Past Minutes

Northeast Kingdom Section – Green Mountain Club
Summer Quarterly Meeting – July 9, 2023, Lenny’s Camp – Holland, Vermont

Attendees – Ed Guest, Michael Chernick, Paul Trojano, Cathi Brooks, John Predom, Beth Barnes, Sue
Winsor, Kevin Williamson, Angela Smith, Lenny Targonski, Nancy McClellan, Alison Selle (& Lulu-her
dog), Bart Selle, Steve Farrow, and Jeff Morris
Call to Order & Welcome – NEKGMC President John Predom convened the meeting at 12:54 P.M. John
spoke of being away in California, and his recent clearing of Iris plants at Wheeler Pond with other GMC
members. At the Main Club Annual Meeting, it was announced that former Judge Howard
VanBenthuysen has retired early as GMC President due to health reasons. GMC Vice President Nancy
McClelland has assumed the GMC Presidency. Nancy was present at today’s NEGMC meeting to
introduce herself and present a GMC President’s Award to NEKGMC’s Trail Adoption Coordinator and
GMC Publications contributor, Kevin Wiliamson. The call of a loon beautifully punctuated the opening of
the meeting.

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick summarized the minutes from the 2023
NEKGMC Annual Meeting held on March 26, 2023.
MOTION [Trojano/Brooks] to approve the Secretary’s Report of the 2023 NEKGMC Annual Meeting
Approved unanimously
Treasurer’s Report – NEKGMC Treasurer Angela Smith presented the following report on the section’s finances:
Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club
Quarterly Financial Statement
As of July 7, 2023
Operating Account
Beginning Balance (as of 03/25/23) $4,964.66

Dues Sharing

Feb (04/07/23) $45.00
Mar (posted 07/03/23) $161.25

Apr (posted 07/05/23) $413.75
May (posted 07/06/23) $76.25


Cathi Brooks (Shirt Shipping) $33.00
John Predom (Reimbursement Website) $137.14
Victor Caamano (Chainsaw Course ½) $110.00
John Predom (Reimbursement Gift Card) $100.00

Ending Balance $5,280.77
Certificate of Deposit
CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2024 @.40% $1,598.44
CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2024 @.40% $1,757.40

Grand Total All Monies $8,636.61

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer
The Treasurer’s report was accepted as filed.
Angela raised the issue of securing a debit card at Passumsic Bank (PB), where the NEKGMC maintains
an account. The lack of a debit card is causing logistic issues in purchasing transactions.
MOTION [Farrow/B. Selle] That the NEKGMC Treasurer be authorized to secure a debit card at PNB with
the following restrictions .Any purchases of $50.00 and above must receive EC approval. Cathi Brooks
will retain possession of the card. All paper and digital receipts must be submitted to Angela Smith as
Approved unanimously
Main Club Report – These highlights are from the June materials submitted to the GMC Board prior to
the June Annual Meeting in Craftsbury at Sterling College. John Predom attended in lieu of NEK’s GMC
Board Director Cathi Brooks, who was out-of-state at a family wedding.
Fiscal Year 2023 – May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023

Fiscal Year 2023 ended with a net deficit of $129,281. The Club was able to use surplus funds
from FY 21 as well as a portion of the working capital fund to bring the deficit down to $45,000. The
working capital reserve is currently at $131,000 or 5% of the budgeted expenses, our target for the
reserve fund. During the coming year we will decide to retire the deficit in the near future.
Total operating revenue for the year was $1.96 million, up substantially from last year, reflecting, in
part, the additional work that was done on the trails funded through fees for service funds and grants.
Revenue in this area was down from the budgeted amount this year due to changes in the work plan for
the field season after the passage of the budget. Contributions came very close to budget and up
significantly from the previous year, due in part to a successful Long Trail Day fundraising event.
Previously the funds from this event went into the Capital Campaign, but now are directed to operating
revenue. Membership was steady from last year’s amounts, but at 91% of the budgeted amount.
Thanks to the development staff for their monumental effort in bringing additional funds in the last 2
months of the year. Some personnel expenses as well as building supplies and lumber were reduced due
to the change in field work plans, but many aspects of the summer field work were increased when
inflation took off in July 2022).
Vehicle costs, contracted professional services, and office expenses were all over budget. Staff and
volunteer support was over budget with quarantine costs due to COVID. The staff worked hard to hold
down expenses, especially late in the fiscal year with a freeze on expenditures and holding off on
rehiring when vacancies occurred.
Non-operating income was up substantially from the previous year from $362,399 to $440,603 with the
increase in the distribution from the endowment and distributions from restricted funds due to the
successful capital campaign.
New efforts to contact lapse members and urge membership renewal have proven successful, resulting
in 312 renewals and $18,000 in revenue.
Fiscal Year 2024 Budget – May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024
The drafting of the FY 24 budget began in December and worked its way through the Finance
Committee and the Executive Board to be presented at the Board meeting in March. However, as we
approached the end of FY 23, it became clear that adjustments would need to be made, recognizing
current economic realities. The budget being presented is version 3 and reflects those adjustments.
Though this budget is less than the approved FY 23 budget, there is growth from last year’s final figures.
On the revenue side, this budget continues to take advantage of federal funding opportunities to
collaborate with a variety of partners on the Burrows Trail Restoration Project. The goal for
contributions continues to grow. The membership goal is higher than the actuals for FY 23 but reduced
from the previous budget. Total operating revenues are projected at $2.15 million and non-operating
income from the endowment, restricted projects, and the Northern Trail Capital Campaign funding of
$390,000 for a total of $2.54 million. Total operating expenses are projected to be $2.53 million. There
will be 3 Long Trail crews. The base rate of pay for seasonal staff has been increased to $15/hour and as
well as increases to HQ staff salaries as the Club works to be the Employer of Choice and remain
competitive with other organizations. There is a decrease in contract and professional services as there
will be no airlift this year. Transportation/vehicle costs have increased with inflation. Interest expenses
have increased for short-term borrowing with the increase in interest rates. There will be ongoing
challenges. The Club will continue to face inflation and economic uncertainties as we move ahead as
well as a competitive employment market. With its dynamic staff leadership, the Club is in a good
position to meet the challenges.
Overview of FY 24 Budget Revised – Adopted at June Board

The FY24 budget version three is a revised budget for the fiscal year that just started,
addressing the previous year's reality and providing additional financial stability
moving forward. The fiscal year just closed reflects the areas where the organization
could hold or cut costs, the significant increase in work completed and related
expenses, and the impacts of growing inflation and market turmoil.
We will continue facing tight fiscal operations as we spend more money and complete
more in the field and across the organization than in previous years. An increasingly
competitive employee market and an unstable economic outlook add pressure. The
rising cost of goods and services has also put a strain on our budget. This updated
budget reduces income projections, cuts back on some non-essential items, and finds
ways to reduce our costs in other areas. A tight budget environment will persist
through FY24, impacting our operations.
The revised FY24 budget reduces income by 100k and expenses by 78k while
maintaining a balanced budget (surplus of 10k).
Strategic Plan- A draft of the GMC Strategic plan, a document periodically updated, is close to
completion. The GMC Board will review and possibly adopt it at the September GMC Board meeting.
Code of Conduct – GMC continues to revise a new code of conduct addressing all aspects of the
Club’s activities. Concerns have been expressed regarding its length and a summary document may be
included in the final proposal presented to the GMC Board.
Membership, Development, and Communications Activities – Aside from the successful renewal
drive, the GMC conducted a reception for its Ridgeline Society contributors, held a LT sign auction that
raised $9,596, and completed a highly successful multi-media platform Mud Season Information
campaign that reached a broad audience. The Club’s About GMC messaging has been standardized for
all platforms, the grant application procedures have been modified to maximize effectiveness, and plans
are proceeding for the 2023 Long Trail Day fundraiser in August.
Visitor Centers & Herrick Construction – A new Visitor Services Manager, Emily Mosher, has
been hired. She will be responsible for overseeing operations at both the Waterbury and Barnes Camp
Visitor Centers. The long-planned construction of a new Herrick Building, to house the Waterbury Visitor
Center, among other functions, has begun. The current Visitor Center will become additional office
Field Operations – The seasonal crews are planning on a 30-project week (approximately 7-
month season). The multi-year Burrows Trail project on Camel’s Hump is continuing as is construction of
the Beaver Dam (Jean Haigh) Camp. A new AT Management plan for the GMC’s (Vermont) segment of
the AT has been submitted to the Appalachian Trail Conference for approval. Work will start on
examining a new route for the LT on Mount Belvidere. The seasonal crews are fully staffed.
Camps- For the latest quarter Hadsel Mares had a 71 percent rental capacity. 31 percent of the
guests were GMC members. The other camps were closed for Mud Season.
GMC President – Nancy McClelland, the new GMC President, spoke to the section. She thanked
everyone for the invitation to attend and offered memorable comments on the late Jean Haigh. Nancy
spoke of the success of the $ 4 million Capital Campaign and mentioned that long-time GMC and

Burlington Section member and leader, Dot Myers, died in her mid- 90s. Nancy referenced the women
of the NEK. She is willing to learn and welcomes everyone to contact her. Nancy is very dedicated to her
new and unexpectedly early role. She presented a GMC President’s Award to Kevin Williamson for his
long- standing coordination and implementation of the section’s trail adoption program , noting he has
volunteered 100 hours to the Club. Another role has been his leadership as a publications’ contributor
and distributor. Kevin is also an explorer of old trails.
NEKGMC Bylaws Revision – NEKGMC Secretary, Michael Chernick, in response to a request from
NEKGMC President John Predom, drafted an NEKGMC Bylaw Amendment to update a provision that
requires the membership application to be written (with no digital option). Michael submitted the text
to GMC Executive Director Mike DeBonis for comment. Mike replied that review of the various sections’
bylaws had found inconsistencies on membership language. He also identified other bylaw provisions in
conflict with the GMC Bylaws. Rather than adopt a new provision, Mike DeBonis will explore the
adoption of a GMC Membership Bylaw that will cover all sections. He will also work with the GMC
Executive Committee and Board to address the inconsistencies in sections’ bylaws on other topics.
Consequently, the NEKGMC will presently take no further action on an NEKGMC Membership Bylaw
Volunteer Appreciation Day- At one time, Andrea Kane was assuming the lead on this idea, which for now is being deferred.
Upcoming Events –
Bald Mountain July 15 (Cate Bishop) Long Pond Trail Sat
North Branch – Stat July 15 Beth Barnes
Steve Farrell Haystack Mountain – August 12 (Sat)
Long Trail Day – Aug 19 John Predom asked for volunteers to lead a team (Kingdom Express) John
Predom was thinking of hiking the two side trails on Belvidere. This would be an approximately 8 -mile
Cathi Brooks agreed to offer another Sentinel Rock hike for a date to be determined.
Position Vacancies – In light of her resignation as Newport City Mayor, Beth Barnes has graciously
agreed to remain on as the Newsletter Editor. Her relinquishing of the Membership Coordinator’s role
remains unchanged, and a successor is needed.
Next Meeting – The NEKGMC Fall Quarterly meeting will take place on Sunday October 15, 2023 at the
Burke Mountain Clubhouse in East Burke. The specific time and an any associated hike will be
announced at a lat4er date.
Adjournment- At the sound of thunder, the meeting was quickly adjourned at approximately 2:20 P.M.
Submitted by Michael Jay Chernick – NEKGMC Secretary

2023 Annual Meeting, March 26, 2023, Burke Mountain Clubhouse, East Burke, Vermont

Welcome & Called to Order – NEKGMC President, John Predom, welcomed everyone to the 2023 NEKGMC Annual Meeting at 1:05 P.M. John reported on his third year as NEKGMC President, a role he initially assumed at Jean Haigh’s request. Jean was concerned the section would fragment after her passing. This happily has not occurred. He spoke of starting during the pandemic and following COVID-19 guidelines. John had intended to relinquish this role in 2023 but has decided to continue (applause). The challenge to find hike leaders remains. John mentioned incentives to attract hike leaders. He has only 4 to 6 persons who consistently lead hikes. The only requirement to be a hike leader is GMC membership. Incentives are offered for consistent hike leaders such as payment for wilderness first aid. John mused on the thought of a dozen leaders per quarter. On a different topic, he noticed that membership forms must be in writing per the bylaws. As the matter had not been warned, it will be addressed at the Summer quarterly meeting in July.

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary, Michael Chernick, reviewed highlights from the January 2023 quarterly meeting held at the NorthWoods Stewardship Center in East Charlestown.
Motion to Approve the Minutes – [Brooks /Commons] Approved unanimously

Treasurer’s Report – NEKGMC Treasurer, Angela Smith, submitted the following quarterly report on the section’s finances:
Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club
Quarterly Financial Statement
As of March 25, 2023
Operating Account
Beginning Balance (as of 01/14/23)
Dues Sharing
Nov (01/24/23) $120.00
(posted 01/25/23) $266.25
January (posted 03/05/23) $51.25

Cathi Brooks (Shirt Shipping) $82.06
Kingdom Embroidery (Deposit on T-shirts) $186.00
Kingdom Embroidery (Remainder on T-shirts) $186.00
Burke Mountain Clubhouse (Donation) $25.00
Ending Balance
Certificate of Deposit
….4489/Matures 01/12/2024 @.40% $1,595.24
….3785/Matures 06/27/2023 @.40% $1,755.87
Grand Total All Monies

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer
​The section accepted the report as received

Main Club Director’s Report – NEKGMC Main Board Member, Cathi Brooks, reported on the March Main Club Board meeting. The GMC is granting an honorary life membership to XXXX. Someone will substitute for Cathi at the June Main Club Board Meeting as she will be attending a family wedding in Virginia. Long Trail Day will be Aug 19. NEKGMC Executive Director, Mike DeBonis, will take a sabbatical following the 2023 Annual Meeting in June and through the summer. Deputy Director, Alicia Di Coco, will serve this role in Mike’s absence. Mike testified to House Commerce Committee, in the General Assembly, in favor of VHCB funding and other outdoor recreation legislation. A full field season is planned, including construction of the Bromley Tower, the Herrick Building’s reconstruction, and the Jean Haigh Cabin (already under construction). There will be contractor support (already signed) for the timber framing of the Herrick Building. Last year, the field season focused on the multi-organizational reconstruction of the Burrows Trail on Camel’s Hump. This project will continue through next summer (2024). There will be three trail crews
this season and crew members’ base rate will be $15.00 per hour. Funding for Herrick and the Jean Haigh Cabin is from Capital Campaign proceeds and separate fundraising occurred for the BromleyTower. Membership numbers have fallen, and the Main Club hopes to revive them. But contribution numbers are up. A GMC bequest challenge has been started with two anonymous donors providing base funding. Main Club finances are strong. There is an operating deficit that GMC is working to alleviate. The Club is also looking to hire a new manager for the Visitors’ Center.
In 2024, there will be a new edition of the publication 50 Hikes in Vermont. Unfortunately, due to the current lack of public access, the Mount Monadnock article will probably be removed from the book. The Main Club has implemented a new digital geo-system for trails management. The GMC is still looking for volunteers for the Volunteer LT Patrol. This will consist of seven weeks of trail hardening on a designated section of the LT. GMC will be offering, through a private contractor, a chain saw class. Sections were encouraged to support enrollees with tuition grants. The class will take place April 14-16. The 10 class slots will cost in excess of $5,000 (in total). Lorne Currier at Main Club is the coordinator. The class will occur on GMC land in Johnson. NEKGMC Section member, Victor Caamano, may be interested and will contact the Main Club. There will also be cross-cut training in June, but priority for that class will be given to sections with wilderness areas (not NEK). Lot 49 at Wheeler Pond Camp (the parking lot across the road) is completed. The loft space at Hadsel will no longer be a permitted sleeping area due to safety reasons. Various repairs have been completed at Hadsel. The Judevine track has been transferred to the State. There are approximately 6 miles of LT still requiring protection. The connection to North Country Trail (an east-west National Scenic Trail extending from Vermont to North Dakota) has been approved. The final eastern end of North Country Trail will be at Maine Junction. There will be updating on management planning aspects of this project. Lastly, the FY 2024 (starts May 1, 2023) Main Club Budget was approved.

