads. Surprisingly, nobody signed up for the Bluff Ridge Hike (11 miles), which was full last year. We covered around 28 miles on 5 hikes.
S.L.O.T.H. Hike to Kettle Pond – June 22nd
Another “S.L.O.T.H.” (Sauntering Ladies On Therapeutic Hikes) hike for ladies only is complete. The rain in the morning did not deter the Sauntering Ladies from hiking the Kettle Pond Loop. This sweet 3 mile+ loop circles a beautiful glacial pond passing by numerous primitive camping areas and lean-tos. All in all, an easy hike with boulders and a deep forest canopy.
Kettle Pond Loop:
“One Cut” Williamson on the KHT – June 21st
There was a report of trees down on the Kingdom Heritage Trail. Trail Maintenance Leader Kevin Williamson (One Cut) was quick to grab his axe and head out to Bluff Ridge. “I spent 11 hours doing trail work on Bluff Mountain yesterday. Wished I could say it was done, but that’s never really the case.”
S.L.O.T.H. Hike #1: Paul Moffatt Trail and Newark Conservation Trail – June 15th Our first Sauntering Ladies On Therapeutic Hikes was a great success. Eight participants sauntered through the Westmore Forest and bog, taking time to share knowledge and enjoy the amazing variety of flora, fauna and bird songs.
National Trails Day, Owls Head Mountain – June 4th
Five of us were able to coordinate and navigate our way to the Owls Head Mountain Trail in Groton State Forest for a 3 mile round trip hike to the summit of Owls Head. It was a perfect day and the views were spectaclar!
Trail Work Day, Cow Mountain – May 1st
Led by our infamous “One Cut” Williamson 10 hearty volunteers met Bruce Berryman at the trailhead for a day of clearing trails at Cow Mountain Forest. Along the walk to the junction of the loop Bruce provided us with a history of the Cow Mountain Legacy. We split the group at the junction and with axe, saw, brush-cutters and physical labor we removed debris and fallen trees along the entire trail, and spur trails. There was some fun and laughter to be had along the way.
Annual Meeting and Hike – April 3rd
We started out in Westmore at the CCC road trailhead. More than a dozen attended with a few new faces included. Everyone brought micro-spikes or spiked footwear; it was a good thing because the CCC road was icy and snowy. The original plan was to do a 5 mile loop but once we reached the Herbert Hawkes Trailhead we realized we did not have time to do the loop and get to the meeting on time. The majority of people from the hike made the meeting as well. It was a great day of conversations!
Minutes: Spring Newsletter: Ramblings Volume 3 – 4
Have you considered being a Trail Adopter? – March 15, 2022
It’s almost time for another season of trail work to begin. Here in the Northeast Kingdom we have at least three trails that are still eligible for adoption. An online application process must be successfully completed before any new assignments become official. Please note: These volunteer positions require a commitment of at least three or four days during the snow-free months, and the work of removing blowdowns and cleaning out waterbars can be physically demanding. Training for new recruits is available. If you have any interest in joining our trail adoption program, please contact Kevin Williamson at . Thank you! The following trails are currently available: 1) East Trail on Mount Pisgah in Westmore (1.9 miles) 2) Cow Mountain Forest Trails in Granby (approx. 6 miles, enough for two adopters) 3) Bluff Mountain Ridge Trail in Averys Gore and Brighton – middle section from Pine Brook Road to main summit (approx. 3 miles of trail, with an equally long access and egress on gated road).
Emergency Wood Relocation – March 10th The word went out that the wood pile was getting low at Hadsel Mares Camp on Wheeler Pond. Paul, Bart, Cathi and John headed over to relocated wood from the upper wood shed to the lower. Within a few hours we had a bay filled.
The Northeast Kingdom meets the American Southwest – March 3rd Three of our NEK Members shared their experience visiting National Parks during a Taylor Series Event.
Hike & Eat & Greet #4 – February 27th Our 4th Eat & Greet and hike was a huge success! Around a dozen hikers showed up at 8:30AM to hike the Bluff Community Trail to the overlook near the Bluff South Summit. After we all headed to Hobo’s Cafe to meet more people and enjoy a delicious meal.
Winter 2022 Newsletter – January 30th
Check out our latest Rambling 3-3!
Winter Meeting – January 23rd Northwoods Stewardship Center hosted our GMC NEK quarterly meeting, which we also held via Zoom. Executive Director Maria Young gave us a tour of the trails prior to the meeting, then gave an excellent presentation about all that Northwoods Stewardship does. Follow this link for Meeting Minutes
Observatory Knob – January 16th
Bart Selle led one of his favorite hikes to Observatory Knob. A great day was had by all.
First Day Hike – January 1, 2022
In cooperation with Vermont State Parks Cathi Brooks volunteered to lead a hike on CCC road up Mt. Hor. Freezing rain threatened the day but several hearty souls attended.
Clearing trails on Burke Mountain – December 13, 2021
Trail Adopter Cathi with help from Bart out on the trail late in the season clearing these blowdowns on Burke.
East Trail Hike up Mt. Pisgah – December 12th
This hike was originally scheduled for Saturday December 11th; the weather forecast changed the plans to Sunday. Bart, Beth, Paul and John headed out on a slippery path. Just above the junction with the North Trail we turned back because of icy conditions.
Eat & Greet # 3 – December 5th
Beth organized another event at The Gap Pub and Grill in Westmore, Members and non-members were welcome, the more the merrier! Members Paul, Bart, Kevin and Beth attended.
Wood stacking day at Hadsel Mares Camp – November 16th
Paul led us at another wood stacking day at Wheeler Pond. Together we stacked 2 cords of wood and enjoyed whoopie pies after.
Hike on the Golden Road – November 6th
Paul led what has become an annual hike on the Golden Road. The weather was great and lots of conversation and laughing could be heard. This hike was about a 7 mile out and back. We paused and shared memories of Jean Haigh along the way.
You can find the Minutes here: Meeting Minutes
Greet and Eat – October 16th
Beth and Kenn held a successful Greet and Eat at Chez Pidgeon in Norton, VT. We met current members and gained some new members and friends while there.
Wilderness First Aid – October 14th & 15th
Julie and John participated in two day training with Andrea at Train NEK and were certified in both wilderness first aid and CPR.
Victory Hike – September 7th
Paul, Susan and Cathi went for a hike in Victory. Our two resident foraging experts were able to describe many of the local flora along the way.
Meet and Eat at Parker Pie – September 5th
Beth Barnes our Membership Coordinator says the Meet and Eat at Parker Pie was a big success! So much so, the Parker Pie would like to do it again. We also have other Meet and Eat’s planned on our event calendar! Come on out and meet us!
Long Trail Day 2021 – August 28th
Our team Kingdom Express had a great day hiking Jay Peak. With intermittent showers at the summit we decided not to continue to Rte 105 and instead we all hiked a one of the ski trails down to the base where Paul had left his truck. We also were able to introduce ourselves to the Northern Frontier Section who were set up for Trail Magic at the junction of Rte 242 and the Long Trail.
August 9th
It was a short notice call to ride instead of hike. Two members (Barb and Gordon) met me (John Predom) at the train station in Island Pond where we admired the new bicycle repair stations. Then we drove to a parking area on South America Pond Road and rode our bicycles to South America Pond and beyond. The whole trip was only 6 or 7 miles.
July 31st
Brighton Trail Day was a huge success! Not counting volunteers (which there were many) we had 26 hikers sign up for hikes. Below are a few of the moments captured.
April 11, 2021
March 8th, 2021
February 21, 2021
On Sunday, we met at the new Mad Brook Trailhead (1/4 mile above the old trailhead) to snowshoe to the summit of Bald Mountain. Beth Barnes, Cathi Brooks, Paul Trojano and John Predom (me) were in high spirits to see each other and hike together. The trail had not been broken in a while and in places there was no evidence of a trail. We made it to the summit in good time.
February 5, 2021
Our Volunteer Membership Coordinator Beth Barnes did an interview on NEK VT Rocks. Watch the full interview here.
December 29, 2020 – Mt. Hor Hike in Willoughby State Forest
Tuesday John Predom led a spontaneous group hike to the summit of Mt. Hor with side hikes to the overlooks. The turnout was good with just one short of the maximum hike number of 10. We were all happy to see each other and though spread out there was lots of conversations along the way. This hike required a large parking area as we had to meet at the trailhead. We hiked the CCC road to the Herbert Hawkes Trail with a round trip total of 6.8 miles.
October 31, 2020 Golden Road Hike in Victory, VT
Saturday Paul Trojano led a hike on the Golden Road Trail. This hike was dedicated to the memory of Jean Haigh who passed one year ago on this same hike. Memories of her filled the day.
October 18, 2020 Hike to Headwaters Camp
Sunday Michael Chernick led an official section group hike on the Unknown Pond Trail to Headwaters Camp. A wet and snowy hike up Middle Mountain with Michael Chernick, Bart Selle , Hope Crifo, Paul Trojano, and Fred Raymond.
September 26, 2020 Westmore Challenge
Saturday we assisted Northwoods Stewardship Center by ensuring the trails were in good condition and volunteering for other tasks. A few familiar faces were seen during the day!
September 20th & 25th Hadsel Mares Wood Stacking
We had exceptional turnout for the volunteer wood stacking scheduled at Hadsel Mares Camp on Wheeler Pond. Seasoned wood needed to be moved and stacked before 4 cords of green wood could be stacked. Good conversation and spirits made the days fly!
September 1st Bald Mountain via Mad Brook Trail
An impromptu group hike to the summit of Bald Mountain happened on Tuesday 9/1. Cathi and I had a meeting with Luke in Island Pond and quickly sent out a Facebook notice for a group hike. Jocelyn and Jeff joined us for this beautiful day hike. The rocks were slippery and the wind was howling at the summit. Jocelyn was the only one to brave the tower.
August 25th Cow Mountain Work Day
On Tuesday August 25th Linda Hunkins and I joined Dusty May and the Northwoods Stewardship crew to assist with trail work on the Cow Mountain Trails. We spent about 2 1/2 hours brushing the trails.
August 20th Bluff Ridge Hike
On Thursday I was invited by Darryl from the GMC Burlington Section and Phyllis from the GMC Montpelier Section to hike the Bluff Ridge Trail. We did a car drop at the Bluff Community Trailhead and then headed to the Unknown Pond Trailhead. The hike took us a good share of the day with a 45 minute stop for lunch.
August 18th Belvidere Solo Hike
On Tuesday Jill hiked to the summit of Mt. Belvidere. She had invited people to join her on Facebook but had no takers so made solo hike and took lots of photos. Here are a couple that she posted.
July 22nd Cow Pond Trail Loop – Granby, VT
On Wednesday July 22nd a small group of GMC NEK’ers met at the clubhouse in East Burke, VT and carpooled to the Cow Pond Trailhead in Granby, VT. We followed GMC protocol for carpooling wearing masks, riding with the windows down and two per car. During the hike we stayed a safe distance and same during breaks. The loop is about 5.4 miles if you take all the spur trails to Cow Pond, Little Cow Pond, and the summit. There was plenty of bear and moose signs and then the old growth forest. The Back Loop Trail is not maintained and can be challenging to follow, especially in the beaver dam area where the puncheons have been relocated by flooding. It was a spontaneous group hike that was much needed.
June 7th & 8th Bluff Ridge Trail
Kevin Williamson, Luke O’Brien, Susan Peters Winsor and John Predom divided the Bluff Ridge Trail into sections from Unknown Pond Trail to Bluff Mountain Trail and went to work doing maintenance. Blowdowns were removed, waterbars were cleaned and repaired, signs and markers were inspected and other trail work. Another great day in the woods!
Kevin was lucky to see a young moose!
1/2/19 Following Christopher Rice’s walk about on 10/15/19, our hike will be along the trail heading south from the lower east side of Umpire to the lean-to, with an option to continue on further. A fairly gentle terrain on an old wide trail, Approximately 4 miles round trip. It is connected briefly with a KT trail, from my recollection from number of years ago. Trail head parking is off the Granby Victory road, off of 114 to the first height of the land on the right. Not marked,
We will meet at the East Burke Club house/library at 9 AM. Parking is available there. We will car pool to the trail head. Please bring plenty to drink and food. We can lunch at the old lean-to. Please confirm with me at, prior to 7 AM on 11/2. We hope you can make it.
10/12/19 Moose Mountain-Mt Hor-CCC Road Traverse. Meet at 8:30 AM at the CCC Road parking area, Shuttle cars over to the Moose Mountain Trailhead. Moderate to difficult hike. Approximately 7 miles. Please bring plenty to drink, your food, Headlamp, just in case, and dress for the weather. This is always a fun hike, with a quick side trail to the Moose Mt, overlook.
Please DO confirm with me at jhaighvt@gmail,com., or 586-9637 or on our FB page, Hope you can make it!!!!
Start time will be 8:30 AM, not 8 AM. Watching the weather!
Come Join us!
The NEK Section will hold its Quarterly Meeting on Saturday, October 5th, at the Burke Mountain Club and Community Library in East Burke. Note this is confirmation that we will be meeting in East Burke rather than at the Wheeler Pond. We will, however, have a morning work session at Wheeler Pond to stack wood for winter, followed by a couple of short hikes.
Here’s the plan for the day (times approximate; work session and hikes weather dependent):
9 am–Gather at Wheeler Pond for a wood-stacking work session. Bring work gloves, water, wheelbarrow and snacks.
12 PM ish – After the work session, we plan to hike in the nearby restored Westmore Town Forest trails and the new Sentinel Rock trail, both rather short and easy. All fairly flat, approximately 4 miles all together, Both such fun. And only 3 miles part.
4 pm–NEK Section Executive Committee meeting, Burke Mountain Club and Community Library, 368 Route 114, East Burke
5 pm–Potluck supper, please bring a dish to share, dessert or something to drink
6 pm–General meeting, much to discuss.
Please confirm with Cathi <> or Cathi Brooks at Cathi, or Jean Haigh at <>.
9/22/19 – Moose Mountain-Mt Hor-CCC Road Traverse. Meet at 10 AM at the CCC Road parking area, Shuttle cars over to the Moose Mountain Trailhead. Moderate to difficult hike. Approximately 7 miles. Please bring plenty to drink, your food, Headlamp, just in case, and dress for the weather. This is always a fun hike, with a quick side trail to the Moose Mt, overlook. Please confirm with me at jhaighvt@gmail,com., or 586-9037, Hope you can make it!!!!