NEKGMC Officer Elections -The following slate of officers for the 2023-2024 year was proposed:
President – John Predom (1 year)
Vice President – Paul Trojano (1 year)
Secretary – Michael Chernick (1 year)
Treasurer – Angela Smith (1 year)
Rep to Main Board Cathi Brooks (3 years)
No other nominations were offered
Motion to direct the NEKGMC Secretary to cast a single ballot for all four elected officers- [Barnes/Caamamo], Approved Unanimously
Appointment of NEKGMC Section Archivist, Andrea Kane to the NEKGMC Executive Committee
Motion to direct the NEKGMC President to appoint the NEKGMC Archivist, Andrea Kane, to the Executive Committee [Barnes/Caamamo], Approved unanimously
Membership Coordinator Vacancy – Beth Barnes is stepping down as NEKGMC Membership Coordinator/Newsletter editor as she will be busily engaged in her duties as mayor of Newport. The opening is posted. Beth will remain in these roles till a successor is appointed. The posts could be split but usually have been unified.

KHT Corridor Management Agreement – The agreement designating the GMC as the organizational manager for hiking trails on the Kingdom Heritage Lands expires in the near future and will be up for renewal. John Predom is interested in modifications to the plan regarding Unknown Pond (remove) and Black Mountain (added). V The idea of designating NorthWoods Stewardship Center as a co-manager will be discussed.

Wilderness First Aid Renewals – Section hike leaders (Susan Winsor/Cathi Brooks) Wilderness First Aid certification is expiring. The NEKGMC will cover the cost for renewals via attendance at a class that Andrea Kane (a qualified instructor) will offer.

Trail Work Day – Tentatively set for Sunday June 4. Exact location is to be determined. Kevin would prefer a new location. Kevin suggested Unknown Pond (South side of Middle Mountain).
Brighton Trail Day (June 24 tentative). Sue Winsor will work with someone from the Town of Island Pond on the necessary arrangements and the permitting process. After discussions, it has been decided toretain this event in Brighton.

Section Workings Group and Membership – Beth Barnes reports the exact number of members is uncertain. Rick Dugan, the Main Club Membership Coordinator, is responsible for this data. Beth is assuming 300 members, based the knowledge that four new members have joined. On March 29 there is an NVU-Lyndon Health Fair. Beth discussed a joint event with the Northern Frontier Section at the Jay Recreation site off River Road. But on further discussion that site was determined to be too small. The section discussed August 5 or September 9 as possible dates for this event. Beth will contact Ken Whitehead (President Northern Frontier). She is considering a Newport hiking event at a later date. The idea of a bike ride across the border via the Beebe Spur Trail was proposed. The date of the next section working group is undetermined.

Camps Committee – Paul Trojano, Chair of the Main Club’s Camps Committee, indicated that volunteers will be welcomed (on set dates) to participate in the raising of the walls of Jean’s Cabin. The parking lot across the street has been expanded. There will be a new woodshed near the Jean Haig Cabin. Paul emphasized that there is a need to keep 10 chords of wood at Wheeler on a continuing basis. In the fall, there will be a wood stacking event. Paul will be visiting the site on 3/27.

Trails Management Committee (Main Club) Cathi Brooks – The LT Management Plan is being revised. One issue is that hikers have been staying overnight for multiple nights. The issue of vandalism and hate speech has arisen, a more effective policy is needed. An update on the Leave No Trace policy and the associated issue of waste disposal is also required. Another topic is the policy on tree removal. Only qualified persons should be determining if tree should be removed. There was not any discussion at the most recent TC Meeting regarding the primitive camp sites on the KHT. This is a topic that John Predom wants to move forward. John mentioned new Pisgah signs are coming. The Caretaker fees at GMC shelters are being eliminated. The idea is to eliminate the caretakers handling cash. Alternative revenue sources will account for this loss of income.

Section Volunteer Appreciation Date – The idea of staging this event in April is off. It will be rescheduled for the fall. There remains no indication that Main Club will reestablish a Volunteer Appreciation Day. Therefore, proceeding forward with a section event is warranted.

Volunteers to Lead Hikes – John Predom again stressed his desire to find creative ways to entice new hike leaders.

GMC Annual Meeting – June 17 at Craftsbury Outdoor Center
Bylaw Update– Michael Chernick will send out proposed language to address updating the Section Bylaws relative to the written application required for GMC membership.
GMC Summer Quarterly Meeting – July 9-Lenny’s Camp Holland Vermont. Details to follow

Kevin suggested a group trail even at John’s Trail or Cow Mountain. (see above)
Agreement on adjournment at 2:46

Submitted by Michael Jay Chernick – NEKGMC Secretary

Winter Quarterly Meeting, January 22, 2023, NorthWoods Stewardship Center- East Charlestown, Vermont

Call to Order – NEK GMC President John Predom called the meeting to order at 1:10 P.M., thanking the volunteers. He spoke of volunteering as a hike leader and referencing the GMC “Hike Leaders’ Guide.” John emphasized that a trip need not be in the NEK. Kevin Williamson noted a trip is not limited to hiking (mentioning cross country skiing, snowshoeing, canoeing, and biking). Cathi Brooks mentioned the availability of taking a first aid course with Andrea Kane, with section subsidization.

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick highlighted the minutes of the October 1, 2022 fall quarterly meeting.

MOTION [Brooks/Barmes] moved to approve the secretary’s minutes as submitted.

Approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – NEKGMC Treasurer Angela Smith submitted the following report, which Michael Chernick summarized in Angela’s absence.

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of January 14, 2023

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 09/30/22) $5,136.72



Dues Sharing

July (posted 10/18/22) $161.25

August (posted 10/20/22) $173.75

September (posted 11/15/22) $111.25

October (posted 11/15/22) $183.75


Local Donut LLC $124.00

Cathi Brooks (Deposit on T-shirts) $305.00

John Predom (Coffee) $26.50

Kingdom Embroidery (Remainder on T-shirts) $305.00

Ending Balance $5,006.22


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2023 @.40% $1,593.99

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2023 @.40% $1,755.16


Grand Total All Monies $8,355.37

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

Beth Barnes inquired on the mechanics of dues sharing and a short discussion on the reports from Main Club ensued.

Director’s Report – NEKGMC Director Cathi Brooks reported on the most recent Main Club Board meeting, conducted via Zoom. The Club continues to follow any State COVID guidelines. A new 5-year strategic plan is in development. The GMC’s auditing firm recently issued a clean audit. Finances are looking good. The Club’s revenue is tracking above the 2022 level compared to this point last year. The Club continues to offer supportive activities for Ridgeline Society members. The Capital Campaign’s goal of $4,000,000.00 was achieved. The Herrick Building reconstruction project at Waterbury headquarters will start during 2023. Despite challenges of inflation and supplies, the original Herrick Building budget remains as the Board adopted. Construction on the new Wheeler Pond Camp continues, as well as renovations on Hadsel Mares. Northern LT construction continues as part of a five-year effort to bring conditions on this segment of the trail to the level of the federally protected segment to the south. The 2022 field season was extremely busy catching up on the COVID related backlog. Finding crew leaders was challenging, but ultimately successful. The GMC closed on the Judevine parcel and transferred 1.25 acres of the LT to state, with the Club’s retention of a trail easement. The GMC and the Watermaan Fund held an outdoor stewardship session on Mt Mansfield.

An extensive membership survey was recently completed, and Cathi Brooks distributed a copy for viewing. According to the survey, the Club’s membership is becoming older. Key topics on members’ perspective on participation in GMC activities were surveyed. For example, 92 percent of survey respondents thought the LT was important. One interesting point, some members did not find section membership was important.

Cathi Brooks reported a much-needed new road sign is being installed at the car entrance to the Waterbury headquarters on Route 100.

Closer to home, she reaffirmed the new camp at Wheeler Pond will be named in Jean’s honor. Six new parking spaces are being constructed across the road from the camps.

This past summer’s LT Day, Club-wide, raised over $49,000. The NEKGMC again was the most successful LT Day fundraiser. This year the LT Day is scheduled for Aug 19. The Burrows Trail reconstruction project on Camel’s Hump continues this summer as a cooperative effort of several trail-focused organizations. The 2022 effort resulted in extensive trail improvements with more planned for 2023.

Appointment of Outings Coordinator – Susan Winsor has volunteered to serve as the NEKGMC’s Outing’s Coordinator. John Predom listed recent section trips. He reminded everyone that leaders have discretion to determine whether a participant is equipped and able to participate in a hike. He also asked for volunteers and stressed the option of S.L.O.T.H. (Sauntering Ladies on Therapeutic Hikes) (less stressful) events.

NorthWoods Stewardship Center (NWSC) – NorthWoods Executive Director Maria Young, today’s meeting host, thanked everyone for supporting the organization, which was established in 1989. NWSC has approximately 15 full-time staff and expands to over 100 in the summer, including youth crews. The organization hosts school groups, a summer camp, and is looking to leverage conservation experience from youth and adults. She commented the NWSC experience for young people is very meaningful. NWSC is committed to fostering the next generation of conservation and stewardship leadership.

The NWSC headquarters site in East Charleston encompasses 1500 acres, including forestry demonstration projects. NWSC seeks to eliminate economic and social justice barriers to participation, in its activities. The new conservation barn recently opened. Looking ahead, the organization will continue to invest in trails. A new main lodge entrance and bringing the lodge into ADA compliance is planned. Linked to the ADA proposal is a plan for an all-person trail. The Camel’s Hump collaboration with GMC (Burrows Trail) continues. The NWSC also participates in the Kingdom Heritage Trail (KHT) Partnership hike.

This year, NWSC will partner with the White Mountain National Forest on the Franconia/Saco loops, as well work in the Green Mountain National Forest and at Cow Mountain Pond. There will be locally based crews, and their assignments will include work in the Nulhegan Refuge. NWSC has constructed many of the refuge’s boardwalks and has work on the Northern Canoe Trail. There was further discussion of camping sites that have involved NWSC ‘s construction participation. The second edition of the “Northeast Kingdom Mountain Trail Guide” has been issued under NWSC’s exclusive auspices.

NEKGMC has volunteered at the annual Westmore Challenge. Maria mentioned the NEK Challenge Facebook page. NWSC has now hired a full-time communications person. 2022 was the first offering of the Jean Haigh scholarship for the Westmore Challenge. Ami English was the 2022 recipient of this scholarship.

Maria Young stated there is not a formal NWSC volunteer program, nor is one immediate planned.

Forest, Parks, and Recreation (FPR) Update – FPR Recreation Specialist Luke O’Brien thanked everyone for helping to keep the trails’ program alive. FPR is now focused on state trails’ resources. He appreciated reports on trail problems posted on Facebook. Luke has just received news of projects to be funded in 2023, but there were not as many as he had hoped. Unfortunately, the financial request focused on staff and limits project opportunities. There is some funding for crew projects, including two weeks of NEK roving crews, supporting work on Bluff Ridge. The boardwalk at Brighton State Park will be replaced. There will be work on the Peacham Bog Trail and improved access for a fishing access.

There are new recommendations for limiting tower access for safety reasons, but miscellaneous safety repairs to multiple towers is planned. The roof on the Bald Tower has been replaced. To complete all the tower work initially proposed in the NEK would cost $2.8 million. This amount will be revised to below $2 million. Bald’s construction is based on the 1933 design and Monadnock’s and Burke’s were built on the 1937 design. Initially major revisions will be made at the Burke and Bear Mountain towers. Treads will be replaced on Bald’s tower. Luke is hoping the Bald tread project can be achieved through volunteer-community participation.

This past field season, Luke oversaw the renovation of seven lodging shelters, largely as a forestry staff project. He is trying to develop a funding source for trail work on Burke as well as the Long Pond Trail on Bald. Luke suggested a couple of trail maintenance outings with the NEKGMC. There will be a bunch of trail work at the south end of Lake Willoughby. CRAGVT (a rock climbing organization) will probably be granted corridor management status for rock climbing on Black Mountain. The KHT (formerly Champion) Corridor Management plan is up for overall review in two years. FPR is starting to think ahead on the specifics of the next corridor proposal. The Plan is scheduled for signing in 2025.

There is a growing awareness of human impact on wildlife, but Luke also pushes back a little bit in the belief that humans can be separated from nature. The key is finding the right balance. There might be a hard end goal on the number of trails, whether prospective or to stop at the current number. He is trying to remove all bias and determine the impact of all trails from a landscaping and site perspective.

Camps – Paul Trojano, the Main Club Camps Committee Chair (and the NEKGMC Vice President) reported, as had Cathi Brooks, on the Main Club Board’s approval, at its June 2022 Annual Meeting, of a motion to name the new Wheeler Pond Camp in Jean Haigh’s memory. But the specific name will be decided later this winter. Plywood stacking at Wheeler Pond has been completed. At the next Camps Committee meeting, he will advocate for expanding the existing Wheeler firewood storage area and to build a new one, after the new camp is completed. But, he will also suggest that the stored high-quality would be limited for heating (and not outside pit fires). Luke O’Brien suggested securing separate camp firewood for the outdoor pits. Renovations for repairing Hadsel Mares should be finished by Feb 1. The GMC, ideally, would modify the two camps to offer ADA compliant.

Luke commented on the need for a tenting site proposal on the KHT. One site is on Weyerhaeuser land another on Sweet Tree. Weyerhaeuser has a resource concern. Sweet Tree may be more willing, but the U.S. Forest Service holds an easement, which may prove problematic.

Trails – NEK Trails Adoption Coordinator Kevin Williamson reports, assuming all current adopters return this coming season, he is optimistic that nearly full coverage will be available. The only certain problem is the Wheeler Pond Trail. The meeting’s attendees discussed the crossing at Beaver Dam. In response to an inquiry, Kevin Williamson reviewed a listing of trail adopter duties. He stated he hopes to arrange a spring trail workday at Cow Mountain Pond. Maria Young mentioned that bringing out a group of young students to perform trail work requires adult supervision.

Membership – (John Predom reporting for NEKGMC Membership Coordinator Beth Barnes who needed to leave the meeting early). At present, the NEKGMC has 296 enrolled members. Beth is working with Discover Newport to list hiking as a local heritage activity. Jesse Holden is interested in an all-day KHT event in October. But this would cause a Moose season conflict. The members had questions on insurance coverage and other details. Permitting from GMC, the town, and FPR would be required.

NEK Appreciation Day – Cathi Brooks wishes to recognize a few section volunteers at an annual section event. The future of the Main Club’s Volunteer Appreciation Day is uncertain. She is working with Kingdom Embroidery in Lyndon to design a gift for the honorees. Luke would love to support a Volunteer Appreciation Day. The event could feature information on trail training activities. No budget for the event has been approved. It was mentioned that April is Nation Volunteer Month. The section decided on Sunday April 16, and a committee will be developed, including Andrea Kane and Luke O’Brien, to organize the event.

NEKGMC Membership Incentives – John Predom had posed the question whether after an individual has attended a set number of trips a membership would be required. Attempting to incentivize membership was discussed with different approaches. Maximizing membership promotion at more opportunities both in person and digital, such as at organized events or trailheads was discussed. In response to this challenge to increase the percentage of hike participants, who are section members, several persons offered written comments as follows:

Paul Trojano: I think if someone who wasn’t a member came on group hikes, a gentle prompting about membership will either coax them into joining or stop joining group hikes altogether. The macro concept to me, aside from all your poignant comments, is how to sustain our section both financially and with “young blood”.


Cathi Brooks: Very well said, I joined years ago when I was looking for people to hike with and loved the camaraderie I found also. I had supported AMC for several years, but switched after finding GMC.  I have a good friend who does pamphlets for groups including Kingdom Trails. I also liked the idea of having contact info on maps.


Andrea Kane: There was a lot of exuberance around the topic of non-members going on hikes, and I never had a chance to finish my thought in the meeting today, so I want to be clear I initially joined the GMC out of obligation to support the trails financially, rather than a desire to hook up with hiking partners. Then I had young kids, and I started a GMC Young Adventurer’s Club for the Bread Loaf Section. Then I heard of an opening on the publications committee and that fit with the freelance writing I was doing at the time. Then we moved back to the NEK and Jean roped me in with her charm. (I believe her words to me were, “Why haven’t you joined the NEK Section yet?”) But the reason I stay involved to this day – and look forward to a long future with the section – is because of all of you. My point is that there are lots of reasons people get involved and stay involved, but whatever brings them to one of our events – be it a meeting, an Eat N Greet, or a hike, I don’t think it makes any sense to turn them away for not yet being members. Especially when the sense of camaraderie with the section is so strong. How could they resist your charms? WWJD? (What would Jean do?) I say we approach every interaction with the assumption they do want to get involved, then keep ’em coming, hope they have a fun and memorable time, get their email addresses, invite them to take a role with this or that (“Have you led a hike yet? Oh wait, are you a member yet?”) and if they still don’t join, let them know their dues are overdue. I don’t have everyone’s email who was at the meeting, but wanted to be sure at least you all knew what I meant.

Sue Winsor: Very well said …. I tend to agree. I lead hikes to get people the experience of hiking. I myself did not become a member until after numerous hikes. Promoting on the hikes is good and I do that. I wonder if a simple handout with levels of membership and some of benefits would be helpful.


Invitation to Jean Haigh Descendants – It was decided that the first stay at the new Wheeler Pond Camp should be offered to Jean Haigh’s family with recognition of Jean at a dedicatory event.

Taylor Series – A Zoom facilitated virtual Taylor event will be held on February 16 hosted by our section. The ‘American Alps’ in Washington’s Northern Cascades; Adam and Ruthie LaRoche of Franklin, Vermont, spent ten days in August hiking and backpacking in Washington State’s northernmost wilderness, the North Cascades. .

Next meeting – The next NEKGMC meeting (the Annual Meeting) will take place on Sunday March 26 at the Burke Mountain Club in East Burke, time and pre-meeting outing to be determined.

Adjournment– The meeting adjourned by mutual consent, without a motion, at 3:58 PM.

Fall Quarterly Meeting

October 1, 2022, Burke Mountain Clubhouse – East Burke, Vermont

Called to Order- NEK GMC President, John Predom, welcomed everyone (in person and online) and called the meeting to order at 4:08 P.M. The attendees introduced themselves including Geoff Commons, Jeff Morris, Ed Guest , Andrea Kane, Kevin Williamson, Sue Winsor, Gwyn Worthington, Beth Barnes, Paul Trojano, Cathi Brooks, John Predom, and Michael Chernick.

John spoke of his pride in the section’s accomplishments Several NEKGMC hikes occurred this past summer, as well as ad hoc events. Meet and Greets are continuing to succeed. The Long Trail Day was a success, both from a hiking and financial perspectives. John thanked both leaders and participants. Next hike is on October 15 after wood stacking

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary, Michael Chernick, highlighted the minutes of the July 2022 summer quarterly meeting.

MOTION [Brooks/Barnes] moved to approve the secretary’s minutes as submitted.

Approved unanimously

Treasures’ Report – NEGKMC Treasurer, Angela Smith, submitted the following report, which Michael summarized in Angela’s absence:

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of September 30, 2022

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 07/13/22) $5,625.65


Dues Sharing

June $126.25


Beth Barnes (Reimbursement) $15.18

Northwoods Stewardship Center $500.00

Burke Mountain Clubhouse $100.00

Ending Balance $5,136.72

**Main Club sent info for July $161.25 and Aug $173.75 but hasn’t been deposited yet into our



Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2023 @.40% $1,592.53

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2023 @.40% $1,753.70


Grand Total All Monies $8,482.98

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

GMC Board Report – NEKGM Main Club Board Director, Cathi Brooks reported on the September Board meeting. There was a slight surplus at the end of the FY 2022. The field season has been very busy. The Burrough’s Trail project continued, and staff salaries have been raised. The Club is receiving membership income at a slightly lower but acceptable level. The Capital Campaign ended with quite a bit of success. Right at end a million-dollar anonymous donation was received. Going forward the Club is set up very well financially. Endowments are down, as are stock funds generally. Staff cases of COVID still occur, but the Club has implemented a planned response. The process of collecting data to develop a new strategic plan is proceeding forward. Since the Capital Campaign concluded, members who had volunteered time on that effort are working on the strategic plan survey. The plan will set forth goals and policies for the next five years that take into account changing demographics and equity-diversity issues. After the last Board meeting an equity-diversity training session was held.

Among other items, the Club’s finances and related revenue receipts are tracking close to last year, noting the slight membership revenue shortfall. Handwritten thank you notes were sent regarding Capital Campaign participation, and Cathi thought this was a nice gesture, which is no longer typical.

An airlift was completed for construction at Stratton Pond. Major donors were invited to celebration dinner and a Long Trail Day Website was launched. A video on Burrough’s Trail restoration project being developed. Ridgeline Society contributors are being recognized, A 100th anniversary issue of the LTN will be published for winter 2023. New vehicles are being acquired for 2023. A new road sign on Route 100 will be installed shortly. A new edition of 50 Hikes in Vermont is forth coming.

The Visitors’ Center is now opened six days a week. July-Aug total sales (online/onsite) were $26,000 plus. Two months’ worth of AmeriCorps crew participated in the Burrough’s Trail reconstruction, along with other excellent crew members from various organizations. New privies were installed at several sites.

The construction of the long anticipated new camp at Wheeler Pond is stating this month (October 2022). The Main Club Board has voted to name the new camp in Jean Haigh’s memory.

The latest Hadsel Mares figure was 96 percent full (33 percent GMC members). Hadsel Mares is now closed until construction on the Jean Haigh Camp is completed. Hadsel Mares will house the construction crew.

There is a Land Conservation Committee working to secure land adjacent to the LT. Sterling Pond Shelter is not being named for Dave Hardy in deference to his widow’s request.

Cathi has received compliments on GMC activity in the NEK.

T-Shirts – Cathi reported that locally based Kingdom Embroidery was selected to produce the new tee shirts. We are getting the tri-blend version in blue and the performance shirts in a dark green. The productions cost per color is $25.00. There will probably be four colors per shirt. The tri-blend shirts will cost $13 a piece and the performance version $15.00 per shirt. They will be short sleeve (long sleeve could be ordered if the section desires) and both in male and female cuts will be available. There was discussion of the design. It will feature the GMC logo with “Northeast Kingdom” below. The squiggly trail line is removed (it was seen as a distraction), but the trail list remains. The organization of the list may need to be modified.

Membership – NEKGMC Membership Coordinator and Newsletter Editor, Beth Barnes, reported that the NEKGMC’s membership number is rising and now stands at 292 (Main Club staff thought “That is Great”) Beth’s goal is to raise it to 300 by the end of October. Beth is proud of this effort. That might be a newsletter notation Everyone is busy selling the idea of GMC. Congratulations to all. Everything went right on Long Trail Day for the NEK Section John welcomed everyone and the attendees introduced themselves.

Wheeler Camps – NEKGMC Vice President and GMC Camps’ Committee Chair, Paul Trojano, reported on the imminent commencement of the Jean Haigh Camp’s construction. Aa lean-to will be built on the lower level for wood storage and Paul assumes probably a second one on top level. With two camps, there will be need for a 10-cord capacity. On October 15th, a wood stacking session will occur bringing (hopefully) 5 cords from the upper to lower existing sheds. GMC Director of Field Operations, Keegan Tierney, is examining a new camp access pathway, other than the existing steep trail. Keegan still needs a carpenter for the Jean Haigh Camp construction project. Hadsel Mares, as mentioned above, is now closed till the end of the year. Paul indicated the more the better on the fifteenth, in terms of participation. John Predom will pay one-half the expense for fancy doughnut for the event.

Trails Adoption – NEKGMC Trails Coordinator, Kevin Williamson, reported that the Long Pond Trail on Bald Mountain, the East Trail on Mount Pisgah, and the accessible trail at Victory Basin require new adopters. FPR (Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation) Recreation Specialist Luke has a concern about a tree cutting situation in a sensitive area on the South Shore Trail at Lake Willoughby. The tree cutting should not have occurred without Luke’s review. It is a sensitive area as its adjacent to the shoreline of Lake Willoughby.

FPR Update – Luke submitted the following FPR update on trail construction and maintenance activities:

Spurred by the two-year pandemic, recreation use and visitation remained very high in 2022. Activities in the Northeast Kingdom (FPR District 5) were heavily focused on high use areas, as well as routine maintenance to keep trails, shelters, and parking areas in good condition. Work includes special ‘one-time’ capital projects, contracted trail crew and infrastructure projects, annual trail roving, and ‘spot’ maintenance projects to address ad hoc needs such as sign replacement, trail blazing, and shelter work. In addition, District staff have already begun prioritizing work for 2023 and beyond.

Below is a summary of work completed in FY2022:

Capital Projects

□ Completed work on the Willoughby State Forest ‘Ballfield’ overflow parking area

□ Substantially completed the new 2-tier WSF South End parking area

□ Work is on-going to improve cartop boat access near the ‘East Cove’ at Lake Willoughby

□ Replaced the Bald Mountain fire tower roof and made minor repairs to sheet metal siding

□ Completed minor repairs and stained Bald Mountain summit cabin (NWSC)

□ Completed minor repairs, elevated & re-set footings, and stained Umpire lean-to on Golden Trail in Victory SF, Burroughs lean-to and Red Trail lean-to on CCC Fire Road in Darling SP, Peacham Pond lean-to in Groton SF, and Coldwater Brook Camp in Groton SF (FPR staff)

□ Completed Bald Mountain Mad Brook Trailhead parking area

□ Graded the CCC Road in Willoughby SF

□ Completed substantial road maintenance in Bill Sladyk WMA

Contracted Crew Projects

□ Completed 2 weeks of trail restoration on Willoughby Shore Trail (NWSC)

□ Completed 1 week of shore restoration at Willoughby South End (NWSC)

□ Completed 2 weeks of trail work on Peacham Bog Loop in Groton SF (NWSC)

□ Completed 2 weeks of trail work at Seyon Lodge SP in Groton SF (STC)

□ Installed new puncheon on lower Gore Mountain Trail (NWSC)

□ Unknown Pond Trail adjustments (NWSC)

Trail Roving

Roved and maintained the following trails (roving is defined as clearing trail corridors, maintaining drainages and treadway, and repairing bridges, signs, and kiosks):

□ Groton SF Trails- Owls Head, Osmore Pond, Big Deer, Little Deer, Kettle Pond, Telephone Line, Coldwater Brook, Hosmer Brook, Peacham Pond, and Peacham Bog Loop trails (State Trail Crew)​

□ Willoughby SF Trails- Pisgah North and South, Moose Mountain (roved and blazed), Burke Mountain, Moose Bog, Gore Mountain (NWSC, FPR staff)

□ Brighton SP trails (roved and blazed) (FPR staff)

□ South segment Bluff Ridge Trail (STC)

□ Bennet Road ROW to Darling SP (waterbars installed)(NWSC, FPR staff)

‘Spot’ Projects

□ Signpost and sign installation at Groton SF, Moose Mountain, Brighton SP

□ Darling SP boundary blazing

□ Willoughby area risk management meeting with Glover Rescue

□ Continuous monitoring at South End Lake Willoughby

Upcoming (fall 2022)

□ Darling SP West Peak and Red Trail lean-to maintenance (STC, FPR staff)

□ Burke Mountain summit trail patrol (STC)

□ Burke Mountain (upper) Red Trail & West Peak Trail assessment (FPR)

□ Pisgah South Trail assessment (FPR)

□ Peacham Bog boardwalk assessment (FPR)

□ Devils Hill Trail maintenance (STC)

□ Holbrook SP roving (STC)

□ Darling SP boundary maintenance (FPR)

□ Willoughby SF boundary maintenance (FPR)

□ New trail signs and signposts at Willoughby SF CCC Camp S-55, Groton SF Osmore Pond area, and Seyon Lodge SP (STC, FPR staff)

2023 and beyond

□ Peacham Bog boardwalk replacement

□ Pisgah South Trail route adjustments

□ Burke Mountain Trails maintenance and adjustments

□ Groton multi-use trails maintenance upgrades

□ Shelter maintenance at GSF Peacham Pond lean-to, VSF Tug Hill lean-to, DSP West Peak lean-to

□ Black Mountain access management

I would like to acknowledge and thank the many Northeast Kingdom Green Mountain Club trail adopters for their good work and service and, particularly, Kevin Williamson and John Predom, for their leadership. Trail adopters provide a crucial service on FPR-managed lands by addressing routine maintenance and reporting incidents, conditions, and needs. Thank you!

Please note that FPR manages trails to meet appropriate trail guidelines and standards. This is an on-going and evolving process. If you have questions about your work or adopted trail, please reach out for guidance especially when it involves potentially substantial work or changes to trail conditions.​

NorthWoods Stewardship Update – Maria Young of the NorthWoods Stewardship Center submitted the following NorthWoods update on trail construction and maintenance and related hiking activities:

From Maria Young, Excutive Director:

NEK Mountain Trail Guide Second Edition shared as a resource to the community and thanks to the volunteer efforts of Kevin Williamson to distribute those.

Ongoing partnership with the Westmore Association for Westmore area trail projects which supported work on the Westmore Town Forest trails and the Bald Mtn fire warden’s cabin upkeep this summer.

The completion of the 6th Annual Westmore Mountain Challenge, many thanks to the GMC NEK Club volunteers and trail adopters.