Change of plans!! Sunday, 9/15/20 – the newly restored trails in Perry Holbrook State Park. Not to miss. We will go up the stairs to the O’Leary Overlook and O’Leary Leap, named for our member, Ed O’Leary, who helped make this park possible. Beautiful view and grand granite stairs, new bog bridges and one really fine bridge! For those of you who have already hike the trails prior to the restoration, You will be amazed. We will meet at the interior parking area at 10 AM, hike the loop. Maybe 3 miles, A good hike up and around. Bring water and a snack.There is the big state park sign is now on route 122, Hard to miss Please let me know at, or 586-9637.
The Moose/Hor traverse hike will be on 9/22
9/7/19 Please join us, for the now, 2nd annual hike in to the mysterious and haunted Brunswick Springs, in Brunswick Vermont. An easy walk in the woods, up a very short hill overlooking the Ct. River.
Followed by, a lovely 2 mileish RT on the accessible woods trails and the beautiful Moose Bog boardwalk. Perhaps we won’t disturb the bird watchers this time, or maybe yes?
Other options could follow if you want a bit more hiking, along the Nulhegan behind the Refuge.
For those further south, meet at the East Burke Club House at 9 AM, and for those north, meet in Island Pond at 9:30 AM behind the old railroad station.
Contact, Paul @ paul.r.trojano @ or Jean at or on this FB page!
Stay tuned for September 14- Moose Hor Traverse.,
September 7th: Please join us for the now second annual hike in to the mysterious and haunted Brunswick Springs in Brunswick Vermont. An easy walk in the woods and up a very short hill overlooking the Connecticut River.
This will be followed by a lovely 2 mileish roundtrip on the accessible woods trails and the beautiful Moose Bog boardwalk. Perhaps we won’t disturb the bird watchers this time, or maybe yes?
Other options could follow if you want a bit more hiking, along the Nulhegan behind the Refuge.
For those farther south, meet at the East Burke Club House at 9 AM, and for those north, meet in Island Pond at 9:30 AM behind the old railroad station.
Contact, Paul@ paul.r.trojano @ or Jean at
Saturday, 8/10/19. Perry Holbrook State Park, 10 AM. Checking out the new work on the overlook/summit trail by the State Park’s work crew, We will do the loop, with some bushwhacking following the flaglined trail. About 3 miles altogether, easy to a bit moderate uphill, We can also take in Mud pond as well. Snack at the leanto. Hope you can make it. Please confirm on the FB page, or with me, jhaighvt@gmail,com. New State Park sign on Route 122.
Sunday, August 18, Cow Mountain Pond Trail in Granby — Change of date. Recently, restored trail by Northwoods Stewardship Center crew. Including some side trails with a view and a new bench, up to five miles, easy to moderate. We will meet at 10 AM at the East Burke Clubhouse. Please confirm on this FB page or with me at
Long Trail Day Hike. August 3, 2019 – Hike 9.3 miles from Route 242 to route 105. Meet at the trailhead on Rte 242 at 8 AM. The hike consists of three peaks, including Jay Peak, Doll Mountain and Burnt Mountain, ending at Rte 105. Bring plenty of water, food and your headlamp. Water is fairly scarce on this section of the LT. This is a moderate to difficult hike. We will be spotting cars at both ends. Please confirm with John Predom, trip leader at or
For the shorter hike, please join Jean Haigh, Rte 242 to Jay Peak summit and return. Approximately 3 miles RT. Moderate. Meeting at 8 AM at the 242 parking area, LT trailhead at 8 AM. Please confirm with Jean Haigh at
We hope you can join on or the other hike on the Green Mountain Club’s Long Trail Day, celebration. We look forward to hearing from you.
7/27/19 SAVE THIS DATE!!! Summer meeting on Holland Pond at Lenny Targonski’s Camp. Bring your kids, a guest, your dog!!!!!
9:30 AM Hike to lean-to or to the pond. Or Kayak ,canoe or swim.
12:30 PM Pot luck, including Lenny Targonski.s fabulous cheese cake. Bring a dish to share, salad, dessert, drinks, (bee/wine ok)!!
1:30 PM Meeting with a robust agenda, much to talk about! Agenda to follow
2:30 PM, Kayak, etc
July 7, 2019- The Long Pond loop in Perry Hollbrook State Park, an easy, mostly flat terrain on an old trail. There will be some bushwhacking, toward the southern end. We will hike up on the hill into the hardwood forest to avoid the marshy area and the many fallen spruce on the trail. Not many of our friends and members have been on this trail, except Christopher, Cathi, and Susan A. Moore, Christopher and I GPS’d it a few years ago in hopes the trail would be restored. We will meet at 9:30 at the PHSP parking area. Temperatures in the 70’s and less humidity. Bring plenty of water and something to eat. Around 3 miles.
Please confirm with me by email, Hope you can join us. Please let me know if you need directions.
June 22, 2019, KHL opening Celebration,
HEADS UP -Please note, this is still somewhat of a draft!!!
KHL Guided Hikes – Six
A work in progress
!. Gore East. moderate to difficult, 5.3 miles RT, from Lewis Pond Overlook in the Conte Wildlife Refuge, Steve Agius and Scott Machinist
2. Bluff Ridge, south, moderate – from 114 up Pine Brook Road (gated) to trailhead to south summit, 5 miles RT., Luke O’Brien and CJ Hill
4. Bluff Ridge Extended, difficult, from 114 up Pine Brook Road (gated), to trailhead to Bluff Community Trail and down to parking area, one way. Cody Sayers and Jon Cox (Ross Stevens?),
3. Bluff Ridge, easy to moderate. north to Unknown Pond trail, from 114 up Pine Brook Road (gated) to trailhead. 4.4 miles, one way to Sweet Tree Parking area. Jean Haigh and Ed O’leary
4. Bluff Community Trail, from parking area, 3.3 RT, moderate, Tina Primo Heck and Jeff Heck
5. Middle Mountain Traverse, from Sweet Tree Parking off 114 area, moderate to difficult, 6.7 miles one way to Gore parking area on 114. Dusty May and Jonathan Gilbert.
6. Gore Trail to summit cabin, from 114 parking area. difficult, 8 miles RT. Alex and Trevor
We will need to spot cars and still working on transportation.
2, Wheeler Pond Camps!! The Beaver Dam demolition date: 6/25.The GMC crew will be there.
The cabin is down and on the ground. Our work will consist of carrying the camp rubbish up the hill to the dumpster. All the asbestos was removed last summer.
We need to know how many can come and on what days. This will require a strong volunteer turn out. The more the merrier. This is in anticipation of building the new camp next year.
Please let us know on this FB page or by email. This message will also be sent to all our NEK members We apologize that his is happening in the middle of our KHL celebration.
3. Work Day in preparation for the KHL opening ceremonies. Meet at Island Pond this Saturday, 6/8/19 at 8 AM. It is anticipated that we will do the north facing side of Middle Mountain, from the summit to Split Rock. This may change to something on the Bluff Ridge. We will update this tomorrow. No matter which section, we will do some trail work this Saturday followed by the open house, celebrating NWSC’s 30th anniversary, for those who want to attend.
So much going on!! Open Beaver Dam camp sketch below
Beaver Dam Cabin sketch color.pdf
Save This Date!! Next up: 5/25/19 – Middle Mountain north face checking out condition of the trails, both lower Gore and Middle Mountain. A little over six miles round trip!. Easy to moderate. Could be a bit of snow at the top. A little trail work as well, so bring clippers and your small hand saws, if you have them. Not required. We are really scouting out the condition of the trail in anticipation of our June 22nd celebration/.
This is a fairly long hike, so bring plenty of food and drink. This is where we began to cut our trail, July 11. 2011.
We will meet at Island Pond, RR station at 9 AM and car pool to the trailhead, Dress for the weather. Please contact me at – or 802-586-9537 or Cathi Brooks at or 802-626-8742. We hope you can make it.
Next weekend — two exciting adventures for the NEK section. 5/18/19 & 5/19/19
1. Saturday, May 18, volunteer day for KHL, our new trail. to prepare for our June 22nd grand opening. Meet at 9 AM, Island Pond. Bring clippers, loppers, rakes or hoes. We need your help. This trail belongs to us all. Your presence will surely be appreciated. Luke will join us.
2. Sunday, May 19, Annual, to be, traditional, post Mother’s Day wildflowers hike. Perry Holbrook State Park. Bring your camera, a lunch, something to drink. We will snack the at the lean-to, that is not a lean-to. Out and back to Mud Pond or up and over. The stairs will not be covered in ice this time around. Meet at 10 AM at the regular parking area. We had some wonderful pictures the last time. Let us know!! Directions will be posted!!!
3/9/19 – Save this date: March 9, 2019!! Hike to Headwaters Camp on Unknown Pond Trail. Goal- shovel snow off the roof, and clean the camp interior. We will meet in Island Pond behind the old railroad station at 9 AM, This is a moderate hike to beautiful Unknown Pond, see our cover photo, 3 brook crossings, hopefully frozen and will use the new portion of the trail, that we cleared last year. No need to bring shovels. Please bring plenty of food and drink and dress for the weather.Please confirm with me,, or Paul at or Cathi at Hope you can make it!
2/23/19 – Saturday – Hike the Kettle Pond Loop in Groton State Park. More specific details to follow,
Trail description for Kettle Pond Trail, Groton State Park.
Kettle Pond Loop Trail.
3 miles, 2 1/2 hours. Effort Rating: Easy.
This trail goes around a secluded lake. The trail leaves the parking
lot off VT Rte. 232. At 0.2 miles, portage trail to left ends at dock on
pond. Stay right for Loop Trail. On the south side of the pond, the
trail is rocky and may be wet. The trail ends at Kettle Pond State Park.
Elevation Change: 1443 feet – 1477 feet
Directions and Parking. Club House hosting rug hooking event, so no parking. Meet at the park and ride RT 2 exit , middle exit for St J, on left at 9 AM left, continue on RT 2 past the RT 2/ Rt 15 Exit, Turn left on to Rt 232. stay on Rt 232 to Kettle Pond trail on the right. There is a parking, though not sure it has been plowed out. Meet there between 9:45 and 10. Jean, will becoming from Craftsbury, so if anyone want to car pool with me, let me know. Please confirm with Susan Peters Winsor on our NEK FB page or by email, or me at jhaighvt@gmmail,com. Hope you can make.
2/13/19 A message from Cathi and Jean
The NEK Section of the Green Mountain Club is seeking additional hike leaders for our many hikes available in the NEK. We have many seasoned and experienced hikers among us. We would love it if you might consider becoming a hike leader for the NEK Section. Hike distances can vary and can be easy, moderate, or difficult in nature.
Hike leaders are volunteers, not professional guides. There is no formal training or certification, but the willingness to learn and lead! We do encourage co-leading. It is an excellent way to gain leading experience.
Cathi and/or Jean are available for support, questions you may have, or co- lead with you. We are in the process of preparing a list of suggestions for volunteer leaders to use. We will provide trail maps should you need them
We have, as you have seen from Kevin’s hike list, multiple opportunities for excellent hiking in the NEK for all levels. As we continue to expand our membership, it has become clear that we need more hike leaders!!!!
We are grateful to our members who are already leading Thank you!!!
Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you. Contact Cathi at or Jean at
Our hike in the Victory Basin is on for this Saturday, We will meet at the parking area on the River Road, near the foot bridge. For those coming from the Burke area, we will meet at 9 AM at the club house and car pool over. For those coming from St. J, please see directions below. Temperature in the low teens, so please dress for the weather and being plenty of food and drink.It is a 7 mile round trip to the cabin and back, while fairly flat, it is long. We will all meet up by 10 AM at the designated parking area on River road, Can’t miss it. Please confirm with me at Snowshoes required.
Directions: From St Johnsbury, drive east on US Route-2 11.4 miles. Turn left onto Victory Rd/River Rd and continue to. plowed parking on the left. The Victory/River Road is typically passable by all types of vehicles, but it is a gravel-surfaced town road and drivers should expect winter driving condition. Hope you can join us!!!
This Saturday, January 12th, we will be having our Winter meeting of the NEK section of the Green Mtn. Club. We will meet at Lenny Targonski’s camp on Holland Pond at 11 am and then take a walk/snowshoe in the Bill Sladyk Wildlife Mgmt. Area, It will be cold! so bundle up! At 12:30 we will meet back at Lenny’s camp for a potluck. Please bring a dish to share. Our meeting will follow
From Island Pond,114 to 111, 111 to right on Valley road to right onto Holland Pond . Turn right onto South Shore Road, camp is about a 1/4 mile down on left. DO NOT go to fishing access.
From Derby: 111 to Holland Pond Road, then follow directions above
Please contact me Cathi Brooks,,802-626-8742, or Jean Haigh,, 802-586-9637 if you have any questions & to let us know if you will be coming
Hope to see you there!
Sunday 1/6/19, please join us Perry Holbrook State Park (PHSP). 3 to 4 mile hike, easy, with one moderate climb to the overlook, on the newly relocated trail, with large stepping stones, Possibly going to the summit. Three beautiful ponds all connected to each other. Off of route 122 in Sheffield, just beyond the Glover town line, We will be parking in Roland Woodard’s large driveway as the road into the park is snow covered with 3 downed trees. Directions: from Lyndonville, route 122 west to the height of the land, then 1.2 miles down on the big curve and the first driveway after the school bus sign on the right, From Glover on 122, directly over the Sheffield town line, Left turn onto the first driveway on the left. just before the big curve, There are no signs for the park. I will have two sticks with yellow flagline stuck in the snow at the driveway. Meet at 10 AM, This is a lovely area and a fun snowshoe and/or microspikes, Hope you can make it, Please confirm with me at or 586-9637 or on this FB page, Weather looks good.
1/1/19 Haystack Mountain Cathi Brooks and I are leading a 1st day hike on Haystack Mountain, We will meet at the Long Pond trailhead at 10 AM, and walk to the start at the south trail.considering the road walk, 3+ miles. This hike has beautiful overviews of Long Pond, Lake Willoughby and Bald Mountain and is considered moderate, with a few tricky areas. Snowshoes and or microspkies..We will be watching the weather. Please confirm with Jean Haigh at or Cathi Brooks at
Saturday 12/1/18, Headwaters Camp, Unknown Pond Trail, Middle mountain Trail, and Norm’s unofficial trail to the camp on Unknown Pond. 5.2 miles round trip. Meet at Island pond, 9 AM, and we will carpool to the trailhead. Hard to know what the conditions will be, snowshoes, or microspikes or just plain hiking boots. Bring plenty to eat and drink and dress for the weather. Please confirm with me at Hope you can make it!! Moderate hike.