Partnership with GMC and VTFPR on the Burrows Trail of Camel’s Hump, underway now.

We awarded the First Jean Haigh Memorial Award for free entry into the Westmore Mountain Challenge, Ami English was the recipient.

We are happy to be able to be the venue for 2 map and compass workshops, and thank Gordon Dubois for sharing his expertise with the community, and the GMC NEK club for their donation which helps support venue costs.

We’ve also been sending out a number of NEK Mountain Challenge completion patches, and responding to a wide variety of questions that arise about trail etiquette, descriptions, access etc.

We have increased Kelsey Evan’s position from part time communications role to full time communications director. This is very important as it can take quite a bit of work to stay up on being proactive about sharing our work, public accessibility, and responding to community questions.

We are putting in quite a bit of work and $ on our own trail this fall to make some real upgrades around drainage, which will make a big difference come ski and snowshoe season this year out on the Hopkins Hill Trail. We are looking to establish a backcountry connector that would link the main lodge/campus to the trailheads on Echo Lake and Jordan Road.

Also, we are beginning a feasibility study of an ALL Persons Trail (ADA) at the NorthWoods campus.

We will reach out to GMC NEK Club members to join us to provide feedback as we consider that route.

From Dusty May, Conservation Corps Director:

BreadLoaf Wilderness/ Long Trail and Appalachian Trail – Green Mtn National Forest – Trail Maintenance and Restoration

Lye Brook Wilderness/ Long Trail – Green Mtn NF- Trail Maintenance and Restoration

Burrows Trail- Camels Hump State Forest- Trails Restoration and Stone structures

Gore Mtn- Trail Patrol and Bog Bridge Replacement

Unknown Pond Trail- Trail Patrol and Trail Adjustments

Middle Mtn Trail- Trail Patrol

Pisgah South and North- Trail Patrol

Burke Mtn Trails- Trail Patrol

Moose Bog Trail- Trail Patrol

Cow Mtn- Trail Patrol, Drainage Construction, Bog Bridge construction, and Signage

Bald Mtn Cabin Restoration- Including Privy maintenance, painting of cabin and roof repair

Assisted with Bald Mtn Fire tower roof Restoration

Bluff Community Trial – Trail Patrol

Westmore Town Forest- Trail Patrol

Bald Mtn Long Pond trail- Trail Patrol

Willoughby Shore Trail- Trail Restoration Projects

Groton State Forest- Peacham Bog Trail- Trail adjustments and Sustainable trail construction

Please thank everyone for their efforts this trail season for me. I look forward to our continued partnership with the GMC and hope to catch up over the winter.

History Project – Andrea will return to the project later this fall once her professional season duties are concluded.

Section Outings Chair – John has been filling both (Section President and Outings) roles and would like another person to fill this role. Susan Windsor is considering accepting the position. The membership in attendance encouraged her to consider it.

Next Meeting – Sunday January 22 (possibly at NorthWoods)

Adjournment – The fall quarterly meeting adjourned by a unanimously offered motion at approximately 5:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Chernick, NEKGMC Section Secretary

Summer Quarterly Meeting

July 2022, Lenny’s Camp -Holland Pond, Vermont

Welcome – NEK GMC President, John Predom, called the meeting to order at 1:26 PM.

President’s Report – John Predom commented that we are heading into the heart of the hiking season and expressed appreciation for the fast response to trail clearing needs. This coming week, Paul Trojano and John Predom will be wood stacking at Wheeler Pond Camps. The Brighton Trail Day event was a great success, as was the map and compass session at the NorthWoods Stewardship Center. Two section members took the sawing training and Susan Windsor has been leading hikes twice a week until her recent injury.

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary, Michael Chernick, reviewed the minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting held in April at the Burke Mountain Clubhouse.

Treasurer’s Report – In the absence of NEKGMC Treasurer, Angela Smith, Michael Chernick reviewed the quarterly treasurer’s report, which Angela submitted as follows:

Northeast Kingdom Section – Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of July 13, 2022

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 04/02/22) $6,187.46

-$350.00 “March” in error should be toward Dec



Dues Sharing

March $177.75

April $186.25

May $86.26


John Predom (Reimbursement) $414.56

Ending Balance $5,625.65

** Main Club still owes (as of 7/17/24) $717.17 -$120.00-$350.00 = $247.50

Certificates of Deposit

CD#1 ….4849/Matures 01/12/23 @.40% $1,591.85

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2023 @.40% $1,752.96

Grand Total All Monies $8,970.46

Angela Smith – Treasurer

Following presentation of the report, those in attendance discussed that prior to the next CD mature date, Angela should investigate if retaining the funds in a CD is the best financial option.

Main Club Director’s Report – NEKGMC’s Main Club Director, Cathi Brooks, reported on the GMC’s June 2022 Board meeting and other recent developments. Fiscal Year 2022 ended on May 31 with a surplus of $3436 (virtually balanced). Direct contributions were 80 percent of FY 2022’s revenue total. Membership revenue was slightly down. But fee for services was dramatically up to $650,000 worth of field services performed. Grants also increased. Total Fiscal Year 2022 revenue was $2,126,684 and expenses totaled $1, 123,051. Salaries and wages were $1, 346.30. Program expenses rose as field work increased (15 7 percent over Fiscal Year 2021). Despite the recent inflation, GMC finances are in good shape.

The multi-partner restoration project on Camel’s Hump’s Burrough’s Trail is proceeding. There will be additional field work this season on the Burrough’s Trail and other projects. As of late May, the endowment stood at $6.7 million (prior to the recent stock market downturn). The GMC Capital Campaign concluded successfully achieving its $4 million goal. An event celebrating this achievement will be held on a date to be determined.

Cath Brooks also mentioned other administrative matters, including the status of car leases. A new App was introduced in May to phase out staff paper reports. The formal design has been approved for the new Herrick Building at headquarters, and the Act 250 permit is secured. The Club has engaged a sign design company to develop new signage at the Route 100 entrance to headquarters. A new heating system has been installed at the Visitors’ Center.

On the publications front, new Killington and Day Hikers’ Guides are being published. GMC sales in FY 2022 totaled approximately $21,000, with the LT Guide, Day Hiker’s Guide, and other maps topping the sales list.

The Main Club Membership Committee is developing a new survey of cub members and is also involved in the preparation for the LT Day scheduled for September 10. The NEKGMC’s contribution to this club-wide activity will consist of a hike from Route 105 to the Canadian border, hiking north on the LT and returning via the Journey’s End Trail.

Executive Director’s Report– NEKGMC Executive Mike DeBonis was in attendance and reviewed the current COVID policies, which rely on CDC standards. Staff vaccinations remain mandatory.

Field Program Updates – GMC Director of Field Programs, Kegan Tierney, has established crews for this summer. Administratively, procedures were better organized this year. An additional crew was organized for the Burroughs Trail project. The Volunteer Long Trail Patrol has been reinstituted.

Camps – Hadsel Mares was 77 percent occupied during the spring and 21 percent of the renters were GMC members. Overall, for Fiscal Year 2022, Hadsel Mares was 90 percent occupied, Bryant Camp had an 80 percent recorded occupancy, and Bolton Camp was 58 percent occupied. By end of fall, the Beaver Dam Replacement Camp should be completed. During the construction period (September -2/3 months) Hadsel Mares will be closed. Most immediately, a wood stacking session will be held on 7/18. Whether to name the new cabin for Jean will be determined at the September Main Club Board Meeting.

Land Conservation – A focus on preservation of land areas around the LT is underway. All segments of the LT have an assigned corridor monitor.

Special Recognition – President’s Award – Long serving NEKGMC Membership Coordinator and Publications Editor, Ed Guest, who spearheaded NEKGMC ‘s hosting the 2004 GMC Annual Meeting at Burke, was a reliable and essential member at numerous wood stacking sessions, and a great hiking companion, was honored with a GMC President’s Award. GMC Executive Director, Mike DeBonis, presented the award to Ed.

Membership /Newsletter Update – As of June 2022, the NEK Section had 267 members (9800 total GMC/5800 at large) NEKGMC Membership Coordinator and Newsletter Editor, Beth Barnes, presented the following report:

Beth offered she is enthusiastic to keep both of her roles and that another eat and greet is possible at Chez Pigeon in Norton.

Kingdom Heritage Campsites – There is no final decision yet regarding the proposed Kingdom Heritage campsites. Two campsites have been identified, but the ultimate decision on proceeding with these locations is now with the partners (the private landowners, the Agency of Natural Resources, and the GMC).

Section Donations – Whether to approve the NEKGMC Section donating to the Burke Clubhouse and the NorthWoods Stewardship Center was deferred, due to the lack of an Executive Committee quorum. (The Executive Committee was polled subsequently and approved $500.00 for NorthWoods and $100 for the Burke Clubhouse.

New Adopter Need – A new adopter is needed for the Bluff Community Trail in Brighton.

Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Summer Updates – Luke O’Brien, in his role as an FPR Recreation Specialist submitted the following report on current and prosed trail projects under FPR’s authority:

FPR District 5

2022 Field Season Activity Report

Trail and recreation projects in the Northeast Kingdom have been greatly aided this season by the recent hiring of a seasonal (May-October) Trail Coordinator- Kevin Studley. Kevin and Luke have both been engaged in supporting numerous summer projects, and the added staff capacity (albeit temporary) has been helpful to visit and support more projects on more of our public lands.

Below is a summary of work taking place during the 2022 field season.

  • The FPR State Trail Crew is at full capacity, with five members completing a total of 7 weeks of trail maintenance in the NEK. Thus far, work completed includes:
  • Trail Roving at Groton SF: Osmore Pond, Big Deer, Little Deer, Owls Head, and Kettle Pond Trails
  • Trail maintenance at Seyon Lodge SP at/around Noyes Pond in Groton
  • Upcoming work will include:
  • Additional Trail Roving at Groton SF, as well as Brighton SP, Maidstone SP, Devil’s Hill, and Peacham Bog will occur this fall.
  • NorthWoods Stewardship Center crews have completed or will complete the following work:
  • Willoughby Shore Trail- 2 weeks of stabilization, maintenance, and restoration
  • Bald Mountain summit cabin- 1 week maintaining and staining the summit cabin
  • Trail Roving- 2 weeks of light maintenance on Pisgah North and South Trails, Bald Mountain Mad Brook and Long Pond Trails, Burke Red and West Peak Trails, Unknown Pond Trail, Gore Mountain Trail (lower section), and Moose Bog.
  • Peacham Bog Loop- 2 weeks of tread work on the southern loop to improve access for horses and bicycles.
  • Vermont Youth Conservation Corps will be completing a 2-week project to restore the historic CCC Coldwater Brook Camp in Groton State Forest.
  • NorthWoods Watershed Crew spent several days in June planting tree seedlings and revegetating heavily impacted areas along the Willoughby Lake shoreline, primarily adjacent to the west cove beach.
  • Additional projects scheduled for this season by FPR staff include:
  • Expanded parking at Lyndon State Forest
  • Bald Mountain Fire Tower roof repair
  • Trail sign replacement at Owls Head, Mt Hor, Moose Mountain, and Seyon Lodge
  • Blaze updates at Pisgah North, Moose Mountain, Kettle Pond, and Middle Mountain
  • Shelter repair work at Burroughs and Red Trail lean tos in Darling SP
  • Trail assessments on the upper reaches of the Pisgah South, Bald Mountain Long Pond, and Burke Mountain West Peak and Red Trails, perhaps leading to funding in 2023
  • Continued work to approve and implement Black Mountain climbing plan
  • Fire Tower structural assessments on Bald and Burke Mountains

A big future project is the replacement of the Pisgah South Trail boardwalk, hopefully in spring 2023.

Westmore Challenge – The NorthWoods Stewardship Center’s Westmore Challenge hike is scheduled for Saturday September 24, 2022. The NEKGMC will provide volunteer support.

Brighton Trail Day – There was discussion of possibly switching the event to Norton (new hikes would be offered). If in Norton, the event would be centered at Black Turn Brook State Forest. Alternatively, Jackson Heights Lodge in Canaan is a possibility. The idea of Norton seemed of special interest to those in attendance.

Volunteer T-Shirts – John is interested in developing and distributing tee shirts for section volunteers.

(The Executive Committee was polled subsequently and approved)

GMC Annual Meeting Scheduling – GMC Executive Director, Mike DeBonis, explained the scheduling of the process for scheduling the GMC Annual Meeting. The process is now institutionalized in a manual with a calendar. The 2023 GMC Annual Meeting is planned at Sterling College (Northern Frontier, Laraway, and Sterling sections co-sponsoring). Jackson Lodge in Canaan has expressed interested as a site and John Predom will put it in contact with Mike DeBonis

Next Meeting – Marty Podosh will be the guest speaker at the NEKGMC Fall Quarterly meeting on Saturday October 1, 2022. He is an expert on the CCC Camps. The meeting will convene at the Burke Mountain Clubhouse at 4:00 PM, with Marty’s presentation scheduled for 6:00 PM.

NEKGM History Project Update – Andrea Kane continues working on the compilation of an NEKGMC history document. She is busily involved with her professional duties during the summer and will focus again on the project in the fall.

Future Hikes – The date of future hikes will be determined later.

Adjournment – The NEKGMC Summer Quarterly meeting adjourned at 2:54 PM with Lenny serving his famous cheesecake.

Michael Jay Chernick – NEKGMC Secretary


Annual Meeting

Burke Mountain Clubhouse – East Burke Vermont

April 4, 2022

Call to Order – NEKGMC President John Predom welcomed all attendees to the 2022 NEKGMC Annual Meeting. Attendees at the meeting were Cathi Brooks, John Predom, Paul Trojano, Gordon DuBois, Kevin, Williamson, Sue Winsor, Andrea Kane, Geoff Commons, Doug Lamb, Hope Crifo, Michael DuBois, Chris Gagnon, Mike DeBonis, Luke O’Brien and Jon Kenney. John opened the meeting addressing the topic of volunteerism. At the next Main Club Annual Meeting in June a number of NEK volunteers will be recognized.

Secretary’s Minutes – NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick presented a summary of the minutes from the January 2022 NEK Quarterly Meeting.

MOTION [Brooks/Trojano] move to accept minutes

Approved unanimously

Before proceeding to the Treasurer’s Report GMC Executive Director Mike DeBonis introduced himself as did other attendees.

Treasurer’s Report – In the absence of NEKGMC Treasurer Angela Smith, NEKGMC Director to the Main

Cathi Brooks summarized the report.

Treasurer’s Report Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of April 2, 2022

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 01/21/22) $4,664.94


Dues Sharing

December $717.50*

January $235.00

February $120.00

CNB Donation (Community Circle) $100.00

March $350.00**

*Deposit that hasn’t been deposited by main club. Angela sent Rick Dugan

an email requesting clarification as to where our deposit is. *

**Deposited into bank account but Rick hasn’t sent the spreadsheet yet**



Ending Balance $6,187.46


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2023 @.40% $1,590.85

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2022 @.40% $1,751.87


Grand Total All Monies $9,530.18​

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

Cathi Brooks – Main Club Report – The most recent GMC Main Club Board meeting occurred on March 19 and as has been the practice since the pandemic started was conducted by Zoom. As of 3/19 GMC finances were in excellent shape. Costs have increased this past year, such as contracting for helicopter support services. Notwithstanding this reality budgeting is still on target. The FY23 budget projects revenues of $2,262,514 compared to the FY22 amount of $1,750,597. As for expenses the projected

FY23 figure is $2.68 million. The FY23 contribution goal is projected to increase by $140,000, and the FY 23 Field Program Fee for Service amount is anticipating an increase of $276,000. Endowment distribution is slated to rise to $238,529 and field staff base compensation will be set at $14.00 per hour (The Vermont minimum wage for calendar year 2022 is $12.55).