Headwaters Camp hike, scheduled for this coming Saturday, 11/17/18 has been rescheduled until after deer season, 12/1/18. After a thoughtful conversation with Luke O’Brien, it was thought best to wait until deer season was complete, out of respect for the hunters, where there are many in the Kingdom Heritage Lands. Sorry about that. Stay tuned for a possible road walk this coming Saturday. Thank you for your understanding. Jean
Stay tuned. Next Saturday, 11/17/18. Hike up to check on Headwaters Camp on beautiful Unknown Pond. Route – Unknown Pond, Middle Mountain to Norm’s trail. And Norm may even be there. 5.2 miles round trip. Moderate. Meet at 9 in Island pond. Wear bright orange, middle of hunting season. Dress for the weather, bring food and drink. I will wear orange this time!!!!! Please confirm with me at
Sunday, 10/7/18. Lewis Pond Overlook to Gore Summit Cabin. Trying again. Join Angela Smith, Jill Lillis and me for a nice jaunt on the new Gore Extension Trail. Approximately 5 miles round trip. Moderate with some steep areas. Meet at the old RR station in Island Pond at 9 AM. Bring plenty to drink and eat. We will drive in off the Henshaw road into the Conte Wildlife Refuge to the overlook. We hope you can join us!! Please confirm on our FB page, or contact me at
Join us next Sunday, 9/16, Hike Mt. Elmore. From the main. lower parking area, about 5 miles round trip. Moderate to difficult in the steep rock section. to the firetower. Beautiful views. Can see Middle and Gore mountains from the tower. For those wanting to car pool, meet in Hardwick, at the Tops and Rite Aid parking area on Route 15 at 9 AM. Otherwise, meet at the park at 9:45 in the lower parking area across from the beach. Park fee is $4 a person. Alternatively, you can park next to the Elmore Town Hall, for free and walk the parking area. Hope you can make it, Contact me, at to confirm.
Sunday – 9 AM – Perry Holbrook State Park. An easy three mile hike, past three beautiful ponds. On 122 in Sheffield, just over the Glover border and one mile down on the right, coming from the height of the land from Sheffield. There will be two stakes with yellow flagline at the entrance. There is no sign. And if all goes well, we just might have an Angela and Brooke sighting!!! Please join us. Contact me at
8/25/18 – Hike Mt. Pinnacle which is located in Baldwin Mills, Canada. Documentation required to enter Canada as well as to re enter the United States. We can meet at the Irving gas station in Derby Line just across from the US Custom station at 10 AM,
Mt. Pinnacle is at an elevation of 2,215 ft —-it’s an intermediate hike of approximately 2 hrs in length time wise and just 3.1 miles in distance. A rather slow and easy pace with many places to stop and rest will result in a picturesque summit. Call at 802-584-3073, Lenny to confirm.or contact Jean at or on our FB page. A great family hike at an easy pace many children as well as adults will enjoy.
August 11, 2018 – hike from Lewis Pond overlook, in the Silvio Conte Wildlife Refuge (USFWS) to Gore Mountain Summit.
Here is Luke‘s description: “The new trail from the Lewis Pond Overlook extends a total of 2.3 miles to the summit of Gore Mountain. This includes 0.4 miles of open VAST trail and approximately 1.5 miles of freshly cleared trail. The remaining 0.4 miles is under construction this week and may/may not be cleared by this Saturday (although it is well-marked with ribbon). The lower hobblebush areas have all been cleared; the upper trail is mostly spruce and fir of various age with occasional (sometimes frequent) blowdowns- especially near the summit. There is a rough path through this area and you should have no problems finding the route. It enters the woods at the height of land on the VAST trail just before you reach the WH/USFWS boundary. It is marked in orange.”
This is the Gore Mountain Extension Project, approved by the GMC Trails Management Committee, this past spring. This is a great opportunity for us to explore new territory of trails in the Kingdom, Moderate to difficult. Meet at 8:30 AM in IP behind the railroad station and we will car pool to the refuge, Bring plenty of water and food. Please confirm with me at We hope you can join us. A hike with beautiful views
7/28/18, Saturday. Perry Holbrook State Park – 10 AM. An,easy, beautiful 3 mile round trip past three pristine ponds and lovely woods. Meet at trailhead off route 122 below Sheffield Heights, just before the Glover town line. I will put out two prominent sticks with yellow flagging tape at the the junction of the woods road in. Going east the woods road on the left and going west, on the right. This hike is just above Bread and Puppet. Trip leader, Jean Haigh, Please confirm with me at This is one of our favorite hikes.
8/4/18 – NEK/GMC’s Summer Meeting on Holland Pond, at Lenny Targonski’s welcoming camp. The day will be a busy one with two options for the morning, so please read carefully
Option one – Meet at Lenny’s camp at 10 AM, for an easy hike in the Bill Sladyk Wildlife Management Area, about 3 miles to a pond or lean-to on the Canadian Border, led by Cathi Brooks.
Option two – Meet at Island Pond behind the railroad station at 8’00 AM to do trail work on the new trail, from the VAST trail to Unknown Pond Trail/Middle Mountain junction, the northern portion of the Bluff Ridge Trail. Trail work will be on about .45 tenth of a mile. This trail has already been cut, but needs, clipping,raking and hoeing to improve the treadway. This will count as volunteer time as required by the grant. Bring your own, rakes or hoes. About 2.5 hours We could get a lot down with with a just few of our members, The more the merrier!! Led by Jean Haigh
Pot luck at 12:30. PM =We will supply both meat and vegetarian hamburgers and hot dogs. Please bring a tasty dish. salad or desert.
Meeting at 1:45 PM.
Please feel free to bring your kayak and/or bathing suit. Great swimming or kayaking on the pond. Stay the day.
Please confirm with Cathi at or Jean at, or on this FB page. Hope to see you there, This is always a fun meeting.
Saturday, 7/21/18. Hike Mount Manadnock. A five mile round trip to the fire tower. A moderate, though relentless climb. Beautiful views of the White Mountains and the Nulhegan Basin, with Bald in the distance. Meet at 9 AM in Island Pond behind the old railroad station and we will car pool to the trailhead. off of 102, directly across from the Ct. River. Bring plenty to drink. Trip leader is Cathi Brooks. Please confirm with Cathi @ or on our FB page. Plan for a long day. We hope you can join us.
Saturday, July 7, 2018, Please join us for a seven mile hike over Moose Mountain, up Hor and down the CCC Road with a few beautiful overlooks. Moderate to difficult hike. We will meet 9 AM at the CCC Road parking area. leave a car or two, then head over to the Moose Mountain Trailhead, on Wheeler mountain road. and hike from there. Please bring plenty of water!!! And, hope it is in the 70’s. Please confirm with me at or on this FB page. Hope you can make it. Thanks!
CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: On Monday, June 25,2018, the final section of our trail, an 18 year effort, will begin from Pine Brook all the way to the Bluff Community Trail in Island Pond. When finished, the trail will go from Gore Trail, to Middle Mountain Trail to Bluff Ridge Trail, with the Unknown Pond side trail, for a total of over 13 miles. The Green Mountain Club and the Northwoods Stewardship Center (NWSC) have collaborated together with a grant from Vermont Department of Forest and Parks (FPR) to complete this work, hopefully by Fall!
We are reaching out to all of our NEK/GMC members and our hiking friends, to consider volunteering a few hours of trail work between now and until the end of summer. While we are suggesting Tuesdays, Any day of the week may be possible. We are working closely, with Luke O’Brien, Recreation Specialist, with FPR, formally with NWSC, whose work has been guiding us though out this project over the years.
Should you be interested in volunteering, and I sincerely hope you will be, please contact me, Jean Haigh at, or Cathi Brooks at or Luke O’Brien @ This is an opportunity not to miss, in one of the most remote areas in Vermont. And, to be able to work on a brand new trail in the wilds of the Northeast Kingdom. This will not be heavy work, and we will supply the tools!! A big thank you to FPR and the Weyerhauser Company on whose land we travel. .
Sunday June 24 – Hike Mount Monadnock- This approximately 5 to 6 mile moderate hike will lead to the top of Vermont’s Mount Monadnock in Lemington. From the summit’s rebuilt fire tower, hikers will enjoy extensive views of the state’s most northeasterly corner and into Quebec. Meet at 9:00 A.M at the Island Pond train station parking lot. However, please call leader to confirm that you are coming. Leader Michael Chernick 802-249-0520 or
6/16/18, Saturday, join, Cathi Brooks and me, for the 5.3 mile loop on the CCC road and Bartlett Mountain road. Great 2 mile uphill, in the beautiful Willoughby State Forest with the iconic overlook to the lake, We will meet at the CCC Road Parking area off route 5a at 10 AM. Weather looks good. Approximately 2.5 hours for hike. Please confirm with Jean at or Cathi Brooks at
Stay tuned for Michael‘s hike on Manadknock on Sunday, 6/24 and for the Moose to Hor down the CCC road traverse, on June 30. with Jean Haighand Cathi Brooks leading, Details to follow.
Saturday, 6/9/18, Brunswick Springs , a short hike into Brunswick Springs, once known at the 8th wonder of the world, a place of mystery, haunting and healing waters, with history back to the Native Americans. This will be followed by a mystery hike, that could include a hike to Notch Pond, the Conte Wildlife Refuge trail behind their headquarters, or the new boardwalk in the moose bog. We will meet at 10 AM in Island Pond, behind the old railroad station and carpool from there. People wishing to car pool from East Burke, can meet at the clubhouse at 9:30 AM. Paul Trojano, will be trip leader. Please confirm with me at or Cathi Brooks at, if you plan to meet in East Burke first. Hope you can join us
5/27/18 – Hike to Headwaters Camp on the Unknown Pond Trail. Meet in Island Pond, behind the old railroad station at 10 AM and carpool to the trailhead across from the Hurricane Road. This is a moderate hike, just under 5 miles round trip, Unknown pond, is featured in our group photo above, One of our favorite destinations. Hope you can make it. please confirm with me at Thanks!
5/20/18 Second annual wildflower walk this Sunday at Perry Holbrook State Park at 1 PM in Sheffield off of Route 122, The woods road is open now, so we can park in the parking area by the gate. Wild flowers are in full bloom, If you need directions, please contact me. There is no sign on the road. I will place flags on visible stakes on 122. Please confirm with me, at Hopefully we can do the whole route to the lookout and to the summit of Big Rock Hill.
The Friends of Willoughby State Forest invite you to join us this Saturday, 5/19/18 for a walk on the CCC Road in Willoughby State Forest. This is approximately a four mile loop around the CCC and Bartlett Mountain Roads. The snow is gone and the gates will be open by Saturday. We will meet at 10 AM at the CCC Road parking area, 5a. Spring flowers are blooming everywhere. Please confirm with me at by 2 PM on Friday. Hope you can make it, Thank you.
Save these dates: May 19 CCC Road Loop (Jean Haigh), May 20 Perry Holbrook State Park annual wildflower hike. (Jean),
June 9 Brunswick Spring (Paul Trojano), June 16 South America Pond (Jean Haigh), June 24 Monadnock (Michael Chernick)
Next Meeting: Saturday August 4)at Lenny Targonski’s camp at Holland Pond. A morning work hike on Bluff Ridge will precede the meeting. Details to follow!
Annual meeting of the Northeast Section of the Green Mountain Club! Meet at 10 AM on 4/14/18 at the East Burke Club house, for a five mile road walk loop, with some beautiful views of Burke and Kirby mountains and of the valley below. Weather now calls for snow, so wear appropriate clothing, Approximately, a two hour walk.
A pot luck at 12:30, with the annual meeting immediately following. Please bring a dish, dessert of beverage to share. The agenda will include, progress on our Bluff Ridge Trail, the extension of Gore Trail down to Lewis Pond in the Conte Wildlife Refuge, the Kirby Overlook Trail, (known as Kevin‘s Trail) and an update on Beaver Dam. Lots to talk about. Please let us know if you can make it — We hope you can!!! or
Saturday, 2/24/18 – A fairly easy hike in Victory Basin on an old woods road to connect to the original bog trail to the old dam. Around three plus miles. Meet at Damon’s Crossing on the right on the River Road at 10 AM. We will car pool up to the trailhead on Victory Hill Road. From Burke, 114 to the Granby Road, Right on to the River Road to Damon’s Crossing, From St.J, take Route 2, to North Concord and turn Left on the Victory Road, which becomes the River Road to to Damon’s Crossing. Not sure of what the conditions will be, so come prepared. This is a beautiful area,with a variety of wildlife. Some of the best birding in Vermont, but not quite now. Friendly dogs welcome. Contact, Cathi Brooks at or Jean Haigh at or 586-9637. A lot of history in this hike!!
Heads up all!!! 1st day hike is being rescheduled to 1/7/18, 10 AM at the South Beach parking lot, due to less than favorable weather conditions.for Monday. -9 degrees and wind chill of 37 below. Please take note – Ami English, Paul Trojano, Sarah Miller, Tina Premo Heck, Cathi Brooks, Lynn Masure, Deb Lefaivre, Kevin Williamson, Angela Smith, Janet Steinert and anybody else who had been interested. North wind, coming off Lake Willoughby can be bone chilling.
On January 1, 2018, I will be leading a 1st day hike for Vermont Forest Park and Recreation and the Northeast Kingdom Section of the Green Mountain Club. Please join me for a hike on the South Shore Trail in the Willoughby State Forest. A fairly easy hike along the shoreline with a beautiful view of Mt. Pisgah. Then a small up hill out to the Overlook and back on the upper trail. About a three mile loop. We will meet at the South Beach parking area. Please bring snow shoes and/or microspikes. Dress for the weather and bring food and drink. Maybe a two + hour hike. Please confirm with me –, or at 586-9537. Thanks.
11/24/17- North Branch Trail and, Moose Bog trail and overlook. First hike will be on the North Branch along the Nulhegan River. Beautiful and wild, 4 mile loop, ending on an old woods road. Flat, though may need microspikes,
Second hike, Moose Bog, could be up to 3 miles, flat, and a known habitat for the endangered and protected Spruce Grouse. A stunning bog and a birder’s paradise.
Meet at 10 AM behind the Island Pond Railroad Station. We will car pool to the trail heads. Please bring food and drink and appropriate clothing, including orange or red. Still hunting season. Please confirm with Beth Barnes at or Jean Haigh at or 586-9637. Hope you can join us, Supposed to be in the 30’s.
Saturday 12/3/17 – Gore Mountain Hike– Leaders – Michael Chernick (802-249-0520)/ & Jean Haigh (802-586-9637/
Meeting Time & Place – 8:30 AM at the Island Pond Train Station parking lot. This is an 8 mile difficult round trip that may be either a snowshoe or hike depending on the conditions.
Reaching the summit will depend on time and conditions. Please bring food and hot beverage and be prepared for an all-day hike.
Please call one of the leaders by 9:00 PM Saturday evening if you plan on coming to the Gore hike/snowshoe
Leaders – Jean Haigh (802-586-9637/ & Cathi Brooks ( or 626-8742)
Saturday, 10/21/17, there will be a Bluff Mountain hike in collaboration with the Brighton Recreation Department. We will met at 9:30 AM behind the old Railroad Station. then carpool to the trailhead for a 10 AM start. The NEK/ GMC is hosting the hike and we will have a table with goodies, maps and conversation. There will be two options, A short hike to the first trail junction or the hike to the summit and overlook. Around almost 3 miles round trip, moderate with some short steep sections. A lovely walk in the woods with a beautiful view! Weather looks good and fairly mild. Hope you can join us. Please contact Jean Haigh, at, 802-586-9637 to confirm. Thank you!
October 7, 2017 : Save this date! Fall meeting of the NEK/GMC Section. Wheeler Pond Camps annual wood stacking extravaganza, lunch, meeting and a hike of your choice – Wheeler Mountain, Moose overlook or a Wheeler Mountain road walk. Wood stacking at 9:30 AM. Four cords to be stacked in the upper woodshed. No carrying down to Hadsel/Mare camp. Sterling College will do that on 10/4 with the dry wood in bay 3. Anyone wanting to help out the Sterling students. you would be welcome, Thank you Sterling College. Lunch/meeting from 12 to 1:30. Hikes will begin around 1:30. We will be using the Beaver Dam picnic table as guests will be at the H/M camp. This is an any weather goes event unless torrential rain. The wood arrived a couple of weeks ago. Please bring food to share, gloves, drinks an clothing appropriate to the weather. This is an all hands on deck event. We need your help. We always have a great time We always have a great time. Please confirm with me Jean Haigh–, or Cathi Brooks – 802-626-8742.- Or on our FB page. Hope we see you there.
9/17/17 – Brosseau and Averill Mountains – Brooke and I will be leading two small hikes on Sunday, September 17th. Brosseau Mountain (1.6 miles round trip, 600ft gain). Also, if everyone has time and is in good health we’ll hike Averill Mountain as well (1.4 miles round trip, 500ft gain). Please bring appropriate clothing, food and plenty of water. We will meet in Island Pond at 10:00am behind the old train station. We will car pool to the trailheads. Please confirm with Angela Smith at or Jean Haigh at or on FB. We cant wait to see you all.
8/20/17 – Gore Mountain. Please join us for an 8 mile round trip hike to the summit of Gore Mountain. This is a moderate, though somewhat long hike, a favorite of our NEK hiking community. Please bring appropriate clothing, food and plenty of water. We will meet in Island Pond at 9;30 AM behind the old train station. We will car pool to the trailhead. Hope you can join us for this classic and somewhat remote NEK hike. Please confirm with Michael Chernick, trip leader at, or 802-249-0520 or Jean Haigh at or 802-586-9637. We look forward to hearing from you.
We need your help. If we get this done, we could be at Bluff mountain summit by next year. I would be one happy camper. Let us know who can make it
Those who are not going to Bluff Ridge, our summer activities, hikes, swim, what ever begin around 10:30. Great food, Summer meeting begins at 1 PM ish!!! Some important info on Section, Camps, Bluff Ridge.
Please do let us know if you can attend one or both event. Contact Cathi Brooks –, or Jean Haigh, at, 586-9637
Save this date!!! June 3, 2017, Work day on Bluff Ridge. Volunteer opportunity for NEK/GMC folks and friends, to join Luke O’Brien and Jean Haigh on a flagging lining, and maybe some clipping, day on the next phase of our trail building from Unknown Pond Trail to the Bluff Ridge and maybe Pine Brook Road. Eventual goal, Summit of Bluff Mountain. This is an area most of you have not had the opportunity to traverse. Beautiful undulating and fairly open terrain. Actual trail building will commence in July, with a Northwoods crew. We will meet in Island Pond, behind the old railroad station. Please let us know if you could join us, here on FB, or at or or This will be a very fun day!!
2/18/17 – Hike to Headwaters Camp on Unknown Pond, This is a 4.6 miles round trip hike. Moderate to difficult as we may have to break trail. This is a call out to our NEK volunteers as we will need to shovel the snow off of the roof. The shovel and ladder are at the camp.
This a beautiful and fun hike to a classic hunting camp on the headwaters of the Nulhegan River. Please dress for the weather and bring plenty of food and drink.
We will meet at Island Pond at 9:30 AM behind the old railroad station. and carpool to the trailhead. Please confirm with me Jean Haigh at or 802-586-9637, or on our Facebook page. Hope you can make it.We need your help!!!!!
2/11/17 – Holland Pond Hike, 9:30 AM. Please join us for an easy hike around the pond to an old lean-to, Then, if time permits, a hike up and over to Beaver Pond, directly on the Canadian border. We will be in the Bill Sladyk Wildlife Management Area. We will probably cover around 4 or so miles of fairly flat terrain. We will meet at Lenny Targonski‘s Camp on Shore Road at 9:30 AM. He will have the fires going and the camp all warm for us. Bring food and some to share if you want, as we will have late lunch back at the camp. Directions, from Derby, take Valley Road to Holland Pond Road, to Shore road. From Island Pond, take 114 north, to 111, to Valley Road, to Holland Pond Road. Lenny‘s camp is about a 1/2 mile down Shore Road, You will see cars parked there. Dress for the weather and bring plenty to drink. This is always a fun time and great for kids as well. Please confirm with me, Jean Haigh at, or 802-586-9637, or on our Facebook page. Hope to hear from you.
Hike this Sunday, February 5th, 2017. Christopher Rice Leader.
Wheelock Mountain: Roughly 6 miles round trip. The hike will be on an old logging road. It is uphill on a mild slope 95% of the way and a slightly steeper slope to the summit ridge. There is an existing snowshoe track so there should be minimal (depending on prior days weather) ‘breaking trail’. The downhill is entirely suitable for plastic sleds, so bring’em if you got’em.
We will meet at the kiosk on Stannard Mountain road. The kiosk is a the crest of the road as it passes between Stannard and Wheelock mountains. Meeting time is 9:30 am. Bring snowshoes, food, water,and clothing suitable for winter. The weather forecast is now calling for 19 degrees and light snow. Expect to be out at least 4 hours – you might want a thermos of hot tea.
Stannard mountain road is plowed and sanded but is nonetheless worth being cautious when driving. My phone is 802-748-0460. Keep a look out on this page for any changes due to weather conditions. I’m looking forward to a fun hike. Or email at
With details to come, here are the dates of upcoming hikes, so please stay tuned.
2/5/17 – Stannard Mountain, Wheelock. Christopher Rice, Leader
2/11/17 – Holland Pond, Lenny Targonski
2/18/17 – Unknown Pond Trail to Headwaters Camp, Jean Haigh, Leader
3/4/17 – Perry Holbrook State Park, Sheffield, Jean Haigh, leader
Join Kevin Williamson for a hike on the Kirby Mountain ridgeline. Meet at 10 AM at the Clubhouse to car pool. This is a great hike, to include an exploration of the ridgeline. Include some bushwhacking. Moderate to difficult. Approximately 4 to 5 miles. Please dress for the weather, and bring plenty of food.
Please plan to attend the meeting, as we have much to discuss. Possible funding for this summer’s (2017) work from Unknown Pond trail to Bluff Ridge, Pine Brook Road. A call for NEK member volunteer support on this project. We are getting there, slowly but surely. Next year, maybe all the way to Island Pond.
The is always great food, really good company and a good time. Hope you can make it. Please confirm with Luke O’Brien,, or 802-723-6551 or Jean Haigh, at 586-9637 or
1/7/15 — NEK GMC Winter meeting at the East Burke Club House. Potluck at 5 PM, meeting at 6 PM. Hike on Kirby Mountain.
This is already a better snowshoe season than last year.…
Kevin Williamson added 5 new photos to the album: Steam Mill Brook WMA.
Last year at this time, I was hiking on bare ground in Island Pond of all places. Today’s outing offered a much more promising start to the current snowshoe sea…
I think I just found my new default hike for the winter.…
Kevin Williamson added 5 new photos to the album: Marshfield Mountain.
I scouted out an approach to this bushwhack many years ago, but never followed up on it. After seeing John Compton‘s post from April 29th of this year, I decide…
Back at the Ide Mountain Drive track today the NEK Snowshoe Expeditionary Force (Non mittigant nenias) went looking for a place to cross the South Wheelock Branch stream. We went in on the road about 1/10 mile and then turned easterly into the wood. Following that heading through a thick young hardwood we eventually came to the stream. We turned north, northwesterly at this point. The stream was swollen from the weekend rains, iced over in some spots but nowhere did we see a point to cross safely. Eventually we came to our track from yesterday and headed back to the truck. It was a nice day to be out in the NEK.
Today the NEK Snowshoe Expeditionary Force (Non mittigant nenias) went off from IDE Mountain Drive. We were looking for a route to get up the south face of Wheelock. We followed that road to a junction and headed easterly down slope until butting into the South Wheelock Branch. We found the spot where the logging road went across the stream at one point, but there was no way of crossing today. We turned easterly for a while and then headed south until crossing our track on the road. Great views to the east and south. You could see Burke and Kirby mountains to the east and the Whites in the far distance to the south. the snow was crusty from the rain over the weekend but easy to snowshoe. We had a grat day out in the NEK.
The NEK Snowshoe Expeditionary Force (Non mittigant nenias) went of from the top of Sherburne Road in Wheelock today. Clear sky, new snow, and 8 degrees below zero at the kickoff. We headed north, northwest until crossing an old logging road running east-west. Turning easterly, we followed it for about 1.5 miles and came to a cabin. Turned around at this point and followed a small ridge westerly until crossing our track and got back to the truck. Nice powder underfoot and that quiet stillness only found in the deep cold. It was a great day to be out in the NEK in good company.
Parked the skis for a day and slowed it down a bit, went romping around in Roosevelt National Forest.
Wishing all of the NEKGMC section members and all of our followers on Facebook, warm and merry holidays. Lots of great snow out there and it is getting time for our winter hikes with snowshoes, microspikes, and maybe some back country skiing off Mount Hor in the Willoughby State Forest. Stay tuned for upcoming hikes. Some very interesting possibilities for volunteer work on the next phase of “OUR” trail this summer. More to come!
The NEK Snowshoe Expeditionary Force (Non mittigant nenias) back out yesterday to the logging road across from the kiosk on Stannard Mountain Road. We brought our snowshoes this time. Someone used our track from last Friday making it easy going as we went in about 2/10 mile and then turned right into the wood. We followed along the north side of Ide Mountain down into the bowl. It was simply a beautiful day to be on a walkabout. We went far enough to get a got look at Wheelock Mountain which will be the site of most of our walks this winter. It might be under 3000 feet elevation but it holds considerable challenge for old school snowshoeing. We turned north and made our way upslope through mixed woods until crossing our track and heading back to the truck. It was a great day to be out in the NEK in good company.
The NEK Snowshoe Expeditionary Force (Non mittigant nenias) went out in SNOW today. We went out along the Stannard Mountain Road and parked at the kiosk between Stannard and Wheelock mountains. Walking up a nearby logging road took us northeasterly in 18-20” of new powder. It was snowing and the trees were decorated with snow. Neither of us expected to need snowshoes today but we had little trouble without them. Russ called elder privilege and let me break trail. It was…
Tuesday, 12/27/16 — Hike the North Branch Trail along the Nulhegan River in the Conte Wildlife Management Area. A fairly flat, easy and fun 4 mile loop along side the river which is very beautiful in the winter. We will meet at 10 AM in Island Pond behind the railroad Station. Probably, micro spikes or showshoes. Please dress for the weather. Please confirm with me, at, or 586-9637 or on this FB page. would love to see a good holiday turnout with old NEK friends and others. Check this out — Ami English, Angela Smith, Christopher Rice, Bart Selle, Edmund Guest, Luke O’Brien, Paul Trojano, Beth Barnes, Deanna Shea Baker, Janet Steinert, Kevin Williamson, Lenny Targonski, Jeff Manning, Jeffrey Helms, Cathi Brooks, Jennifer Schoen, Jennifer Woolard, Cherie Lowry, Kristin McLane,Andrea Geremia Kane, Jon Williams, Catherine Holm, Timothy McKay, Michael Chernick and anyone else I may have forgotten, or might be interested.
Also, NEK Section winter meeting – 1/7/17 at the East Burke Clubhouse in East Burke, 5 PM, Pot luck and meeting at 6 PM. Lots to talk about. Details to follow.
10/15/16 – October 15, 2016–NEK Section Fall meeting and Annual Wood stacking extravaganza!!! Where, Wheeler Pond Camps on Wheeler Mountain Road. Meet between 9:30 and 10:00 AM at the camps. Only two cords of wood this year with the closing of Beaver Dam Camp. Sterling College students volunteered and took the dry wood from the upper wood shed to the lower woodshed. Should go quickly. Please bring sturdy gloves. We also need to trim around Beaver Dam Camp, as it is disappearing under the high weeds and baby trees. So, please bring clippers, loppers and weed whackers if you are able. Meeting/lunch around 12 Noon. Bring your own lunch with something to share. Followed by hike up the new and through the woods, Wheeler Mountain trail (4.4 RT) or alternatively, hike up to the Moose Mountain overlook to the pond or beyond.. Hike start time around 1 or 1:30 PM. some members of the Camps Committee may be joining us as wall as new Staff member, Kristin McLane. NEK members, Sheila Bergin Goss and her husband Duncan are staying at Hadsel/Mare Camp and have graciously offered its use. Hoping they will join us. Agenda to follow.This is always one of our very fun days together. Heads up all —Luke O’Brien,Cathi Brooks, Kevin Williamson, Michael Chernick, Beth Barnes,Jon Williams, Ami English, Angela Smith, Christopher Rice, Martin Haselton, Deanna Shea Baker, Bart Selle, Judy Anastasia, Paul Trojano,Jeffrey Helms, Mollie Klepack, Jocelyn Hebert, Andrea Geremia Kane,Andrew Bouchard, Janet Steinert, Karin Ash, Pam Kennedy, Timothy McKay. Jerry Phillips, or membership coordinator has retired from his position. A big thank you for 12 years behind the scenes Jerry. SO, if I have forgotten anybody, I am sorry. Please bring guests, kids and most importantly, Belle, the Jack Russell Terrier, our mascot.