Cathi reported that the GMC Annual Meeting is scheduled for June 11 at Main Club in Waterbury. Membership now stands at 9800 As of 3/19 only $70k left foe the Capital Campaign to reach its goal. Personnel hours for campaign work will be reassigned upon the campaign’s completion. COVID relief funding continued. Wages are up this year to be more competitive. Recruitment for the field season has been intensive.

Herrick Building reconstruction, which will consist of a total rebuild is scheduled for later this year. The COVID backlog on field programs is still trickling down. Housing for seasonal staff is an issue the Club is attempting to address. Some of the field supervisory positions have been filled. There will be two to three trail crews in 2022.

Beaver Dam Camp will be rebuilt starting this fall. Cathi provided a brief history of the Wheeler Pond Camps, including the continued pattern of Beaver Dam sliding towards the pond and the decision to rebuild. The new site is further away from the water. It is a handicapped accessible site with a less severe trail access. Hadsel Mares will be used as a crew headquarters during reconstruction. This will require a three -month public closure. The section supplies the wood for the heating. The new cabin will include some external insulation.

The Main Club has been increasing volunteer support for trail projects through new chainsaw certification and various first aid classes.

A major treadway project on Camel’s Hump on the Burrows Trail, a multi-organizational project will be a highlight of the busy FY 2022 field season.

Main Club is continuing its diversity inclusion and developing a new policy on this matter. A new harassment/discrimination policy is also in the development phase.

The issue of naming trail facilities (be they built structures, trail segments, or natural locations) has ensued. The AMC is no longer naming facilities after individuals. This concern is resulting from removing names of individuals, whose past history has led to a trail club’s decision to no longer honor that person.

Confusion arose on naming a new shelter after Dave Hardy, the late GMC Field Programs Director. However, that naming did proceed a Stratton Pond area shelter). Cathi Brooks read the new policy which includes the option of a dedication instead of an actual naming. The new GMC naming policy does not exclude the possibility of naming a facility after an individual. Specifically, its philosophy provides in part:

When naming a feature after a person, the GMC recognizes the importance of honoring people who have made significant and long-term contributions to the Club and the Long Trail, and to maintain a sense of history along the Trail. One way the GMC accomplishes this is by naming trails, shelters, and other facilities primarily for those who have dedicated time and energy to the Club and Trail.

The philosophy further provides:

Dedicating a trail or feature to such a person, even though the trail or feature is not named for that person, is a way of recognizing their interest and commitment.

The naming policy itself provides for a Trail Management Committee recommendation subject to Main Club Board approval with an agency partner approval if the facility is on public land.

As Cathi referenced, the issue of renaming is also part of the naming policy. The renaming guidelines state (in part):

The Club should acknowledge and assess the complexity of human actions before it reaches judgments. Historical evidence is typically complex and often ambiguous. Too-ready renaming, especially when passions are high, may or simplify, revise, or erase history.

Today’s decisions about naming and renaming may become controversial in the future. Thus, today’s decision makers should give the same respect to previous decision makers that they would like their decisions to be accorded in the future.

The above being stated factors in renaming should include:

The harm caused by retaining the name

The harm caused by renaming

Notwithstanding the heightened controversy on naming facilities after individuals, the NEKGMC has enthusiastically endorsed the naming of the new Beaver Dam Camp in honor of the late Jean Haigh. The Camps Committee (which as the camp is within that committee’s jurisdiction and not Trails Management’s and is located on Club and not publicly owned land) has supported this recommendation. It is now before the Main Club Board for consideration.

Cathi also reported that major rework is scheduled on Belvidere Mountain this summer. One trail section is very wet, and the segment will be relocated to a dryer zone. Production of the 23rd End to Enders Guide is now completed. The hope is to reopen the Visitors’ Center to the public later this year. But even with its COVID-related closure, over $13,000 of online orders were placed in this current fiscal year. The Club is discussing a new volunteer and staff code of conduct.

New Business

COVID Policy- Most meetings have been remote. The Club follows the CDC guidance and is not requiring vaccination. Main Club will probably be mask optional. On the vaccination issue, it will be left to the discretion of sections. This has resulted in some disharmony. This remains an active issue. An update will come from the Main Club to the sections

NEKGMC Executive Committee

Elections for 2021-2002

Susan Winsor moved that the exiting slate of officers be approved for reelection on a single vote.

The slate includes:

John Predom -President

Paul Trojano- Vice President

Angela Smith -Secretary

Michael Chernick – Treasurer

Geoff Commons seconded the motion, which the membership approved unanimously.


Cross Cycle Fitness – Chris Gagon, a local entrepreneur who owns the Cross Cycle Fitness business

(located on Kirby Road in Burke), and which offers event programs, presented his activity schedule of running and biking. The NEKGMC will link digitally to Chris’ events. Efforts will be made to not conflict with NEKGMC events.

NEKGMC Trail Topics – NEKGMC Trails Adoption Coordinator Kevin Williamson reported that three persons are scheduled from the section for GMC chainsaw training. Participation is NEKGMC-GMC

subsidized. Luke O’Brien, (DFPR Regional Recreation staffer) mentioned that the NorthWoods Stewardship Center and VYCC also running chainsaw training sessions There will be a Trail Work Day on Sunday May 1 (meet at 9 AM at Burke Mt Clubhouse) The work site will be Cow Mountain Pond NorthWoods will also work on the site. Kevin reported that between last year’s adopters and new individuals that the adoption situation may be in good shape. The National Trail Day hike will be held at Groton State Forest (possible leaders for this event are either Andrea or John).

NEKGMC Membership – As of 3/11, the NEKGMC membership stood at 276. Much of the credit for this number is attributable to NEKGMC Membership Coordinator Beth Barnes. The Main Club is starting a membership group and Beth will participate.

Camps- Paul Trojano, who chairs the GMC Camps Committee, reported the hope of Beaver Dam construction this fall, as did Cathi, and that Camps Committee voted to name the new camp for Jean.

As a section, the NEKGMC periodically updates the wood stacking at the camps. When the second camp is built, the wood capacity will need to be doubled. The upper shed can only support Hadsel Mares. The lower wood stacking facility would stay as is and the upper doubled. The picnic table area needs improvement and can this be addressed during the new camp’s construction.

Trail Management Committee – Cathi, who serves on the Trail Management Committee, reported there is a consensus that hiker numbers are increasing. Federal funds are currently available for new trail work grants. Long distance AT traffic has mostly been northbound. Through hikers constitute less than one percent of AT use. The Green Mountain National Forest is converting several temporary positions into permanent posts. DFPR has added new staff positions and is increasing mud season publicity. Cathi reported on various, partnerships in which GMC participates.

As of 2022, only 6.25 miles of the LT lacks legal protection for the treadway and adjacent lands. Cathi referred to the corridor management program to explain this figure. The Wander Trail near Stratton will not be delisted but improved. GMC has a delisting /relocation policy. As Cathi stated there are policies for everything.

Kingdom Heritage Trail -There are two known water sources. There will probably be two camping sites TMC has approved. The sites also have State approval. Wyerhauser approval is further along than the Sweet Tree (Gore Junction) site’s landowner approval. One is near Middle Mountain and the other near Pine Brook.

Brighton Trails Day – Scheduled for June 25 (Saturday) Last year there were five hikes This year will probably have staggered start times to end all the hikes at approximately the same time. John is envisioning four hikes. State permits and landowner approval will be required Bluff Community, Middle Mountain, Bluff Trail, North Branch, Moose Bog are all potential hike locations. John has secured volunteer leaders.


FPR (Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation) Funding – Luke requested funding for multiple projects. A lot of general maintenance requests are accounting for much of funding. The big project is the Burrows Trail on Camel’s Hunp (GMC, VYCC, NorthWoods, DFPR). Major projects in the NEK are boardwalks, South Pisgah, and a new roof on the Bald Tower. The results of the Statewide Tower Assessment on State lands will be share with partner organizations, including the GMC. Also in the NEK, attention will be directed to the Kingdom Heritage Trail, on Burke, the Willoughby Shore Trail (including adjacent land restoration) and the Peacham Bog Trail. Westmore (Town) is financing repairs to Bald Cabin (NorthWoods will perform the work).

FPR will be working Cold Water Brook Camp. There will need to be a KHT campsite monitoring plan

Placement of a roof on the Wheeler Kiosk and the Mad Brook plowing [plan has been settled] are also settled items. A question was raised on Moose Mountain plowing. Funding was not granted for the Gore Mt bridges. Luke will continue to try to secure the Gore project’s funding. Luke is still trying to connect with Glover Rescue for area rescues. He had a great meeting with Brighton Rescue.

The Monadnock situation remains frustrating with no immediate result envisioned. But the Northern Forest Center (which works on town issues) will be meeting with Town of Lemington officials. DFPR is prepared to help financially. Potentially there could be added campsites on KHT in the future. Work continues on the CCC Willoughby site.

Westmore Challenge is schedule for September 24

Crag VT (Climbing Resource Access Group) – This organization is seeking corridor monitor status similar to GMC’s on the Kingdom Heritage Lands. It ( reports possibly 70 rock climbing routes on Black Mountain. There will be a public meeting later this spring on the corridor monitor application.

History Project – Andrea updated the project’s planning. She outlined her proposed chapters. The project’s goal is to document and promote the NEKGMC and protect future hiking resources. The volume will include glossary of stakeholders

Future Hikes & Events

Gordon Dubois will lead a map and compass session. Gordon is also developing a 100 highest NEK list.

Sue Winsor is scheduling a group for older women.

Michael Chernick offered a June 12 hike up Gore Mountain.

Next Meeting – The next NEKGMC meeting will be held on Sunday July 17 at a location to be determined.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:00 PM

Michael Chernick – NEKGMC Secretary

Winter Quarterly Meeting

NorthWoods Steward Center – Charlestown, Vermont & Zoom

January 23, 2022

Called to Order – NEKGMC President John Predom called the meeting to order. He thanked Maria Young and the NorthWoods Stewardship Center for hosting. John also thanked all the volunteers who have been working on trails.

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick reviewed the minutes of the October 24, 2021, quarterly meeting.

MOTION [Brooks/Barnes] Approve the secretary’s minutes as presented

Approved unanimously

Treasurer’s Report – In the absence of NEK Treasurer Angela Smith, Cathi Brooks reviewed the highlights of the Treasurer’s Report, which Angela submitted as follows:

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of January 21, 2022

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 10/21/2021) $5,114.21


Dues Sharing

September $148.75

October $120.00

November $60.00


Train NEK $240.00

NWSC- Yearly Donation $500.00

Burke Mountain Clubhouse- Yearly Donation $100.00

Local Doughnuts $68.00

Ending Balance $4,664.94


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2023 @.40% $1,589.99

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2022 @.40% $1,750.79


Grand Total All Monies $8,005.72

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

Main Club Director’s Report – NEKGM Main Club Director Cathi Brooks updated the section on various economic aspects of the Main Club’s finances, which are in good condition. Expenses are higher than last year in all categories, as more activities are now occurring. The Main Club’s January 2022 Treasurer’s Report noted that contributions and memberships, while solid, were slightly lower than the previous year. Personnel and field costs rose significantly (with the return of a busy field season in 2021), including helicopter use for construction projects. A $48,500 bill still needed to be invoiced. Despite these developments, the GMC’s line of credit was not required as the cash flow remains strong.

For the first six months of FY 22 (May-November 2021), the revenue highlights included direct contributions ($238,564), total membership dues -at large & section- ($142,096), grants and agreements ($563,155), sales- GMC Publications ($77,251) & Visitor Center ($36,226)-total sales ($113,476), all other revenue ($46,712), and all revenue equaled ($1,104,004).

As for expenses, personnel ($914,294), office ($218,817), program ($216,496), property and facilities ($87,015) for an expenses total of ($1,436,622). In addition, the endowment distribution equaled ($150,442) and the restricted funds distribution was ($81,000), resulting in a total distribution of ($231,442) and a six- month point FY22 surplus of ($101,176).

With respect to the Capital Campaign, of the projected goal ($4,000,000), the amount received is ($2,377,4536), with expenses of ($642,242), Restricted and Transferred allocations ($262,164) and funds available ($1,473,047).

The Main Club Board reviewed a motion to distribute $350,00 of Long Trail Legacy funds, raised in the Capital Campaign to the following endowments: Caretaker ($100,000), General ($100,000), Headquarters ($925,000) Northern Trail Work ($60,000), and Land Conservation ($100,000).

Other items of note are that the rebuilding of the Herrick Building, Beaver Dam, and the Bromley Tower. All three are proceeding forward as is a proposed busy 2022 field season, which includes work on the northern segment of the LT. Following the recommendation of the Appalachian Trail Conference, the GMC is developing a Volunteer Code of Conduct, specifically addressing issues of harassment and discrimination.

On another bright note, the federal government has relieved the GMC from any payback obligation on the Paycheck Protection loan. There is a desire to increase the staff’s (including seasonal) minimum wage to $15.00 per hour to account for an increasing competitive job market. With new recruiting need on field staff this is an important topic to attract applicants.

Membership stands club-wide at approximately 9,800. There is a plan to reorganize the membership committee and more actively engage business members.

For the most recent data period, Hadsel Mares had 96 percent occupancy, including 61 percent of the renters being GMC members. The occupancy rates for Bryan Camp and Bolton Lodge were 82 percent and 58 percent, respectively.

Taylor series programming for the coming season is being finalized, and various workshops, including on chainsaw certification, are planned. There are currently 65 corridor monitors with all LT sections covered, and only one AT section requiring a monitor assignment. A new AmeriCorps volunteer is arriving at Main Club. Efforts to promote diversity, relationships with the indigenous community, and indigenous use of land for traditional purposes are all continuing.

COVID Protocol – Michael Chernick, who had attended COVID related meeting in the fall, presented a brief summary on current recommendations, which among other points advised against indoor meetings.

Heritage Land Partners Hike – NEKGMC Vice President and Main Club Camps Committee Chair Paul Trojano participated in the annual Kingdom Heritage Trails Partners’ Hike on December 3, 2021. The hike focused on potential camp sites. Different opitions were documented. Representatives of the GMC, NorthWoods Stewardship Center, and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) participated. Although none of the representatives of the private landowners attended, Paul thought the hike was a positive experience. If the project is implemented, camping sites would be available for through hikers. Near the Gore Mountain parking site there was seen the body of an old vehicle (thought to be from the bootlegging era).

Maria Young NorthWoods Stewardship Center (NWSC) Executive Director – She welcomed the NEKGMC section and stated it was her pleasure to get out on the trails with the attending section members. Maria commented that an amount of collaboration is required to keep trails open. It is “pretty neat” in our little area how many people are engaged in trail maintenance activities. She has not always appreciated the volunteers’ role. NWSC is connecting with GMC on Camel’s Hump work this summer.