SAVE THE DATE — 10/15/16. Fall meeting of the NEK Section of the Green Mountain Club. Where–Wheeler Pond Camps. Wood stacking at 9:30:AM. We will only have two cord to stack, Students from Sterling College will be volunteering on 10/5, to take the upper shed dry wood down to the Hadsel/Mare woodshed and stack the dry wood there. We will be stacking only be two cords of green wood in the upper shed on the 15th. Given our fabulous stacking ability, two cords should be a piece of cake. We will have a pot luck lunch combined with our fall meeting. Then, take a hike on the new Wheeler Mountain Trail, built by the Northwood’s crew., probably 4.4 miles round trip. See fantastic views of Lake Willoughby. NEK Section member Sheila Bergin Goss and her husband and their Paddle Dogs,are staying at the H/M camp and will join us. If raining, they graciously offered to have us join them in the camp. This is one of our very fun times as a section. Please bring something to share for the pot luck, definitely gloves, a couple of wheelbarrows, and clippers and rakes to clean up around the camps. I will put out another announcement closer to the date. Some members of the GMC Camps Committee may join us as well.
Saturday August 13, 2016 — Hear ye, hear ye, after conferring with Kevin, we will be doing a work day on the lower Middle Mountain Trail, from Split Rock to log landing. The trail is gravely overgrown in three places — the log landing, with jewel weed over my head, the next section where trail follows the old logging road, with brambles and assorted high weed to the big stairs, over my head, and the flat area just before split rock, young spruce, balsam and weeds, again, over my head. We will meet at the railroad station at IP at 8:30 AM and car pool to the Gore trail head. We can split into groups of two or three for each section. First section is an easy mile and a half from the Gore Trail head. Bring clippers, weed whackers, powered or otherwise, hand saws, Also, plenty to drink and probably rain gear. We really need your help. If you can volunteer for this work trip, it would be greatly appreciated. Please confirm with me at 586-9637 or at We should be done by noon or one at the latest.
Sunday August 7 – Hike the most northern leg of the Long Trail, starting from the Journey’s End parking lot (1,350 feet). Proceed 1.3 miles north on the Journey’s End Trail, past Journey’s End Camp, to the terminus of the Long Trail (2,100 feet) at the Canadian border. Then hike south for 2.6 miles on the Long Trail over Cartleton Mountain (2,670 feet) to the Route 105 Long Trail parking lot (2,150 feet). Meet at 11: AM at the Route 105 Long Trail parking lot. This hike involves a car spot between the two parking lots. The Route 105 parking lot is located on the north side of the highway, 5.2 miles west of Route 101 (near North Troy) and 7.4 miles east of Route 105A (near Richford). Please contact leader: Michael Chernick (
JULY 16, 2016 – Please join us for the summer meeting of the Northeast Kingdom Section of the Green Mountain Club on Saturday, July 16, at Lenny Targonski‘s camp on beautiful Holland Pond, in Holland Vermont. We will meet at the camp at 10 AM for hikes around the pond as well as to Beaver pond, Round Pond and Duck Pond, or the snowmobile trail in the Bill Sladyk Wildlife Management Area, We will have swimming, fishing, canoeing or kayaking. Lunch will be around 1 PM. We will provide hot dogs, hamburgers and veggieburgers. Please bring a salad, or desert or a beverage to share. The meeting will follow lunch. Directions will follow and signs will be posted. Please confirm with with Luke O’Brien at, or 802-535-6900, or Jean Haigh at or 802-586-9637. We hope you can join us. It is always a good time and very informal.
Sunday 7/3/16 – Ok, hike from Moose Mountain trailhead to Mt Hor, down CCC Road is a go for Sunday. We will meet at 8 AM at the parking area for the CCC Road/Mt Hor off route 5 at 8 AM. We will car pool to the Moose Mt. Trailhead. This hike is approximately 7 miles or a little more. Moderate to a little difficult. Supposed to be sunny/windy and in the 70’s. Bring plenty of water to drink, food and dress for the weather. Great hike with a side trail to Willoughby and to Hor overlooks. Will send email as well. Hikers – Beth Barnes, Martin Haselton, Ami English, Angela Marquis,Jeff Manning, Christopher Rice, Cathi Brooks, Deanna Shea Baker, and anyone else who might want to join us. My phone is 802 586-9637 and email,
1 Seeking raffle donations from local businesses ie- an overnight at a local inn, a day pass to Q Burke or Jay. maple syrup,etc.January 10, 2016 – NEK?GMC Winter Meeting. One of the agenda items for our winter meeting is planning for the Green Mountain Club Annual Meeting, 6/10-11/2016 at Lyndon State College. The NEK Section is hosting the event. Would love it if NEK members and/or Facebook followers could attend the 1/10/16 meeting, or at least provide input via email prior to the 1/10 meeting with suggestions, ideas, etc. We are looking for volunteers prior to the June meeting as well as volunteers during the two days. Types of support needed are listed below:
2. Manning the registration desk, Friday evening and Saturday Morning About 130 GMCers usually attend, including staff.
3. Trip leaders for hiking, biking and kayaking/canoeing,
Examples for leading —
a, Kayaking – Long Pond, Lake Willoughby, Crystal Lake, Wheeler Pond, Round Pond
b. Biking – Route 5, 16, 5a and 5 around Lake Willoughby and Crystal Lake. Or 114 to 105 to 5a to 5. Kingdom Trails in East Burke.
c, Hiking – Long Pond Trail, Haystack, Wheeler Mountain, Moose Mtn., Mt. Hor, Pisgah North and South, Perry Holbrook State Park, Bluff, Unknown Pond Trail to headwaters Camp, Unknown Pond Trail, Middle and Gore loop,trails behind the college, or the CCC road walk 4 mile loop in the Willoughby State Forest.
Hope to hear from you either by email, or, FB post or by phone, 802-586-9637. This is a great opportunity for club members and friends to get to know our part of the world, the Northeast Kingdom. So, any support you can give our section in hosting the GMC Annual meeting would be greatly appreciated
Thank you!!
January 9,10, 2015 Winter Meeting
Please join us for the Green Mountain Club Northeast Kingdom Section’s (NEKGMC) winter meeting Sunday, January 10 at the Burke Mountain Clubhouse in East Burke Village. The meeting will take place in the morning–10am–and include a potluck brunch. A moderate outing in the Burke Mountain area (Burke Mtn/CCC Road/Kirby Mtn) will follow. All are welcome; we hope to see you there! Contact for more information.
Is this December the warmest on record? Does your driving experience this month feel more like mud season? No worries the Northeast Kingdom Expeditionary Force (Non mittigant nenias) will find provide you a photographic snow experience.
Last week (7 December) we were out circumnavigating Wheeler Mountain (2,371 ft.). Yesterday we were out in the same area trying to find a spruce tree that Russ remembered coming across on a walkabout many years ago. “This tree should be e…
On the height of the land for Unknown Pond Trail with GMC, FPR, Plum Creek and Fish and Wildlife.
Warren’s Gore, End of the hike with Dave’s special. A relly fine day.
Annual Partners Hike Unknown Pond Trail to Headwaters.
What a difference a year makes. This time last December the Northeast Kingdom Expeditionary Force (Non mittigant nenias) was out in deep snow on Kirby Mountain looking for granite quarries. We were out this today for a walkabout but without snowshoes.
We’ve been out on the northwest flank of Wheeler Mountain in Barton-Westmore several times. The last expedition to the area was during the great blizzard of ‘ought 14. We had better weather this time which was fortunat…
Great pictures Sheila, of one of our favorite places. Love the Gnome Stairs.
Sheila Bergin Goss added 11 new photos.
Great first trip to Hadsel Mares GMC Wheeler Pond Camp….we’ll be back next month, and hopefully will be doing some snowshoeing!
Checkout East Mountain from the comfort and safety of your home.
Saturday, November 7th, the GMC-NEK section went out for a hike. Luke O’Brien, the section president, took lead of the party of six (Michael, Tom, Chad, Jeremy, Russ, and Chris) assembled at the Island Pond railway station in a cold north wind under a threatening sky.
Gore Mountain in Avery’s Gore is 3,332ft in elevation. The trailhead is in Norton, VT along the east side of Rt-114 on the north end of Norton Pond. The white blazed trail is about 4 miles to the summit (3…
Tom Wagner added 3 new photos.
9 mile hike. Gore Mt in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. Our fearless leader Luke O’Brien. Rain,wind, sun, 30’s at the summit. It was fabulous. Good group of 7. 3332 ft.
Saturday, November 7, 2015 Please join us for a hike up Gore Mountain, 8 miles round trip, moderate to difficult. We will meet behind the Island Pond Railroad Station at 9 AM and carpool to the trailhead. This is a long hike, so please bring plenty to drink and eat, dress for the weather and always bring a head lamp. Trip leader is Luke O’Brien, Please contact Luke to confirm at or 802-535-6900. Hoping you can make it.
NEKGMC Fall meeting, 10/3/2015 with wood stacking day at the Wheeler Pond Camps, with hike up Moose Mountain following, 5 miles round trip with beautiful views of Lake Willoughby and Fall meeting at 5 PM. . We will meet at 9:30 AM at the camps and work til 1 or 1:30, the the hike. The meeting will take place at the East Burke Club House, with and Executive Committee meeting at 4, potluck at 5 and meeting at 6. The agenda will include planning for hosting the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Green Mountain Club at Lyndon State College.. Please confirm with Luke O’Brien at 802-723-6551 0r, or Jean Haigh at 802-586-9637, or jhaighvt@gmail,com.
NEK/GMC members and friends, we could sure use your help in stacking the winter wood for the camps as well as cleaning up around the camps.. Would love to see more volunteers turn out. Many thanks.!!
NEK Section to host Annual Meting of GMC. We will also be encouraging our members to volunteer their time for helping with the Annual Meeting of the Green Mountain Club, June 10 & 11, 2016 at LSC. Activities to consider are: hike leaders, bike leaders, canoe/kayak leaders, registration, raffle, greeting, etc, etc. we are reaching out to members and friends early, because 6/10/16 will be here sooner than we think. There will be about 130 members and staff attending. Thank, you.
MT Monadnock (VT) – Sunday September 20 A shared hike with the Montpelier Section. An enjoyable hike in the state’s far northeastern corner. Hike Mt Monandnock in Lemington. Steady ascent includes trail walking and old logging road in the middle of the hike. Great views of the Kingdom, northwestern NH, and into Quebec from the restored tower’s observation deck on the summit. (5 + miles). Meet at Island Pond rail station parking lot at 9 AM. To confirm please, contact Michael Chernick 802-249-0520, or Jean Haigh, 802-586-9637 or
Gore Mountain – Monday September 7- Labor Day. Join a shared hike with the Montpelier Section the to summit of Gore Mountain in Avery’s Gore. First half of hike features a relatively gradual ascent, and second half includes a significantly steeper section, but without any rock scrambling. Cabin and old fire tower site on the summit, with intermittent views along the entire trip. Bring plenty of food and water. (8 miles). Meet at Island Pond rail station parking lot. Contact Michael Chernick 802-249-0520, or Jean Haigh 802-586-9637 or
August 16 2015: Unknown Pond Trail, Middle Mountain Trail, Gore Trail. Please join us for a seven plus mile hike on the recently completed Unknown Pond Trail, to celebrate the Phase One completion of the Green Mountain Club’s Corridor Management Plan for the Kingdom Heritage Lands (former Champion Lands), The NorthWoods Stewardship Center, Kingdom Corps and trail director Luke O’Brien, have built a beautiful new trail through lovely woods to join the Middle Mountain Trail. I know, I hiked it Saturday, 7/25. The trail loop could be considered moderate to difficult, given the distance, but worth every mile of it. We will meet at 8:30 AM behind the old railroad station in Island Pond and spot cars at the Unknown Pond and Gore Mountain trailheads. Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring plenty of food to eat and liquid to drink. Depending on time, we may take a quick side trip down to Unknown Pond. Please confirm with me — or by phone – 802-586 9637. Would love to see a big turn out to celebrate the new trail and completion of Phase One. I hope you can make it. Thank you, Jean
MT Monadnock (VT) – Sunday September 20 A shared hike with the Montpelier Section. An enjoyable hike in the state’s far northeastern corner. Hike Mt Monandnock in Lemington. Steady ascent includes trail walking and old logging road in the middle of the hike. Great views of the Kingdom, northwestern NH, and into Quebec from the restored tower’s observation deck on the summit. (5 miles). Meet at Island Pond rail station parking lot. To confirm please, contact Michael Chernick 802-249-0520, or Jean Haigh, 802-586-9637 or
Announcing the completion of the relocated Unknown Pond trail to Middle Mountain trail on Friday, 7/17/15. A major achievement by the Northwood’s Kingdom Corps marking the successful completion of Phase I of the Green Mountain Club’s Corridor Management Plan. A big thank you to the crew and to Luke O’Brien, Director of Trails for NWSC. The trail is open to hike, but no trail signs or blazing yet. You will be able to hike a 7ish mile loop from Unknown Pond Trail, Middle Mountain Trail to Gore trail and out. or do the reverse. I will be posting a hike next week for hopefully the first weekend in August. Stay tuned.
July 7, 8, 2015, Unknown Pond Trail — Great volunteer opportunity for NEK/GMC section members and all others interested. You are invited to join Luke O”Brien, NEK Section president and Northwoods Trails Director and the Conservation Corps trail crew, working on the relocated Unknown Pond Trail to the Middle Mountain Trail. When completed by the end of July, we will have a six plus mile loop over Middle Mountain to Gore Trail and out. I am so excited to see this portion of our trail finally realized!! I was lucky enough to bushwack the flagline and do the loop. You will love it!! Please consider participating and work alongside the trail crew. For information, please contact Luke O’Brien, 802-723-6551, 802-535-6900, or We hope you can make it one or both days. Your help will be greatly appreciated. I will be there as well. Thank you, Jean.
July 11, 2015 — NEK/GMC Summer Meeting on Holland Pond. We will hold our summer meeting at Lenny Targonski’s wonderful camp starting at 10 AM, with hikes, swimming, bring your own kayaks, paddle boards or canoes. Cookout at 12:30 PM, Meeting at 1:30 Pm. We will provide hamburger,(veggie as well), and hot dogs and rolls. Please bring, something to share, i.e., salads, desserts, drinks, etc. I will post directions to Lenny’s next weekend. Please contact me at or 802-586-9637. Hope you can make it. A beautiful spot!
6/7/15 – Gore Mountain Hike on Gore Trail. Please join us this coming Sunday for a hike up Gore Mountain. This is an 8 mile round trip, moderate in difficulty, though sometimes fairly steep.We will visit the old, and somewhat decrepit fire warden cabin at the top, hoping to restore it in the nearish future. Please dress for the weather and bring plenty of water and food. Some nice views into Canada and to the south on the way up. We will be meeting in Island Pond behind the old railroad station at 9:30 AM and car pool to the trailhead. Michael Chernick is the trip leader. Please confirm with Michael Chernick at, or 802-249-0520 or Jean at 0r 802-586-9637. Looking forward to seeing you there.