She listed the four key areas for NWS activities, including the conservation corps, conservation stewardship, forest stewardship and environmental education. Maria mentioned the new ways that NWSC is investing. Its conservation crew program starts now at age 15. In 2021, NWSC launched a collaborative training program with other organizations, including forest crews, camps, and riparian collectors.

The Mission of these collaborations is to connect people in place. The key effort is how we (NWSC) train the next generation of conservation stewards. A new NWSC conservation barn is being completed. The organization is trying to focus on its land base (own site). NWSC has been drawn off campus a lot. It gets paid when leaving the home campus. This site can be a burden financially. There is lots of deferred maintenance to address. Last summer, there were 120 plus NWSC staff (including seasonal crews). Half were stationed on site, and the balance worked throughout New England.

At the young professional level, NWSC operates a conservation internship program, which offers unique opportunities throughout New England. There is a new push for pro (adult) crews. But NWSC must fight to keep the youth crews active. The youth crew program can have an enormous impact on kids. NWSC is thinking of inclusion and diversity, including low-income demographics for its youth crews. Services such as transportation of crew from home to work sites can facilitate this desired diversity.

Maria listed the NWSC field projects planned for 2022. Quite a few projects are planned in collaboration with FPR, including the Willoughby Shore Trail Restoration, Unknown Pond Middle Mountain, and Mount Pisgah accessible trail maintenance. Hopefully, there will be a week of shelter maintenance at Burke, for the NWSC northern roving crew. [Note: According to Luke O’Brien at FPR, this list is dependent on available funding and yet to be finalized]

NWSC will connect with FPR to work on the Bald Mountain summit cabin (with the Westmore Trails Association financial support), at the Westmore Town Forest, Highland Lodge, Jay Recreation Trails, and on the Kingdom Trails. NWSC has established a new partnership with the U.S. Forest Service in New Hampshire and Vermont

Work is planned on the Cohos Trail, Bluff Mountain Community Trail, at Cow Mountain Pond, and possibly on the historic Hinman Road (from Greensboro to Glover).

The Westmore Challenge is scheduled for Sept 24, 2022. Maria thanked the NEKGMC for its volunteer efforts on this event. It is now NWSC’s signature fundraiser. NWSC worked to avoid a date conflict with the local marathon (running race).

NWSC is looking to start a KHT Ramble 20-mile hike (Lewis Pond to Island Pond). Jesse Holden/Chris Gagnon have been asked to assist. The idea is not firm but possible. Various legal permissions will be needed. NWS may coordinate with Brighton Trails Day on an KHT ramble. NWS needs to decide which events to support.

NWSC is updating the NEK Mountain Trail Guide. Groton State Forest trails will be included as well as Stannard Lookout, and Sentinel Rock. The publication will include a slightly updated NEK Mountain Challenge list. She still needs a new update on the Belvidere Forester’ Trail/Frank Post Trail, both located on Mount Belvidere. John Predom inquired on a Brousseau location that might be a falcon nesting site. Maria explained this specific site is not monitored every year. Brosseau not on the list of falcons protected locations. NWSC is planning to remove Mount Mondnock from the book, due to its current closure to hiking. There will be an online version of the publication. It will be possible to update the book prior to a future third edition The volume will contain new maps. An Abenaki perspective, which Bea Nelson wrote prior to her death, is a new feature. The volume will not include a GMC logo but will credit GMC’s contribution. Publication of the print and digital versions is expected in March or April. On July 9, a release party is planned for the at Dirt Church Brewery in East Haven. The Vermont Community Foundation is contributing to the printing cost. Lastly, the “NEK Mountain Trail Guide” volume is to be read and not serve as a replacement for GMC maps.

Maria commented that the next couple of years are going to be filled with opportunities for trail funding. NWSC is trying to work on this collaboratively and in a sustainable manner. The task of NWS is to build capacity and manage the environmental aspect.

The NWS summer camps are open to children aged 6 and older. School groups participate in NWSC programs throughout the year.

Main Club Trail Management Committee – Cathi Brooks reported that Hadsel Mares will be closed from the middle of September till January 2023, as the Beaver Dam construction crew will be residing in the existing cabin. Rehabilitation of the Burroughs and Monroe trails on Camel’s Hump is a partnership with FPR and the U.S. Forest Service. There is $100 million nationally in federal infrastructure money for trails. Unauthorized construction of ski glades and the reoccurrence of ATV use have emerged as problems on both the LT and the AT. The Main Club is working on various shelter issues. There will be four NEKGMC participants in the chain saw certification class. Mari Young noted that NWS is engaged in authorized ski glade construction. It is possible that financial subsidization may be available for the chain saw class. A North Country Scenic Trail representative recently visited Vermont. This trail is a major project, extending from North Dakota to Vermont. It is a hiking only trail. The Vermont extension would run from Lake Champlain to Breadloaf. The Main Club is coordinating with affected organizations. It is not intended to put any additional regulatory burden on the state. To date, only 16 persons have through hiked the length of this trail.

Membership – NEKGMC Membership Coordinator Beth Barnes thanked Maria Young for her hospitality and presentation. Membership is now at 167 membership units. This number will rise as several noteworthy names’ membership had lapsed. Main Club was a little behind on sending out renewals. There are 235 voting members. A little more than half are couples. Beth was disappointed with the last Meet & Greet. Paul Trojano complimented Beth on doing a great job. Beth stated that the quality of persons in attendance has been off the charts. She is trying to promote locale cafes/restaurants in areas where we hike. The event will return to Parker Pie. The newsletter will be sent the first week of February. Beth will continue in her newsletter editorial role until someone else is found. She noted articles she is waiting on. No names were cited. John also commented that Beth is doing an excellent job in increasing GMC awareness in the NEK

Sucker Brook Bridge – Luke asked if NEKGMC is interested in contributing financially to the construction of this new bridge across this brook along the Gore Mountain Trail. John committed the NEKGMC to a 50 percent contribution.

Mt Monadnock – Kevin Williamson e-mailed a Lemington Selectboard member on the Monadnock access problem. He has also contacted three of the primary landowners. To date, the effort has not produced results. One response would require extensive trail work and parking lot development.

Response has been discouraging. There are at least three landowners (maybe 4) who could provide access, including Clark Jeffers (owner of the gravel pit) and Peter Quayle. One landowner is willing, but trail building would be considerable for this option.

Taylor Series Event – March 12 via Zoom (National Parks)

NEK History Project – Andrea Kane reported the process is coming along well. She hopes for a first draft by late March.

GMC President Howard VanBenthuysen – He thanked Cathi for her report. He informed the section that not only has the line of credit not been accessed but also that GMC is operating under is 7th consecutive balanced budget. GMC envisions funding 22 or 23 field projects this summer. The Main Club needs to hire 50 seasonal employees. He is looking forward to GMC’s partnering with NWS on Camel Hump’s Burroughs Trail. Howard awaits, with interest, the state engineering report on the structural condition of the tower on Mount Belvidere. He enjoyed his trip to the NEK meeting last October and recognizes the great activities of the NEKGMC.

Future Hikes:

Feb 5 – Perry Holbrook

Feb 7th – Wheeler Andrea

Feb 9th– Moose Paul

Gore John first Sunday in March

Gordon – Map and compass hike at date to be determined at NWS

Next Meeting – April 3 NWSC in Charlestown or the Burke Clubhouse in East Burke.

Submitted by Michael Jay Chernick

NEKGMC Secretary

2021 Fall Meeting – October 24, 2021

Burke Mountain Clubhouse – East Burke, Vermont

Called to Order- NEKGMC President John Predom called the meeting to order at 1:10 PM. Those attending introduced themselves including, Paul Trojano, Beth Barnes, GMC President Howard VanBenthuysen, GMC Executive Director Mike DeBonis, Dusty May (representing NorthWoods Stewardship Center), Brian Lamoureux, Alison Gardner, Kevin Williamson, Andrea Kane, Luke O’Brien (representing the St. Johnsbury office of the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation), Jeff Morris, John Predom, Sue Winsor, Cathi Brooks, and Michael Chernick

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick summarized the highlights of the July 2021 quarterly meeting held in Island Pond.

MOTION [Trojano/Brooks] to approve the secretary’s minutes, subject to one date correction as the secretary noted

Approved unanimously

Treasurer’s Report- In the absence of the NEKGMC Treasurer, Angela Smith, NEKGMC Secretary, Michael Chernick, reported the report’s financial highlights.

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of October 20, 2021

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 07/20/2021) $3,789.14


Dues Sharing

May Dues Sharing (Deposited 07/21) $88.75

June Dues Sharing (Deposited 08/06) $641.25

-Includes $500.00 from CFSG

July Dues Sharing (Deposited 08/25) $697.50

-Includes $500.00 from CFP

August Dues Sharing (Deposited 10/12) $215.00


Cathi Brooks – Mug Reimbursement $317.43

Ending Balance $5,114.21


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2022 @.40% $1,588.42

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2022 @.40% $1,749.69


Grand Total All Monies $8,452.32

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

Director’s Report – NEKGMC Main Club Director Cathi Brooks reported on the September 11, 2021, Main Club Board meeting. The GMC continues operating in a combined hybrid and remote manner. A new strategic plan will be forth coming that will cover a period of five years. The 2017 plan focused on northern trail fundraising, developing Bluff Trail, and the Club becoming an employer of choice. Cathi reviewed the status of the current strategic plan. Some of the strategies addressed water sources, care takers, and corridor monitoring etc.

On the revenue side, Main Club revenue is slightly down from 2019 levels. However, the cash flow continues to be strong, and no borrowing is anticipated during FY 22 (ends April 30, 2022). As of the end of August 2021, $498,662 of a projected $1.7 million FY 22 operational revenue had been raised and $835,644 of a planned $2.1 million worth of expenditures have been spent. The income raised represents 28 percent of the budget and the expenditures spent equaled 39 percent of the planned total. Total contribution revenue for the period equaled $133,940 or 24 percent of the FY22 planned revenue from this source. Membership revenue, as of the close of August, was $91,597 or 33% of the intended FY22 total. Rental income has risen as more persons are using the facilities.

Personnel (147 percent) and program (198 percent) expenses have increased compared to FY 21 as the Main Club conducted a busy field season, after being on hold in FY 21. The breadth of programs offered to members and the public has also expanded.

Regarding the balance sheet as of August 31, the Main Club had $219,987 in restricted cash and $200,000 in CDs. There were $63,223 in outstanding receivables and the Endowment stood at $6.33 million. As for the Capital Campaign, it stood at $2,175,693. Additionally, a further $404,498 had been pledged for a total balance (in hand and pledged of $2.58 million.

Beyond fiscal matters, five miles of the LT remain unprotected and GMC membership continues to increase. There remain COVID related challenges for conducting in person events. A new End-to-End Guide is scheduled for release during November.

COVID Meeting Report – Michael Chernick represented the NEK at a recent ad hoc meeting of section representatives to examine GMC COVID policies. The recent rise in COVID infection numbers has prompted a review of whether the various restrictions lifted in June should be reimposed, at least in part. GMC President Howard VanBenthuysen attended, and Volunteer and Education Coordinator Lorne Currier chaired the session. Representatives from several sections, including Bennington, Breadloaf, Brattleboro, Burlington, Killington, Manchester, and NEK, were present.

The Killington Section has conducted minimal activities due to reluctance of leaders to hike.

Similarly, Burlington has also proceeded with a more limited schedule. Brattleboro’s work schedule has been active, but recreational activities minimal. Lorne reported that Connecticut and Worcester have been quiet on the outing front. Breadloaf has resumed a fairly active trip agenda. Ditto in Manchester, except it has been offering hikes for vaccinated individuals. Although, the attestation of vaccination is on an honor system. I mentioned that NEK has resumed a partially active schedule but has largely limited the size of groups.

Former GMC President and current Manchester Section President Marge Fish, who recently retired from a long nursing career, commented that zero COVID was a fallacy and that an effort to entice hikers while ensuring safety was necessary for the GMC.

After a lively discussion, certain concepts appeared to achieve consensus including recording of participants’ contact information, limitations on carpooling (wearing masks and leaving windows open), social distancing (especially at gathering moments such as starts and conclusions of outings, lunch stops, or at a major landmark or summit); providing an opportunity for participants to disclose (voluntarily) their vaccine status, do not come if symptomatic or recently tested positive, impose group size limitations, do not share food, and recommend a mask option if individuals are spaced closely together.

There was discussion of a vaccination mandate. But that seems to be off the table. However, a guideline recommending or encouraging vaccinations for outdoor activities seems likely. Lorne will compile documentation, which he will e-mail to the attendees. After we comment, the proposals will be forwarded to the staff, EC, and then the Board. Approval of guidelines, possibly not requirements (to be determined), will be expedited, posted, and distributed to section presidents, in the coming weeks. These decisions will not wait for the January Board meeting.

GMC Executive Director Presentation – GMC Executive Mike DeBonis provided context, explaining where the NEKGMC fits within GMC. The section has passed its 20th anniversary and remains one of the newer sections. The NEK Section is the section really building a new trail (Kingdom Heritage Trail). Each section is part of the overall organization. For the NEK Section, primary commitments are Wheeler Pond Camps (including land across the road) and serving as the corridor manager for KHT lands (main driver for formation of the section). The Main Club signaled interest in being the hiking corridor manger (for the former Champion Lands) back in 2000. The GMC has entered a formal partnership with the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation. FPR granted corridor manger status to the GMC in 2009, renewed it in 2015 (10 years). In 2025, there will be a review. The GMC is responsible for construction of the KHT network’s private land hiking trails (build and maintain). The Club entered into an agreement with the NorthWoods Stewardship Center (which serves as the primary contractor for construction). Three phases of KHT were envisioned. Phase I – Unknown Pond to Middle Mountain (complete)/Phase II – Middle Mountain to Bluff Ridge (complete)/ Phase III – Future Trail Options (yet to be developed and constructed). We are now on Phase III. The NEKGMC has assumed responsibility for the KHT plus additional trails.

Organizationally, some sections (not the NEKGMC) are independent 501(c)(3) entities. If a section dissolves anything trail related would revert to GMC. 25 percent of section revenue (NEK Dues) goes back to the section. Restricted gifts for the NEKGMC exclusively are directed entirely to the section. Exclusively section donations include opportunities to raise funds from private businesses. Regardless of a financial gift’s destination (Main Club or NEKGMC), tax donation acknowledgment letters will always originate with the Main Club.

NEKGMC is growing, building, on fire. Challenges, what responsibilities does the section take on? Interesting space to be in. GMC wholly committed to KHT and Wheeler. Money for Beaver Camp rebuild secured. Expectation is Beaver Camp cabin will be built in 2022 (workforce permitting).