5/24/15 – Hike Haystack Mountain – Meet at 9:30 AM at Long Pond Trailhead parking area for Bald Mt. Hike will be a 3.2 mile loop including the connecting road. Easy to moderate. Steep down hill on the north side.Three beautiful overlooks. Please bring plenty of water and food and dress appropriately for the weather. Steve Farrow is the trip leader and he will be doing a little trail maintenance along the way. Feel free to help out. Please confirm. Contact Steve at or Jean at 802-586-9637 or We hope you can join us. This is a fun hike
Upcoming hikes:
5/24/15 – Haystack, Steve Farrow
6/7/15 – Gore Mountain, Michael Chernick
6/13/15 – GMC Annual Meeting, Waterbury, Willem Lange speaker
7/6/15 – Middle Mountain trail building with NWSC crew. NEK volunteers needed.
7/11/15 – Summer meeting at Holland Pond, Lenny Targonski’s Camp
More hikes will be/could be added between now and Summer meeting. Hope all of you out there can join us. Open to all.
5/9/15–Perry Holbrook State Park. Please join us this coming Saturday for a fairly easy hike with a possible moderate hike up Big Rock Hill. We will have a few options, ie visit all three beautiful ponds, hike to the summit of Big Rock Hill and or hike around Long Pond and have lunch at the shelter. We will be doing a spring walk through to check on the conditions of the trails and to see if our flag lines made it through the winter. We could be there 2 to three hours. We will meet at 10 AM at the parking area. The park is located on Route 122 in Sheffield, just east of the Glover town line and on the north side of 122. The woods road is open and dry as of today, (5/3), but there is no sign for the entrance and probably won’t be. Please check with me for directions. Also, bring something to drink and eat and dress for the weather.I will have yellow flagging tape tied on the school bus sign. This is an absolutely beautiful place with a history to be shared. It was donated to the state of Vermont in 1991. Please confirm with me,Jean Haigh at 802-586-9637 or Hope you can join us.
PLEASE NOTE: The Bald Mountain spring work hike on April 26, 2015, will be rescheduled til later this spring, due to difficult trail conditions on both Long Pond and Mad Brook trails. Possibly May 17. Stay tuned.
The May 9th hike on Perry Holbrook State Park in Sheffield will be changed to Saturday, May 9th because of Mother’s Day. Starting time is at 10 AM. Details and directions to follow.
Special Notice:
Please try to attend. We would love to see your support for our trail work on the Kingdom Heritage Lands. Thank you!
Listed below are a few of our upcoming hikes and activities. Specific details will be posted later so stay tuned.
4/26/15 – Bald Mountain work day, Luke O’Brien, Jean Haigh. Ami English
5/9/15 – Perry Holbrook State Park. Jean Haigh
5/24/15 – Haystack, Steve Farrow
6/7/15 – Gore Mountain, Michael Chernick
6/13/15 – GMC Annual Meeting, Waterbury, Willem Lange speaker
7/6/15 – Middle Mountain trail building with NWSC crew. NEK volunteers needed.
7/11/15 – Summer meeting at Holland Pond, Lenny Targonski‘s Camp
More hikes will be/could be added between now and Summer meeting. Hope all of you out there can join us. Open to all.
3-28-15– NEK Section of the Green Mountain Club will hold its 2015 annual meeting on March 28 at the East Burke Club House.
The meeting will begin with a potluck at 5 PM, and the general meeting at 6 PM. There will be the election of officers and a talk with Lou Bushey, Forest, Parks and Recreation. Lands Stewardship Forester, to discuss the role of FPR, easements, oversight, partnership, & trail maintenance/adopters and creating a friends of Wiloughby State Forest .Bring any questions or comments you might have for this discussion. Bring a dish or dessert to share. As usual, there will be an executive committee meeting at 4 PM.
Prior to the meeting, a great hike, See details below:
Despite some very cold temperatures, we still had a respectable turnout for our first official outing to Kirby Mountain. Under more favorable circumstances, I suspect we could have easily doubled our attendance. With that in mind, we’re offering a second chance on March 28th to those of you who expressed an interest in joining us, but couldn’t make it on January 10th.
This 2,750 ft. peak, which is located directly south of Burke Mountain, offers some excellent views from a rock outcrop near its summit. The total round trip distance for this hike should run between 5 and 6 miles, with an elevation gain of 1200 ft. I hope to include a side trip to the east summit, which we had to skip last time around.
Contact Kevin Williamson at or 802-222-5951 for carpooling information. After the hike, please join us for a potluck dinner (5PM) and our annual meeting (6PM) at the East Burke Clubhouse. (The executive committee will also meet at 4 PM.) Meet at the East Burke Club House at 10 AM.
Hikes and events in January Other hikes will include Perry Holbrook 1/3//15, Holland Pond, 1/24/15
1/3/15 – Perry Holbrook State Park
Please join us for a spirit of the moment hike at Perry Holbrook State Park in Sheffield, off route 122. We will meet at 10:30 AM on this Saturday, 1/3/15, parking at Roland’s house. Hike will be 2 to 3 hours. Very hard packed snow, can walk on top, so poles, microspikes (or equivalent) or snowshoes a must. Please dress for the conditions, bring food and drink. Please contact me to confirm and for directions at 586-9637 or My first hiking outing in awhile since broken humerus. It may be a slowish hike!!!! Hope you can make it. We will have fun no matter!
1/10/15 – Hike to Kirby Mountain
Some of us discovered a very pleasant surprise while hiking Kirby Mountain last winter and we’d like to share it with the rest of you on January, 10th. This 2,750 ft. peak, which is located directly south of Burke Mountain, offers some excellent views from a rock outcrop near its summit. The total roundtrip distance for this hike should run between 5 and 6 miles, with an elevation gain of 1200 ft. Just for the record, no bushwhacking is required as our entire route will be confined to a network of logging roads. Please contact Kevin Williamson at or 802-222-5951 for carpooling information.
After the hike, please join us for a potluck dinner (5PM) and our quarterly meeting (6PM) at the East Burke Clubhouse.
1/10/15 – NEK Section Winter meeting.
Update on January 10th NEK/GMC meeting. Please save this date. Mike DeBonis, GMC Executive Director, will be joining us for our winter meeting at the East Burke Clubhouse, starting with a potluck at 5 and meeting at 6 PM. Among other items on the agenda, we will be discussing the GMC and its relationship to the sections as well as an update on the GMC’s purchase of the Headwater’s Camp on Unknown Pond in Avery’s Gore, to include discussion on camp management with input from the NEK section members. This is an important meeting, so please plan to attend if you are able. This is an opportunity to share ideas. The meeting will follow the hike to Kirby Mountains.
10/25/14 – NEK Section- wood stacking, hike and Fall meeting.Please join us this Saturday for the annual wood stacking event at the Wheeler Pond Camps from 10 to 1, This year we will only be stacking wood in the upper woodshed. Luckily for us, a service group from UVM will be hauling the wood down to the Hadsel/Mare woodshed and stacking there. Thank you UVM. An optional hike up Wheeler Mountain or Moose or a Wheeler Mountain Road walk through beautiful Willoughby State Forest, 5 miles round trip at 1:30 PM. The fall meeting will be at the East Burke Club House, with an executive committee meeting at 4 PM, delicious pot luck at 5 PM and meeting at 6 PM. Hope you can make it. Always good food, company and sometimes lively discussion. Make sure you bring work gloves and plenty of water. We will be planning our hikes for the rest fall and through January and beyond.
10/12 -Please join us for a hike to Headwaters Camp on Unknown Pond and then on to the newest section of Trail coming down west side of Middle Mountain. We will approach the camp from the Henshaw Road to Gore Camp. Gate may or may not be open. If closed, it will add an extra mile. Weather looks good, 50’s and partly cloudy. Please wear orange or red as it is moose hunting season. Bring plenty of water and food. Moderate, 5 +/- RT. Meet at railroad station, Island Pond at 9 AM. Please confirm with me at or call at 802-586-9637. Hoping you can join us. Hoping GMC staff will join us as well. Thank you!
1. 10/5 – Shooting Star Shelter on Long Trail. 5 miles RT. Moderate. Meet at parking area on Rt. 105 at 10 AM. Steve Farrow leader. Details to follow.
2. 10/12 – Headwaters Camp to newest section of Trail coming down west side of Middle Mountain. Moderate, 5 +/- RT. Meet at railroad station, Island Pond at 9 AM. Details to follow.
3. 10/18 – North Branch trail, Nuhegan, Conte. On Rt. 105. easy 3.7 miles along the river. Meet at railroad station at Island Pond, 10 AM. details to follow.
4. 10/25 – 4. 10/25 – Wheeler Pond Camp work day, stacking wood, 10-12:30. hike up Wheeler Mountain, 1 PM, Fall NEK section meeting, 5 PM, East Burke Club House, Potluck and meeting. Details to follow.
August 3, 2014, Gore Mountain hike, Join us next Sunday, 8/3/14 for an 8 mile round trip up Gore Mountain. Moderate to difficult. Old fire warden cabin on summit,No fire tower. This is a great hike. You will need to bring plenty of water,and food and probably bug dope and clothes for the weather. We will meet at 9 AM at the railroad station in Island Pond and car pool to the trailhead. Michael Chernick is trip leader. Please confirm with Michael at .or 902-249-0520, or me at, or 586-9637. Hope you will join us.
NEK Summer Meeting, July !3, Wheeler Pond Camps.
The NEK Section of the Green Mountain Club’s summer meeting will meeting will take place at the Wheeler Pond Camps on Sunday July 13th., The hike will start at 10:00. We will be exploring the western side of Wiloughby State Forest on old CCC roads. Or bring your kayaks or bathing suits. The BBQ will have hot dogs,veggie burgers and hamburgers. Lunch at one, general meeting at 2:00 pm. Bring weather appropriate clothing,water and a side dish or dessert. Please let me know at 586-9637 or before noon on Saturday so we will know how much to buy. Hope to see you there, Jean
June 7 & 8 2014, Wood stacking dates at the Wheeler Pond camps, both Saturday and Sunday starting at 10 AM. Come one day or two. What ever you can would be appreciated. We have over 200 followers on the GMC NEK Facebook page, We would love to have you join on a hike or as a volunteer if you haven’t already. Thank you!!!.
5/18/14 Please Note, due to forecast, this hike has been changed to Sunday!!!!1
Sunday, 5 Five mile round trip, easy road walk on Saturday, 5/18 10 AM on Wheeler Mountain Road. See the boiling springs and the climbing cliffs. Dress for the weather. Please confirm with me at 586-9637 or at
April 5, 2014 Please join us for a hike around Perry Holbrook State Park of route 122 in Sheffield this Saturday.We will meet at 1 PM, parking in Roland Woodard’s driveway. This will be an easy hike for around 2 to 2 1/2 hours, around the ponds, to the lean to and maybe up to the summit of Big Rock hill. Weather looks iffy but we will try. Please dress accordingly to the conditions, still a whole lot of snow in the woods. Snowshoes a must. The NEK Section will then hold its annual meeting, starting with Executive Committee at 4, potluck at 5 and meeting at 6, all at the East Burke Club House. Cheryl will not be presenting her Patagonia slides, as she has a meeting with her new job folks at the Randolph Mountain Club where she will be the field supervisor this season. Please confirm with me at 586-9637 or Hope you can make one or both events, the hike and the meeting!! Call for directions.
Middle Mountain, 3/9/14 — Yet another snowshoe hike for you to join. Please join us this coming Sunday to hike Middle Mountain. This is a 7 mile round trip, fairly difficult hike to the second summit of Middle Mountain. We will meet in Island pond behind the Railroad station at 9:30 AM and car pool to the trail head. At this time, the weather is supposed to be around 30 and partly cloudy. Please dress warmly, but able to layer. Bring plenty to drink and eat. The trail past Gore Junction may not be broken and to be on the safe side, bring microspikes if you have them. Trip leader is Steve Farrow. Please confirm with Steve at or with me at 586-9637 or Hoe you can make it, Thanks, Jean
3/2/14 – Mad Brook trail.Here we again for a hike up Bald Mountain is Westmore on the Mad Brook trail to the beautifully restored Bald Mountain cabin and fire tower. This is a moderate, 5 mile round trip. Please dress warmly, as the temperature is supposed to be in the low to mid teens. Bring plenty of food and water and/or warm drink. We will meet at the parking area at the north beach of Lake Willoughby at 10 AM and car pool to the small parking area near the trailhead. Beautiful views from the tower. Snowshoes should work as the snow is deep in the Kingdom. I always bring
microspikes just in case. Please confirm with me at 802-586-9637 or at I look forward to hearing from you, Jean
2/16/14 Greetings All. Please join us for a hike to Headwaters Camp on Unknown Pond on 2/16/14. This hike is about a 5 mile round trip. The first mile is fairly steep then flats out for the remainder of the hike. This is always a fun hike in a beautiful and remote area. We will be shoveling snow off the roof. The shovels are there. Please dress for the weather and bring food and drink. The forecast predicts in the 20’s and partly cloudy. Given the snow cover, snowshoes should work, though I always have my microspikes handy. The Green Mountain Club is in the process of purchasing the camp.Meet at the railroad station in Island Pond at 10 AM. Please confirm with me at or 802-586-9637. I hope you will join us. thanks, Jean
2/2/14 – North Branch Trail, Please join us for a beautiful hike o the new North Branch tail along the Nulhegan River in the Conte Wildlife Management Refuge this Sunday, 2/2/14. We will meet at 9:30 AM in Island Pond behind the railroad station and car pool to the trailhead.This is an easy 3 + mile loop along the river. Please dress according to weather, forecast is for temperatures in the 30’s and chance of some snow. Microspikes will be a good idea/ snowshoes should we get more snow. Please confirm with Steve Farrow at or me at 586-9637 or Hope you can join us. Jean
Feb 9th – Jean will lead a hike up Moose Mountain. This hike is the very first I went on with the NEK section, and I haven’t tired of it yet. It’s a nice stroll in a very pretty area of the NEK. Hike details will be available soon.
Feb. 16th – Jean will lead this hike to the camp at the Headwaters of the Nulhegan. We’ll do snow removal from the roof of the cabin. So work first and then lunch. There’s plenty of room in the cabin so a big crowd is certainly welcome. Many hands make light work. Hike details will be available soon.
March 2nd – Jean will lead this hike up the Mad Brook trail to Bald Mountain. See to it that Jean makes her New Year resolution of three hikes in three weeks. At the top of Bald is a newly restored cabin thanks to Luke O’Brien and the volunteers that helped him finish a project that was 13 years in the making. Join us when we christen the cabin with a NEK-section sing along – are you brave enough? Hike details will be available soon.