NorthWoods Stewardship Center Report – NorthWoords Stewardship Center Conservation Director Dusty May reported on NWSC’s recent trail activities. Among these was a work grant at Brosseau Mountain, including removing saplings, brush, and debris; drainage and water bar maintenance and new construction, removing blowdowns, removing other tread obstacles, restoring impacted areas, placing step stones in wet areas, puncheon bridge construction, and incorporating grade reversals where appropriate. Similar, although not exactly the same, work was performed, per a one-site grants, at Golden Trail, Mt Pisgah, and per the multi-site grant for the Northern Trails Roving Crew (Lower Gore Trail-Gore Mountain, Unknown Pond Trail, Bluff Ridge Trail, the Burke Mountain/West Peak Trail, Middle Mountain, Bald Mountain- Long Pond Trail and on the North and South Pisgah Trails, aside from a separate Pisgah grant project). A major stand-alone grant project, including a long list of trail maintenance, restoration, vegetation, and construction efforts, occurred on the Willoughby South Shore Trail.

John Predom thanked Dusty for his presentation. Dusty invited section members to volunteer with NWSC. Next year NWSC will field a professional crew working in the Green Mountain National Forest, following a similar 2021 project in the White Mountain National Forest.

Forest, Parks and Recreation Report – Forest Parks and Recreation Specialist, Luke O’Brien explained the funding for NWS and GMC projects (statewide). He noted that as important as the funded projects are the volunteer endeavors (such as Kevin Williamson’s trail adoption efforts) are also critical. FPR staff is small and needs the volunteers, in order that the state staff can work on larger projects. Recently, outdoor recreational funding has increased. The federal sources include COVID related legislation and the Great American Outdoor Act. On the state level, a positive inclination from Governor Scott has been beneficial. Among the major FPR efforts have been Pisgah North and South trails and the Willoughby shoreline. At the shoreline, wetlands have been delineated and over 200 trees planted. The newly funded roving range patrolled state parks, which have no other FPR staff coverage. Having, even this staff presence was really important. The larger Willoughby south end project has also brought a greater FPR staff presence. Rover ranging has improved the situation on the shoreline, but problems (including drugs) persist. The work this summer was aimed to avoid degradation of the lake. A new roving of crews allows work on different trails. Golden Trail in Victory was maintained. The statewide trail crew does work on many trails. A state crew spent 3 to 4 weeks roving in the Groton State Forest. FPR hopes to expand the Mad Brook Trail parking lot. Also, plans to gravel a parking lot at the Unknown Pond Trailhead are in process.

At Elmore State Park, a hiker fell at the summit tower and was injured. An FPR contract for tower assessment on state land will finance the examination of the state-owned mountain top towers, The contract does not include the towers on Mt Monadnock (Town of Lemington ownership) or Mt Belvidere (GMC Ownership). But FPR will share its findings with GMC.

Luke reported that the South Pisgah boardwalk will be replaced with federal COVID legislation funding.

CRAG is working with FPR to develop a rock-climbing corridor management agreement (similar to GMC’s hiking corridor management agreement) for rock climbing on Black Mountain.

Emergency response maps for the KHT have been printed and distributed to first responders in Brighton and in the Unified Gores (UTG).

Efforts to restore hiker access at Mt Monadnock continue, but it still requires work. There are liability concerns and no final answer. FPR has reached out to Northern Forest Center to work with the town of Lemington. Luke is hopeful there will be a broader conversation, but everyone should anticipate a third summer of Monadnock trail closure.

Luke hopes to meet with first responders from Glover and Westmore.

He is also trying to secure trail signs. There are over 100 sign orders in the que, waiting to be produced, including for KHT, Groton, and Westmore. The wood shop at the Newport state prison has been closed during COVID. Luke does not want to over sign, but he seeks consistency and believes improvements can be made. He rather attach a sign to tree rather than not having it on a post (in other words not at all). Luke asks that space should be left for tree growth if placing a sign on a tree.

As for camping on KHT trails. Luke has reached out to GMC Director of Field Programs to inquire if more site visits are needed. Sierra (at Weyerhaeuser) will probably get on board. Sweet Tree has a new manager. We need to be thinking logically on camp site selection. IT is better to select sites first and then contact the landowner. Any selected camping sites would need to go through permitting and check off on impact to Native American resources. A CRAG campsite would probably be at a roadside location. Immediate funding for campsites has not been secured.

Trail Adopter Update/Miscellaneous Trail Matters – NEKGMC Trail adopter Coordinator Kevin Williamson cited the middle section of the Bluff Trail, the Mad Brook Trail, the Red Trail on Burke Mountain, the Hawkes Trail on Mt Hor all need adopters. Andrea Kane has agreed to become the Wheeler Mountain Adopter. In September, there was a very productive trail workday on Moose Mountain. Based on the Moose event, there is recognition that the section must purchase additional trail clearing equipment. Luke indicated FPR could contribute to this effort. He also inquired if the adopter of a Bald Mountain trail might check on the condition of the summit cabin, which does sustain vandalism. Howard VanBenthuysen mentioned he checks on an LT shelter, as part of his LT adoption duties. Luke requested if three lean tos on Burke and facilities at four other sites could periodically be checked. There are known issues, but on a continuing basis, trash cleanup and checking on information signs are important. Beth Barnes, Paul Trojano, and Andrea Kane may assist with this request.

Wood Stacking at Wheeler Pond Camp – Two wood stacking days have been scheduled for November 4 and 16. Unfortunately, they are weekdays. John will try to arrange for future wood stacking days to occur weekends. Mike DeBonis discussed modifying the lower wood shelter by Hadsel Mares to make it ADA compliant. Luke suggested connecting with the Westmore Trails Committee, which with new participants has new energy, as a source for stacking assistance.

Beth Barnes – Membership/Newsletter – Beth has been distributing mark your calendar notices and has led a number of hikes. But, she has only a few hikes in her repertoire and seeks more hike leaders. The link most frequently opened in Beth’s e-mails is the one for Beth sends these e-mails to, among others, trail adopters. Section membership currently stands at 169, and Beth welcomes suggestions for increasing this number. The first Eat and Greet was held at Parker Pie in West Glover and a second at Chez Pigeon in Norton. Each event attracted 4-6 new members. She is enjoying her membership role and finds it gratifying. Beth is leading a hike on the MSTF Trails in Derby on November 30. She also reminded everyone that a newsletter will be issued shortly.

Main Club Camps Committee – Committee member Cathi Brooks reported on work performed at Bromley and Stratton Pond shelters. They were among the 8 shelters that received different degrees of attention this summer. Many privies were also upgraded. Earthen platforms are starting to replace wooden platforms at shelters. A segment of the Belvidere Trail may be assessed and chainsaw training is forth coming. NEKGMC Vice President will assume the chair of the Camps Committee, beginning in November, when Ed O’Leary relinquishes this role.

Local Events Report- John Predom reported that 26 hikers participated in the July 31 Brighton Trails Day. Next year, he may try to stagger hikes to enable all of them to end at same time. For Long Trail Day, the NEKGMC’s “Kingdom Express” team raised $695 and secured more donors than any section. Volunteers cleared trails in preparation for the Westmore Challenge.

NEK History – Andrea is compiling a section history. This is a major project. Michael Chernick has provided her with his archival and secretarial records as a documentary foundation. Andrea will be conducting interviews with individuals over the coming months.

Volunteer Request – John Predom requested volunteers for both hike leaders and wood stacking.

Upcoming Taylor Series – Members of the NEKGMC will offer a Taylor Series presentation, on March 2, 2022 (via Zoom), featuring video and narrative recalling their recent visit to 12 national parks.

Next Meeting – The next NEKGMC meeting will be held at the Island Pond Visitor Center on Sunday January 23, 2022.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM

Submitted by Michael Chernick, NEKGMC Secretary

2021 Summer Meeting – July 25, 2021

Island Pond, Vermont

Call to Order – NEKGMC President John Predom called the meeting to order at 1:37 P.M. Originally, John wanted to discuss COVID but decided otherwise. He mentioned a recently received e-mail from an individual requesting a schedule of quarterly hiking trips. John expressed his appreciation for all the volunteer input. The e-mail writer also inquired the destination of the dollars and how the money is divided between the Main Club and the section. There was a brief discussion of the division of funds between the Main Club and the sections, which results in a percentage in the 20 to 25 percent range being returned to a designated section, when an individual joins or renews with that section.

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick reviewed the highlights of the April 11, 2021 NEKGMC Annual Meeting.

MOTION [ Brooks/Williamson] Approve the April 11, 2021 Annual Meeting minutes as presented

Approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

In Angela’s absence Cathi Brooks made an oral presentation

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of July 20, 2021

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 04/02/2021) $3,629.94


Dues Sharing

Mar Dues Sharing (Deposited 05/03) $133.75

Apr Dues Sharing (Deposited 05/12) $276.25


John Predom -Website Reimbursement $250.80

Ending Balance $3,789.14


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2022 @.40% $1,587.02

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2022 @.40% $1,748.59


Grand Total All Monies $7,124.75

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

Beth Barnes inquired regarding acknowledgement of two $500.00 donors, including the deposit of the funds locally. Specifically, $1,000 (the total amount of both donations) is intended for support of the Kingdom Heritage Trail. There is a question on the allocation of one of the $500.00 contributions’ back to the section in its entirety. A discussion will be held with Main Club staff to address this matter.


Directors’ Report – Cathi Brooks, the NEKGMC’s Main Club Board Director, reported on highlights from the June 2021 GMC Board meeting.

Financially, the Main Club ended FY 21 with a net surplus of $ 302,744. Of this amount, $90,000 will be directed to FY 2022 expenses. The solar power and publications loans were paid off in full. Revenues totaled over 100 percent of the budget. Contributions and memberships exceeded last fiscal year’s amounts. The federal payback protection loan has been forgiven. Publications experienced an increase in sales and the endowment now stands at over $6.1 million. The GMC’s financial status is strong as FY 22 begins.

The Capital Campaign continues with a total raised of $1,775,248, the further amount of $427,289 pledged for a total commitment of $2,202,537. Of the total amount, $2,500 has been pledged to Beaver Dam’s construction.

GMC has secured state funding towards the purchase of the Judevine property that will hopefully be transferred for inclusion of the Long Trail State Forest. The problem of racist graffiti at hiking locations has emerged in the NEK. No arrests have been made to date. New efforts to acknowledge donors to the GMC are being implemented, including more outreach thank you calls from the Main Club’s Development Committee’s members.

A new outdoor retailer business collaboration has been established and several businesses are participating, such as Lenny’s Shoes and Darn Tough Vermont, the sock manufacturer. Three new vehicles have been donated to the GMC. The road signage heading into Waterbury headquarters is being revamped to provide improved motorist access. The sixth edition of the LT Map has been released.

The GMC Camps reopened in June 2020. During the recently completed FY 2021, Hadsel Mares achieved a 76 percent rate of occupancy, the highest of any GMC camp. 75 percent of its guests rated the facility as excellent. Comments on needed immediate repairs were noted. Cathi reported that both construction of Beaver Dam and the needed Hadsel Mares repairs may be delayed until calendar year 2023 (FY 24). Dusty (of Northwoods) has offered NorthWoods crew to work on local projects here in the NEK (such as Beaver Dam). Paul suggested that the Amish could construct Beaver Dam for 40 percent less. The current guesstimate exceeds $100,000.00 But, if the Amish were to construct Beaver Dam, there would be insurance, logistical, and possible vaccination issues to address.

Headwaters has been sold to local NEK residents.

Beaver Dam Construction Motion [Trojano/Brooks] That the Main Club assign a high priority to the construction of the Beaver Dam Camp and the repairs required at Hadsel Mares.

Approved unanimously

Cathi will be in contact with GMC President Howard VanBenthuysen and GMC Director of Field Programs Keegan Tierney to communicate the adoption of this resolution and express the section’s concerns on Beaver Dam’s prioritization.

Regarding other Main Club topics, Cathi updated the section on a parking problem at Bald Mountain in Woodford (not Westmore) and efforts to resolve the difficulty. There remains a nuisance problem at the Winooski Bridge, which the Main Club is working to ameliorate, and the Bromley Tower planning process continues. Land monitoring is at nearly full force. Efforts to improve GMC communications have featured the Mud Madness publicity drive and the associated weekly release of a list of weekly hiking options during Mud Season. There is a continuing effort to educate hikers on trail etiquette. In FY 21, the Visitors Center had a 38 percent online sales revenue increase in comparison to FY 20. Nine speakers presented James Taylor lectures online, which a total of 1500 viewers attended virtually. Since April, 34 section work hour reports (club-wide) have been submitted. The Leave No Trace program has raised $1300. Lastly, the Main Club Volunteer Picnic has been scheduled for October (instead of after the September GMC Board meeting). This change is to accommodate a diversity and inclusion training session planned for after the September Board Meeting.

Newsletter – NEKGMC Newsletter Editor Ed Guest is preparing the newsletter. But given his health issues, he is requesting assistance. Efforts were discussed of ways of assisting Ed in this endeavor.

Brighton Trail Days (Sat July 31) – NEKGMC President John Predom reported on the many requirements, including insurance, that were needed to organize the event. John asked if kids friendly hikes should be designated? Should there be pet rules or not? He suggested a key swap on the Bluff Ridge Trail hike. Kevin Williamson suggested a leader swap in lieu of a key swap. Another issue is what if there is an unexpected quantity of hikers. We can start a new hike (on the same trail) every 20 minutes. The Gore East Trail hike may be cancelled in lieu of a second Middle Mountain hike. Distribution of first aid kits was discussed and it is intended that all leaders will hike with a rudimentary kit.

Long Trail Day (August 28) – As part of the club-wide Long Trail Day fundraiser, the NEK Section will conduct a Kingdom Express Hike to the top of Jay Peak with an option to continue to Route 105. The Main Club also wants to offer trail magic refreshments that day. Routes 105 and 242 are possible sites for trail magic.

Corporate Hikes – Beth Barnes explained that corporate hikes would be for employees of a specific corporation conducted under the auspices of an NEKGMC leader. These would be easier hikes and ideas were suggested including Perry Holbrook State Park, the CCC Road and Sentinel Road. This was a concept suggested for next year.

Youth Adventure Club- Angela Smith (absent due to a prior commitment) plans to lead several youth hikes during the balance of the summer and into the early fall.


Membership – NEKGMC Membership Coordinator Beth Barnes reported that the NEKGMC has 158 memberships of which there are 86 (singles) and 76 (family) totaling 230. Recently, Beth has led several hikes and is interested in leading more often. She also was active on Pisgah during Take A Hike Day and contacted a number of hikers. Beth reported success in speaking with hikers from out-of-state. She found it more productive hiking on the trail as opposed to merely waiting on top. Setting up a table at the trailhead, (permit required but easily acquired) is also a useful informational tool. Cathi has the section’s display board that could be used at events. Beth attended a Newport City Farmer’s Market to promote the club. John Predom mentioned the idea of a GMC identification at local trailheads.


Trail Adoption – NEKGMC Trail Adopter Kevin Williamson reported that adoption of Cow Mountain Pond Trail may require coordination with the town of Granby. The Moose Mountain adoption is experiencing extenuating circumstances. Middle Mountain North needs an adopter. For the most part, the trails are assigned an adopter. GMC Volunteer and Education Coordinator Lorne Currier is interested in conducting an NEKGMC trail training and workday. Moose Bog maintenance will be challenging and may require specialized work. The Mad Brook Trail parking access issue remains uncertain, although efforts at improvement are being discussed.

KHT (Kingdom Heritage Trail) Camp Sites – A group from GMC, FPR (Department of Forest Parks and Recreation) and Weyerhaeuser conducted a camp site investigation. One possible site was identified. Weyerhaeuser seems willing to host a site, but there will be conditions on its granting permission.