March 9th – Steve will take us up the newest ‘long’ trail in the NEK – Middle Mountain. This is moose country folks if we’re quite and fast we might spot those speed devils of the northern snowfields as they demonstrate their uncanny knack of evading people on snowshoes. Hike details will be available soon.
March 23rd – Kevin takes the helm leading a hike up Burke Mountain. “One-Cut” is known for his spontaneity, so just because he says he’s going up the Red Trail doesn’t mean that’s where his track will take us. No worries, “One-Cut” has never missed getting home for supper. Hike details will be available soon.
March 30th –Steve, who is known to trail maintenance crews far and wide as ‘Sawman’ goes for the hat-trick when he leads a hike up Haystack Mountain. ‘Sawman’ has long maintained the trails on Haystack so this will be expert guide hike. See if you can get him to tell you about the Haystack gold mine – maybe it’s just a tall tale, maybe not. Hike details will be available soon.
April 5th – Annual meeting. The next NEK-section meeting will be held in East Burke at the town library/Burke Mountain Club. A hike to Perry Holbrook State Park is planned. Come see Chris and Jean try and find the trail they flagged this past summer. That should prove to be highly entertaining. If not, well then you can bolster your spirits at the potlatch lunch before we have the meeting. Like most things the devil is in the details and those will be along shortly.
1/19/14 NEK/GMC Winter meeting at Lenny’s camp on Holland Pond. Please join us for our winter meeting, hike, potluck and meeting. Meet at Lenny’s Camp at 9:30 AM, hike to Beaver Pond, starting at 10 AM and easy 5 mile round trip. Potluck around noon and meeting at one. Depending on conditions, please being snowshoes and microspikes if you have them. Directions to camp, From Derby Line, take Holland Rd, (Valley RD.) east to Selby Rd, maybe 5 miles. Turn left on to Selby Rd. Turn right on to Holland Pond rd to camps. Lenny will have signs up. From Island Pond, North on 114 to 111, left on 111 to Valley Rd, Right on to valley road to Selby Rd., then same as above. We hope you can join us. Please confirm with me at or 802-586-9637.
12/15/13 Manadnock Mountain hike. 5 mile round trip, steady upward moderate climb. Tower on summit with beautiful views in all directions,White, Greens, Canada and NEK mountains. Meet in Island Pond behind the railroad station at 8:30 AM, to car pool to trailhead in Lemmington on the Ct. River. Please dress warmly, bring plenty of food and drink and head lamp if you have one. It gets dark early. Michael Chernick is the trip leader. Please confirm with Michael at or 802-249-0520 me at or 802-566-9637. Hope you can join us.
FYI Our winter meeting 2014 will be held on January 19,2014 at Lenny’s camp on Holland Pond. Cheryl Byrne, GMC Field Assistant with present her Patagonia trip following the meeting.
Here we are again, Steve Farrow will be leading a hike on Sunday, 11/3/13 on the new Nulheagan trail, east of Island Pond on route 105. This is a lovely 3.7 mile loop, mostly bordering the Nulhegan River, with beautiful new bridges and a boardwalk. And sometimes a moose or two. It is in the Conte Wildlife Refuge. We will meet at the Railroad station in Island Pond at 9:30 AM and car pool to the trailhead. This is a fairly flat trail and good for all walkers and hikers. Kids are always welcome. Please bring plenty of food and water and dress for the weather. And PLEASE confirm ahead of time with Steve at or me at 802-586-9637 or If there are changes regarding the hike we need to be able to notify you. We look forward to you joining us. Thank you. Jean
Hello all, on Sunday, 10/27/13, I will lead a hike up Bald Mountain to visit the newly restored cabin on the summit. We will hike up the Long Pond Trail, then hike down the Mad Brook trail. We will have to spot cars. We will meet t the Long Pond trailhead parking off of Long Pond Road (off of route 5a) at 9:30 AM and spot a car or cars at the Mad Brook Trail parking area on Mad Brook Road. This is a moderate 5+ mile hike to the fire tower with beautiful views, in all directions. Weather will be chilly with sun and some showers as of today’s forecast. So please dress appropriately with plenty of food and water. Please confirm with me at or 802-586-9637. Hope you can make it. Jean
Greetings again, On Saturday, 10/12/13, I will lead a 5 mile round trip on Moose Mountain, across from the Wheeler Pond Camps. this is a moderate hike, the first half mile fairly steep. then a rolling terrain to a beautiful overlook to Lake Willoughby in the Willoughby State Forest. We will meet at 10 AM at the trailhead on Wheeler Mountain Road, past the camps. Please dress for the weather, bring plenty of fluid and food. This is a fun hike, but then I say that about all of our hikes.Please contact me at or 586-9637.
At 5 PM, the NEK Section of GMC will hold its Fall Meeting at the East Burke Clubhouse in East Burke. The Executive Committee will meet at 4 PM, the potluck at 5 PM and the meeting at 5:45 or 6:00 PM. We always have good company and good food. Please bring a dish to share. We would love to have strong turnout. We will be scheduling our fall and beginning of winter outings. I look forward to seeing you there. Thanks, Jean
On Saturday, 9/21/13 we will do a road walk in to the Conte Wildlife Management Area, Nulhegan Basin to Lewis Pond which sits just below Gore Mountain. This was the first official hike of the NEK Section of the Green Mountain Club in the year 2000. We will meet in Island Pond behind the railroad station at 9:30 AM. This is an easy 7+or- miles RT with some small hills. The pond is beautiful and remote. We will drive part way into the refuge on the Lewis Pond Road and park where it joins the snowmobile trail Please bring plenty of food and water and dress for the weather. Looks a little rainy for Saturday, but if just showers the hike will be on. Please confirm with me at or at 586-9637. Hope you will join us.
On Sunday, 9/22/13, we will have a Wheeler Pond Camp work day starting at 11 AM, which will include stacking our 5 cords of wood, cleaning up around the camps if needed and general clipping. Mostly stacking wood!!! Please bring gloves, wheel barrows if you have them, sturdy boots and food and water. Supposed to be in the sixties and sunny. This is always a fun day. Please confirm with me at or 586-9637. We do need your help. Thanks, Jean
9/15/13 Belvidere Mountain on Forester Trail. Please join me for a hike up Belvidere Mountain. This is a moderate 5.8 mile round trip on the Frank Post/Forester trail to the summit and tower of Belvidere Mountain in the Long Trail State Forest. The Mines road remains washed out from Eden north. We will meet at 9:30 AM at the Lowell School in Lowell on route 100 barely half mile north of the intersection of route 58 and car pool to the trailhead on Tillotson Road. This is a great hike with beautiful views, also looking directly into the wind towers. Weather forecast as of today is for sunny and in the 60’s. prpobably 50’s or less on the summit. Please dress for the weather and bring plenty of food and water. Please confirm with me at 802-586-9637 of Hope you can join us.Thanks, Jean
Our schedule through 10/12/13:
9/16/13 Forester Trail up Belvidere
9/21/13 Lewis Pond hike in the Nulheagan, road walk.
9/22/13 Wood stacking day and clean up, Wheeler Pond Camps
9/28/13 Volunteer picnic. GMC headquarters in Waterbury Center.Open to all..
10/12/13 Moose Mountain,
10/12/13 Fall Meeting, East Burke Club House
Special Announcement:
Volunteers Needed for Bald Mountain Project
In 1921, the State of Vermont established one of the earliest forest fire lookout stations on Bald Mountain. This NorthWoods Stewardship Center and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation will coordinate an effort to preserve the Bald Mountain summit cabin—once home to the fire warden who patrolled the northern mountains for signs of forest fires.
In northern Vermont, most of the original fire lookout stations have been lost or altered. On Belvidere, Monadnock, Burke, Spruce and Elmore Mountains all of the summit cabins have been removed or burned down… and on Gore and Spruce Mountains, the towers have been removed but the cabins still stand. We believe Bald Mountain is only remaining lookout in northern Vermont where both the original tower and summit cabin still stand.
While an effort by NorthWoods Stewardship Center, Green Mountain Club, and Westmore Association volunteers replaced the wooden steps and landings on the Bald Mountain fire tower between 2000-02, the old summit cabin has been largely neglected. Despite significant deterioration and vandalism however, the structure is still quite sound.
The cabin has settled right into the ground and the floor members are crumbling from dry-rot but the upper framing, walls and roof are all intact. The plan is to jack up the structure, re-set the dry stone foundation and construct a whole new floor system. Doors, windows and trim will all be added according to the building’s original framing and appearance. In addition, the project calls for restoring the buildings original cedar shingle siding.
A major logistical challenge is getting materials to the work site. Of the 2.8 mile climb from the north side of the mountain, crews plan to haul materials in by trailer 1.8 miles to the base of the mountain. From there, they are counting on a strong volunteer turnout to haul lumber and supplies—one board at a time—the remaining mile to the mountain summit. Volunteer days are scheduled for September 11-14 and as needed the following week. Participants of all backgrounds are encouraged to help. There are many different materials that need to get to the work site—from 8-foot 2×6 boards to small boxes of nails and screws—and every little bit helps.
Anyone interested in volunteering should contact the NorthWoods Conservation Corps office at 802-723-6551 x117 or email
9/1/13 Middle Mountain Hike. Please join us for a hike up to the second summit of Middle Mountain, next Sunday. This is and easy to moderate hike on our new trail Around 7 miles round trip with views into Canada and small views into the Conte Wildlife Refuge and Lewis Pond. We will meet behind the railroad station in Island Pond at 9:30 AM and car pool to the Gore trailhead. Please dress for the weather and bring plenty of water and food. Steve Farrow, Middle Mountain trail adopter, will be doing some clipping of pricker bushes at the log landing, so bring some small clippers if you want to. So far the weather looks good for Sunday. Steve is the trip leader so please confirm with him at or me at 802-586-9637 or Hope to see you there. Jean
8/17/13 South America Pond hike in the West Mountain Wildlife Management Area. Grade wise, this is an easy gravel road walk with a few small ups and downs. About 7 miles round trip to a beautiful small pond with one lease camp on it. We will meet at Island Pond at the railroad station at 9:30AM. Weather looks good so far for Saturday, but please dress for the weather and bring plenty of water and food. This is really a great walk in the woods in a very protected area. Please confirm with me at 802-586-9637 or Hope you can join us. Jean
8/3/13 Hike Brousseau and Averill Mountains in Norton on the border. Meet at Island Pond behind the railroad station at 9:30 AM to car pool. Brousseau is an easy 1.6 miles RT to a spectacular overlook to little Averill Pond and the Kingdom Heritage Lands (former Champion Lands). Last time I was there, eagles were flying below the cliffs. Then 1.5 miles to the east on 114, hike Averill Mountain, 1.4 miles RT, easy to moderate with views to the south. Dress for the weather and bring plenty of food and water. Please join us on this fun outing. Contact Peter Bullock at 802-895-4220 or to confirm. We look forward to seeing you.
8/17/13: South America Pond and maybe Madison Falls, road walk in West Mountain WMA. Meet at Wenlock, 9 AM. confirm with jean at 802-586-9637 or
9/1/13: Middle Mountain, moderate 7+ miles RT, Meet at Gore Trailhead, 9 AM, Steve Farrow, leader,
10/6/13: Bald Mountain, Mad Brook Trail, haul wood up for cabin restoration. Contact Luke for details, 802-723-6551, ext 117. or
10/12/13: Moose Mountain, 5 miles RT, Meet at trailhead 10 AM, moderate. Contact Jean at 586-9637 or
10/12/13; NEk GMC fall meeting, East Burke Clubhouse, Executive meeting, 4 PM, Potluck, 5 PM, Meeting 6 PM. Contact Chris Rice at 748-0640 or or, or 586-9637.
A reminder, Wheeler Pond Camps Workday, Sunday, 9;30 AM to 2:30 PM. Please bring work gloves, rake, clippers, loppers and most importantly, wheelbarrows. Pete Antos-Ketcham will be bringing the woodsplitter from the club. Bring plenty of water, food and dress for weather. Looks to be hot on Sunday. Take a swim or hike up Moose to the overlook when we finish. If you can’t come for the whole day, come for a couple of hours. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Both camps are available for free Saturday night. If you wish to stay, let me know. FYI, the Wheeler Mountain road sign is missing again off of route 5. Please confirm with me at 802-586-9637 or Hoping you can make it. Jean
REMINDER: The summer meeting of the GMC-NEK section will be held On June 29th, 2013 at Lenny Targonski’s on Holland Pond.
PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE: The planned hike will start at 9:00 am. Meet at Lenny’s (he’s putting up signs) to then go for a hike to Beaver Pond which is north of Holland Pond and skirts the border. The cookout is planned for 12:00 pm. Judy Anastasia is bringing hot dogs, hamburgers (veggie burgers too), rolls, condiments, and paper goods so all you need to bring is a side dish or a dessert. The meeting will be held following lunch at 1:00 pm. Please let me know if you’ll be attending so we can get an idea of the numbers: Chris Rice at (802)-748-0460 or ; Jean Haigh at
7/7/13 Workday at Wheeler Pond Camps
Reminders for all good NEK GMC friends: GMC Annual meeting st Stratton Mountain, 5/7 & 5/8. You can register on the website. On 6/15 I will be leading a hike on the Long Pond Trail on Bald Mountain to the tower. On 6/29 we will have our summer meeting atLenny Targonski‘s camp on Holland Pond, with the hike at 9:30 on Russ’s trail skirting the border, cookout at 12:30 and meeting at 1:30. Also a proposed 9+ mile hike from Mad Brook Trail, to East Trail, to Pisgah North trail and Pisgah South trail to parking area to take place 7/6 or 7/7 or 7/13 or 8/14. Moderate to difficult. Date to be determined. Jean Haigh and Christopher Ricewill be leading. A fun hike on a good day. Details to follow. Also, Manadnock on , Michael Chernick, leader. We will add many more hikes and works soon. Stay tuned!!
Greetings All, on 6/15/13, next Saturday, I will lead a hike up Long Pond Trail to the Bald Mountain Summit in Westmore. This is a moderate hike with a fairly steep last section to the Bald Mountain Tower around 5 miles round trip. Beautiful views in all direction. So far the weather looks to be fair and around 70, but that could change. Please bring clothes for whatever the conditions, food and plenty of water. Directions: Long Pond Rd. off of Route 5A, past fishing access on Long Pond, up short hill with parking area on left. This is a wonderful hike and I do hope you can join us. Please confirm with me at 802-586-9637 or
Middle Mountain spring walk through. We will do a spring check/walk through on the trail to the second summit of Middle Mountain on Sunday, May 19th. Let’s plan to meet at the Island Pond Train station at 9:30 and arrange car-pools for a 10:00 start. This is a moderate hike, approximately 6.8 miles round trip. Dress for changing weather, bring a snack and lunch, as well as plenty of water. Contact Steve Farrow — to confirm or any questions. Or contact Jean at or call at 802-586-9637. This will be a fun hike rather that a work hike. Look forward to seeing you all.
PS; Trying again for Wheeler Pond Camps work day on Sunday, May 26.
5/11/13, Saturday, Wheeler Pond Camps work day. Hi Everybody, Please join us for a work day at the camps, 9:30 to 2:00, or however much time you can give. We will be bringing fire wood strewn around the camps up to the woodsheds. Chain saws would be greatly appreciated as there are a number of blow downs. Steve Farrow got a good start on them, but more to go. The log splitter will not be available on this day, but there is plenty of work to do. So please bring gloves, wheelbarrows, rakes and some clippers. Bring plenty of water and food. We will be spring cleaning the camps as well. A beautiful time of the year at the camps. Please confirm with me at 586-9637 or Thanks and hope you can make it. Located on Wheeler Mountain Road, 1 mile in, off of route 5. Five miles south of Barton.
4/28/13 Holbrook Memorial Park: Hello again. Please join us for a hike/work day at the Perry Holbrook Memorial Park Sunday at 10 AM. it is located on Route 122 just a mile and half or so east of Bread and Puppet or a mile plus from the height of the land on 122 coming from the east on the north side of the road. We will be flagging with blue flagging tape the entire loop up Big Rock Hill. also locating the whole trail around Long Pond and flagging. Any one who wants to bring clippers or loppers, please do so. Please dress for the weather, it may be muddy, bring food an plenty of water. This is an easy to moderate hike with three beautiful ponds. We will be in the woods approximately, 3 to 4 hours, though even 2 hours of your time would be great
There is no entrance sign and I am not sure if the access road will be open. I am trying to get hold of the individual who graciously lets us park at his house. Many of our members already know how to get in, otherwise please call or email for directions. or 802-586-9637. Please try to car pool if you can. I really look forward to seeing you. Hope you can make it. It is another magical place. Thanks, Jean
4/21/13 Headwaters Camp, Unknown Pond: Please join us for a hike up to the Headwater’s Camp on Unknown Pond, Avery’s Gore. We will meet in Island Pond behind the Railroad station at 10AM and carpool to the trailhead. The GMC board has approved the purchase of the camp, with details still to be worked out. We will go up the Unknown Pond trail from 114, bushwhack to the snowmobile trail, then to the camp. We will return down the proposed new trail. This is an easy to moderate hike, with the first portion fairly steep. Approximately 4 miles. Please dress for warmish (one would hope) weather and probably muddy conditions. Bring lunch and plenty of water. This is a rain or shine hike, unless absolutely pouring. This is an amazing hike not to miss. I am always taken by the natural beauty of the place. Please confirm: 802-586-9637, or Thanks, hope you can make it. Jean
3/23/13 – 12 Noon Please Join us for an exploratory hike in the Holbrook Memorial Park. Easy to moderate.We will do some bushwhacking on the back side of Long Pond, trying to find an old trail and/or other options over Big Rock Hill, really a mountain, as well. On route 122 just over the border from Sheffield, but you must call for direction as there is no sign. Bring lunch and we will eat at the sort of lean-to on Long Pond. the hike will be 2 to 3 hours. Then join us at the East Burke Club House for our annual meeting and election of officers. Join us at five for a tasty potluck, and the meeting at 6. There will be an executive meeting at 4 PM. I hope you can join us and welcome our new members. Please call me to confirm at 802 -586-9637 or
From Zadock Thompson’s 1842 Natural History of Vermont :
“On the 2nd of July 1833, this town [Holland] was visited by a violent tornado. It commenced on Salem Pond in Salem, [now a part of Derby] and passed over this town in a northeasterly direction.
Please join me for a hike to Moose Mountain summit (2,339′) and then on to the Lake Willoughby Overlook. This is a 4.8 mile round trip with and elevation gain of about 1,250′. I’ll be taking notes and photos for the update to the GMC Snowshoeing in Vermont Guide. Meet at the plow turnaround just after the Wheeler Pond camps and just before the trailhead at 9:30 am Saturday March 9th. Appropriate winter hiking gear required (e.g. warm cloths, food, water, snowshoes, microspikes). Contact Chris Rice at or 748-0460.
ADVANCE NOTICE: Save the date. Watch for further notice as times may change.
3/17/2013,10:00 AM – Please join us for a hike in the Hurricane. It is a moderate hike/walk with little elevation change. The Hurricane will be a 5.5 to 6 mile walk (round trip) on the VAST snowmobile trails. We will hike to the junction designated as “The Hurricane” or even a short distance further to the Ben Cole Clearing, a state constructed parking/camping area. We will meet at 9:30 AM at the Holland Elementary School. Steve Farrow is the trip leader – This is an almost mystical area and its name defies its history:
From Zadock Thompson’s 1842 Natural History of Vermont :
“On the 2nd of July 1833, this town [Holland] was visited by a violent tornado. It commenced on Salem Pond in Salem, [now a part of Derby] and passed over this town in a northeasterly direction.
Also, Save this date: 3/23/13, NEKGMC Annual Meeting at he East Burke Club House in East Burke, 4 PM Executive Committee, 5 PM Pot Luck, 6 PM Meeting. Lots of good company and delicious food. Election of officers. Prior to meeting will be a hike, yet to be determined.
Hello Again, We have two hikes next weekend, see details below
2/16/13 Middle Mountain trail, moderate seven miles round trip to second summit of Middle. Please bring snowshoes and Microspikes if you have them. Dress warmly, plenty of fluids and food, head lamp if you have one. We will meet behind the railroad station in island Pond at nine AM. Please confirm with me at 802-586-9637 or
2.17/13 Woodbury Mountain in West Woodbury. this is an easy to moderate hike oup and old logging road with bushwhacking on the summit ridge. There is a logging road that traverses the summit as well. Maybe three to five miles round trip. Will see how folks feel. Beautiful views of the Green Mountains. Dress accordingly to the weather. This is a little out of the NEK, but only a little. We will meet at the Grand Union in Hardwick. I will be in a blue Forester. Please confirm with me at the above addresses.
I look forward to seeing you. Hope you can make it.. We will cancel it it is raining. Who knows with this weather. Jean
PS, Please send this to our general NEK membership/ Thanks Jerry
oose Mountain and Willoughby Lookout
On Saturday, 1/26/2013, I’ll lead a trip to Moose Mountain and the Willoughby Lookout. This is a nice winter hike with several good spots for viewing the NEK region. The round trip will be about 4.8 miles with an elevation gain of about 900 feet. Come prepared for a winter hike: food, water, snowshoes, microspikes, poles, and clothing appropriate for the weather. Meet at the parking area on the right beyond the Wheeler Pond camps at 10:00 am. Contact: Chris Rice – (802)-748-0460 or
A list of upcoming hikes with details to follow.
1/26/13– Moose Mountain to Mt. Hor traverse- 7 miles, spot cars, difficult. 9 AM at Moose Mountain trailhead. Chris Rice-leader.
2/2/13- Green Mountain Club Snowshoe Fest, find on I am leading a hike up Elmore Mountain.
2/3/13– Holland Pond to shelter- 4 miles RT, easy, folks can stay overnight at Lenny’s camp, Saturday. Steve Farrow- leader.
2/9/13– Manadnock Montain to fire tower, Leminton, Vt., 5 miles RT, moderate. meet at Island Pond at 9 AM. Michael Chernick-leader.
2/16/13– Woodbury Mountain, old logging road to coll, traverse of mountain, 3-4 miles, easy to moderate, some bushwhacking. meet in Hardwick at 10 AM, GU parking lot. Jean Haigh, leader,
2/24/13– Montclair Glen Lodge on Long trail, 5 miles RT, moderate, meet at Montpelier high School, 9 AM. Michael Chernick, leader.
3/3/13– Spruce Mountain in Groton, 4 miles RT, moderate, Meet at 10 AM, Kevin Williamson, leader.
3/17/13- Holland Pond, the Hurricane hike, 5+or- miles, easy. Steve Farrow,
10/28/12 Hello Again, There will be a hike up Gore Mountain next Sunday, 10/28/12. This is a difficult eight mile round trip, fairly flat for first two miles, the steady up hill for next two miles, steep toward the top. We will meet behind the Island Pond Railroad Station at 8:30 AM. , Please bring plenty of warm/dry clothes, food and drink. If the water is too high at the brook, mile and 3/4ths from the start, we will turn back and do Middle Mountain. Hopefully, it will be all right. This is a fun but long hike with an old fire warden’s cabin at the top. Please contact Michael Chernick, trip leader at or 802-249-0520 to confirm.
Thank you so much. I really look forward to seeing you all.You can also contact Jean at or 802-586-9637 to confirm.
From Zadock Thompson’s 1842 Natural History of Vermont :
“On the 2nd of July 1833, this town [Holland] was visited by a violent tornado. It commenced on Salem Pond in Salem, [now a part of Derby] and passed over this town in a northeasterly direction. It was from half to three-quarters of a mile wide, and it prostrated and scattered nearly all the trees, fences and buildings in its course. It crossed the outlet of Norton pond [sic] and passed into Canada, and its course could be traced through the forests nearly to the Connecticut river [sic].”
Thank you so much. I really look forward to seeing you all. Please contact jean at or 802-586-9637, or Steve at to confirm.
Thanks, Jean
10/13/12 Greetings again and again!! Please join us for our hike in the Perry Holbrook State Park next Saturday.As we have made a proposal to Forest Parks and Recreation to restore the existing trails, we will taking look at the trail conditions,tent platforms and the lean-to. However, this will be a hike for pleasure as well.This is an easy to moderate hike, with the options for a out and back as well as up Big Rock Hill. Out and back, is approximately 2 miles, and would be great for kids. This is an absolutely beautiful area with three lovely ponds. The park is located off Route 122 in Sheffield just .5 miles east of Bread and Puppet Theater on the left and one mile to the west, down the hill from the height of the land on the right. There is no sign, however, I will put a sign out. It is a woods road in that is somewhat obscure!!!. I am changing the time to meet to 11:30 AM. Please bring warm clothes, food and plenty to drink. The forecast is for sunny and in the 50’s.
Our fall meeting will be held at the East Burke Club House—Executive Committee meeting at 4, potluck at 5 and meeting at six. Please join us. Always good food and great company. We welcome all, relatives, guests, friends and general public.
Thank you so much. I really look forward to seeing you all. Please contact jean at or 802-586-9637 to confirm. Thanks, Jean
10/7/12 Greetings Again, Please join me on Sunday, 10/7/12 for a hike up our continuing trail past Split Rock to the first and second summits of Middle Mountain. this work was completed and approved this summer. The NorthWoods Conservation crew, with some help from NEK/GMC volunteers built a beautiful and winding trail up to the summits. This is an easy to moderate hike, approximately six miles round trip. We will meet behind the Island Pond rail road station at nine AM and carpool to the Gore trailhead. Please be sure to dress for the weather, bring plenty of fluids and food. Unless it is pouring, the hike will be on. This is the first official NEk/GMC section hike on this trail. I do hope you join us.
Hey All. Please join us next Sunday for a hike up Haystack Mountain. This is an easy to moderate hike, around four and a half miles including some pretty road walk We will meet at 9:30 AM at the Bald mountain Long Pond trailhead parking lot. We will road walk to the Haystack south trailhead. Some short steep sections. Dress for the weather, though bring plenty of fluid and food. Steve Farrow will be leading the hike. Please contact him at or me. Please see below. This ia always a fun hike. Should be peak foliage. Directions—-route 5a, left onto Long Pond road, up the hill past the fishing access on Long Pond. Parking just up the hill on the left. Don’t forget Middle Mountain on 10/7 and Fall meeting and Perry Holbrook SP on 10/13. will be in touch.
Thank you so much. I really look forward to seeing you all. Please contact jean at or 802-586-9637.
>> Thanks, Jean
8/19/12 Wheeler Pond Camps Hi All. Just letting folks know, there will be a Wheeler Pond Camp work day on Sunday, August 19, 2012. We will be stacking around four cords of new firewood, this time cut to the correct length. Also, Pete will bring the log splitter to get those big birches by the upper wood shed. We will also be clipping back some overgrown bushes and fixing the lower trail between the camps. Someone took firewood and lined that trail with it. Oh well!! Please bring wheelbarrows if you have one, loppers, rakes, gloves, food and drink. We will start at 9:30 and work til around 1:30 or 2, then go for a hike around the pond and down the Gnome Stairs trail to small waterfall. All easy. Maybe look for some possible tent sites on our four plus acres. Hope you can come.
Thank you so much. I really look forward to seeing you all. Please contact jean at or 802-586-9637.
>> Thanks, Jean
9/22/12 GMC Volunteer Picnic, at Waterbury Headquarters. 3 PM I think. Lots of good food and company.
9/29/12 Northeast Kingdom Peaks Challange, contact Luke O’Brien at NorthWoods Stewardship Center,, for details.
9/30/12 Haystack Mountain, Westmore, 4 miles. Meet at 9 AM Long Pond Trail parking lot. Steve Farrow trip leader. Confirm with Steve at
10/6/12 Possible hike to Headwaters Camp, Unknown Pond. Details to follow.
10/7/12 Middle Mountain summit. Hike next portion of our beautiful new trail. 6 miles round trip. Moderate. Meet 9 AM Island Pond at railroad Station. Confirm with Jean, 802-586-9637 of
10/13/12 Perry Holbrook State Park, Route 122 Sheffield. Scouting trip for trail restoration, following flaglines, looking at old tent platforms, and leanto. Meet at 12 noon at park, Bring lunch. Directions to follow.
10/13/12 Fall meeting of NEKGMC at the East Burke Club House. EX committee, 4 PM, Pot Luck at 5 and meeting at 6.
10/21/12 Sunday, The Hurricane, meet at 10 AM at the Holland Pond fishing access. hike to Laurie’s, to the state trail and loop back to the vast trail Steve says it “will be great”. Fairly flat and rolling. Confirm with Steve at or jean at 586-9637 or
10/28/12 Sunday Gore Mountain Trail, difficult 8 miles round trip. Plenty of food and water. Meet at Island Pond at 8:30 AM. Confirm with Michael Chernick at or jean at 586-9637 or
12/2/12 Sunday North Branch Trail at the Nulhegan Basin. meet at the Wenlock croossing parking area on route 105, just east of the Hardwick “boots in the barrel camp”. Confirm with Steve at