Wheeler Pond Camp – NEKGMC Vice President Paul Trojano again emphasized the need to push the Beaver Dam project forward as expressed in the previously adopted motion. He will be seeking assistance on the annual firewood project. Paul will be checking with Lake Region High School’s community service project. The idea of using volunteers from Sterling College was also suggested.

Other Business – NEKGMC President John Predom listed on the agenda several local events that he mentioned in passing. These included volunteering at the Westmore Mountain Challenge and the Kingdom Half and Full Marathon (both on September 18), the planned ice cream social at the Silvio Conte Welcome Center (August 14), and the upcoming Board Walk Auto that the Silvio Conte Center is hosting (check its Website for details). On an ongoing matter, he emphasized the need to conduct more local group hikes.

Next Meeting – The next NEKGMC meeting was scheduled for Sunday Oct 24, ideally at Lenny’s camp at Holland Pond. Alternatively, it will be held at the Burke Mountain Clubhouse in East Burke.

Adjournment – With no other business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at approximately 3:40 PM,

Submitted by Michael Jay Chernick, NEKGMC Secretary

2021 Annual Meeting – April 11, 2021

(via Zoom)

Call to Order- NEKGMC President John Predom called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. A roll call of the attending members of the Executive Committee was called. Those Executive Committee members in attendance were President John Predom, Vice President Paul Trojano, Secretary Michael Chernick, Membership Coordinator Beth Barnes, Trail Adoption Coordinator Kevin Williamson, and Newsletter Editor Ed Guest.

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick reviewed the highlights of the January 10, 2021 quarterly meeting.

MOTION [ Cathy Brooks/ Ed Guest] Approve the January 10, 2021 quarterly minutes as presented

Approved Unanimously

Treasurer’s Report – NEKGMC Treasurer Angela Smith submitted the following report:

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of April 02, 2021

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 01/02/2021) $2,906.11


Dues Sharing

Nov Dues Sharing $103.75

Dec Dues Sharing $161.25

Jan Dues Sharing $345.00

Feb Dues Sharing $146.25



Check Order $32.42

Ending Balance $3,629.94


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2022 @.40% $1,585.63

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2021 @.40% $1,746.88


Grand Total All Monies $6,962.45

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

The report was accepted as presented

Board of Directors Report – NEKGMC Director to the Main Club Cathi Brooks reported that the recent board meeting was financially focused. Among the highlights of the meeting was the adoption of the 2021-2022 budget. The total operating expenses for the upcoming fiscal year will increase slightly over $2 million. This increase can be attributed to the field work and other activities that have been deferred during the pandemic and that will be performed in 2021. Also, staff vacancies were temporarily left unfilled. The capital campaign is nearing conclusion and has been successful. The GMC was able to convert its federal loan into a grant. Although not eligible for further federal assistance, the club is applying for grants approximating $200,000. There will be two Long Trail Patrols and a construction crew operating this summer. The amount of $139,000 is being allocated from capital campaign funds for Long Trail restoration work in the north. Publications had a $25,000 decrease this past year, but other expenses increased approximately the same amount.

The Endowment Committee reached out to 10 different investment management firms to assume GMC money management responsibilities. Morgan Stanley was awarded the contract. Professional staff responsible for the GMC account will be based in Colchester. The Endowment currently stands at $5,754,000.

GMC membership is now just under 10,000. This is a major increase. Section members are only 38 percent, and there are now 49 business members. Lenny’s Shoes and Burlington Beer are now corporate sponsors. The main club has recently conducted a virtual trail adopter session. The annual meeting will be conducted via Zoom on June 12. The main club is continuing its diversification efforts.

GMC Conservation Manager Molly Flanagan updated the board on land conservation efforts. Just 6.25 miles of the Long Trail remain to be protected, involving 12 different properties. Separately, 11 miles of side trails on 53 different properties still require protection.

Section Presidents’ Report – Cathi Brooks reported on a recent section presidents’ session, which she attended on John Predom’s behalf. There will be a section president’s profile feature in the LTN. GMC Business Cards will be made available to sections. The June 12, 2021 Main Club Annual Meeting, which will be conducted via Zoom, will feature reports from each section.

COVID Restrictions- At this time there remain COVID restrictions related to mask wearing, carpooling, post hike lingering, and out-of- state trips.

Camps Committee – Hadsel Mares capacity has recently stood at 93 percent (many of the guests are non-members). Bryant Camp is also at 93 percent and Bolton Lodge at 77 percent. Construction of the Beaver Dam replacement camp is still on the schedule for 2022.

Trails Management Committee – A proposed visit to examine potential camp sites on the Kingdom Heritage Trail will occur in the near future (see Luke O’Brien’s FPR report). Ed Guest discussed promoting GMC membership at the Hadsel Mares Camp with informational and membership materials.

Newsletter – NEKGMC Newsletter Editor Ed Guest reported on a strong collection of written reports from multiple contributors. But, the number of photos is low. Ed encouraged more photos to be transmitted to him directly via e-mail or via the section ‘s Facebook page. Ed did request that individuals be identified in photos.

Nominations for NEKGMC Section Officers for 2021-2022

The following individual were nominated to serve as NEKGMC Section Officers for the 2021-2022 year:

President – John Predom

Vice President-– Paul Trojano

Secretary – Michael Chernick

Treasurer – Angela Smith

MOTION [Luke O’Brien] to close nominations and directing the secretary to cast one vote for the slate.

Approved unanimously


Department of Forest Parks and Recreation Update – FPR Recreation Specialist Luke O’Brien reported on departmental activities and plans in the NEK. COVID drove up the number of persons recreating outside, and FPR expects the same in 2022. Luke thanked the trail adopters. He believes the NEK has some of the best trails in the state and attributes this in part to the adopter’s great efforts.

At the south end of Lake Willoughby conditions have deteriorated during the last decade due to erosion. Regarding the planned Willoughby parking improvements, one last permit from the Town of Westmore is still required. If the permit is not issued till May, work may not be done this summer. There will be additional toilet facilities at the parking area. Luke reviewed their possible configuration. After much effort on FPR’s part, AOT will now be involved in the process of developing the expanded parking facility. Luke is working to arrange a NorthWoods crew for three weeks to manage the erosion and other issues. This summer, there will be a focus on the shore trail and shoreline stabilization. This will be combined with an education campaign that in part will focus on the starting of fires and their impacts. He described that problem as frustrating.

In addition to the crew at Willoughby, a NorthWoods crew will work for 3 weeks roving the Kingdom Heritage Trail, Brousseau, and other locations. GMC will be conducting the three weeks of work at Jay referenced in Cathi Brooks’ Director’s Report.

Quite a few projects are planned in the Groton State Forest. A CCC lean-to is slated for restoration, possibly using wood from trees that CCC crews planted in the 1930s. The restored lean-to may become available for overnight rental. VYCC will conduct the Groton work. Plus, an FPR crew will be spending maybe 6 weeks in the NEK just trying to keep up as last year’s deferred work that needs to be completed. There is funding for these projects.

John Predom inquired if an FPR staff person could be located at Willoughby. Luke responded that a six month a year person will be working at the locations FPR does not normally staff, including Willoughby, Sentinel Rock, and Perry Holbrook State Park. This person will be performing light trail maintenance work, serving as an FPR point of contact for the public, and an educator.

With respect to the KHT campsites, there will need to be a carefully developed management policy, for example on fire restrictions. Luke explained a network of sites is envisioned. Finding sites that are by their nature defined (vegetation, thick stand of trees) will be helpful. The sites would be 1 to 2 miles from the trailheads and 5 to 6 miles apart. Locations near snowmobiling and camps will be avoided, if possible. Among Luke’s tentatively suggest general locations are the southern end and middle of Bluff Ridge, Gore Mountain, Middle Mountain, and Black Mountain. With 5 or 6 sites planned, this process will take a while. If public funding is involved, archeologists will be required to conduct a review. Sites that are attractive as camping locations were also attractive to earlier human settlement. The private landowners, including Weyerhaeuser, Sweet Tree Maple Products, and Peter Piper Timber (lands around Black Mountain and first quarter mile of the Gore Mountain trail) will need to be consulted and approve of any site on that company’s land.

FPR is in contact with a climbing resource access group, which is interested in Black Mountain Cliffs Area for a camp site. Luke is excited that GMC’s Trails Management Committee is supportive of establishing camp sites. He displayed a preliminary map pf potential camp sites that remains a work in progress. The authorization of camp sites will require an extensive public review process.

Luke discussed extending the Gore Trail to Black and Brousseau. But GMC Director of Field Programs Kegan Tierney recommended not extending the trail at this time and focusing on the camps. Luke has created a potential map for a future extension of the Gore Trail and may conduct some passive scouting He has poked around the Gore Crossing site for a possible option to cross the brook. At a location 20 yards upstream (from the current crossing), it may be viable to drop a couple of large trees across the brook to form a bridge.

National Trails Day – There was a discussion whether a group hike or work day was preferable, and a group hike was the selected option.

Membership Update – NEKGMC Membership Coordinator Beth Barnes has been sending welcoming messages to new and renewed section member. She has received nice feedback. John Predom proposed a tabling event at Parker Pie in Glover. Beth expressed enthusiasm, and it’s a possibility after July 1. Luke and others suggested an event at April’s Maple in Canaan. Beth will introduce herself to the owners of April’s Maple. Luke also mentioned that Weyerhaeuser has a grant program. Sweet Tree Maple Products is more focused, per Luke, on its own business activities. Other tabling events were discussed. Beth is painting a tablecloth to use at tabling events, which will inform the public that it’s a GMC table. She is opened to tabling with other similarly oriented organizations and will speak with Alicia at the main club on approaching businesses.

Luke inquired if Jackson’s Lodge might be interested in hosting an event for the GMC. The thought of collaborating on an event at Quimby Lodge was also mentioned. Beth also explored greater press coverage. Luke spoke of the Island Pond 4th of July celebration (if it is to concur) that the Brighton Community Forum manages

Headwaters Camp – The sale of Headwaters Camp is close to being finalized.

Trail Adopters – According to NEKGMC Trails Adoption Coordinator Kevin Williamson, none of the adopters to date has indicated that he or she will not return. Cathi Brooks suggested an appreciation day for FPR and NorthWoods. Luke mentioned a person to work on the north side of Middle Mountain.

Monadnock Discussion – Kevin Williamson attempted to contact one of the Mount Monadnock (Lemington) landowners, but he has not received any response. Luke indicated he may have a connection, through Lou Bushy, to a new landowner The Northern Forest Center will be reaching out to the Town of Lemington. Kevin continues to make efforts in this regard.

Westmore Challenge – It is scheduled for September 18 and could use volunteers. There will not be a Kingdom Ramble in 2021.

Kingdom Heritage Event- Perhaps NEKGMC could develop an event to commemorate the opening of the KHT, but nothing is planned immediately.

Abenaki History Session – John would still liked to host an event. Luke discussed the challenges that are involved in this establishing Abenaki place signs.

Winter End-to-Ender- Susana Johnston, an NEKGMC member, has become the 11th know person to complete the Long Trail End to End in the winter. She accomplished this feat over three winters and 25- day hikes.

Gore Cell Tower – Luke noted there is a new cell tower by Gore, which should improve U.S. cell services in that vicinity.

Nuhegan River – There is discussion of designating the Nuhegan River as a federal Wild and Scenic River. There are direct community benefits to this designation.

Next Meeting – Sunday July 25, 2021, tentatively at John Predom’s home in Island Pond.

There was informal discussion of future outings with no definitive decisions.

The meeting concluded at approximately 2:40 PM without a formal adjournment motion.

Winter Quarterly Meeting – January 10. 2021

(via Zoom)

Call to Order – NEWKGMC President John Predom called the meeting to order at 1:02 PM. The meeting began with introductions. John Predom started the process discussing his history of hiking the Long Trail. Other members of the section followed with personal hiking and outdoor backgrounds, including their GMC associations where applicable. Kevin Williamson inquired if the Bluff Trail parking lot was being plowed. Paul Chambers, the Brighton Recreation Director, indicated he would inquire at the upcoming Brighton selectboard meeting. Among the participants was GMC President Tom Candon.

Standard Items

Secretary’s Report -NEKGC Secretary Michael Chernick presented a summary of the minutes of the fall quarterly meeting held on October 4, 2020

MOTION [Barnes/Brooks] moves to approve the minutes as presented

Approved unanimously

Treasure’s Report – NEKGMC Treasurer Angela Smith presented the following

quarterly report:

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of January 2, 2021

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 09/30/2020) $4,091.31


Dues Sharing

Aug Dues Sharing $138-75

Sept Dues Sharing $152.50

Oct Dues Sharing $103.75

Misc. Deposits

Mask Proceeds Donation $129.80 and $20.00 $149.80


GMC – Wheeler Pond Camps Donation $1000.00

Northwoods $250.00

Train NEK (Wilderness First Aid Training) $480.00

Ending Balance $2,906.11


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2021 @.40% $1,584.19

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2021 @.40% $1,745.16


Grand Total All Monies $6,235.46

Angela Smith Treasurer

Board of Directors Report – NEKGMC Representative to the Main Club Board of Directors Cathi Brooks reported on Main Club activities and the Board held on December 19, 2020. There was a reduction in the budget resulting from the curtailment of activities during the pandemic. Donations, memberships, and online orders have continued to increase. The Visitors’ Center is closed for retail sales. but online ordering and pickup is available. The Federal Payroll Protection loan, according to Tom Candon, has now been converted into a grant. The 2021 Annual Meeting will be conducted online and not at Sterling College. The Main Club is assessing three different FY 2022 budgetary options. There has been a loss of education and grant revenue, but endowment revenue has remained steady. Staff will continue to work at home through spring 2021.

There is hope for federal Great America Outdoor Act funding. A new two-person communications team has been hired for print and digital publications. The Headwaters Camp sale is near completion but not finalized. Separately, the Judevine land acquisition was finalized. Beaver Dam’s new construction has been delayed until 2022. Hadsel Mares has recorded a 63 percent use for the most recently documented period. Caretaking staff has been reduced during the pandemic. But, there has been lots of overuse, especially on Camel’s Hump’s trails .In 2022, the Burrows Trail on Camel’s Hump is scheduled to be rebuilt.

All GMC trails will now be listed on the Trail Finder Website. GMC social media usage is has risen as so many more persons are at home. The club’s online sales were up 61 percent this past year and made up for the loss of onsite retail transactions. The process of transforming privies to the moldering type is continuing.

Grants are increasingly requiring an organization’s diversity policy. The GMC has now established a diversity policy working group, which has already met several times. Trail adopters put in 4,068 hours in 2020 a rise in the number of hours compared to 2019. Maintenance reports are also showing increased work. Tom Candon reported Kegan has a full crew for this summer’s trail work. Actual projects are COVID dependent. Tom also made a pitch for new GMC Board members and thanked everyone for participating

Sterling College Partnership – GMC’s partnership with Sterling College continues to expand. Sterling is one of eight U.S colleges with a student working component. The GMC membership is nearly 10,000. A new GMC sock is now being manufactured in a partnership between Lenny’s Shoes and Darn Tough. There is also a partnership with a Burlington brewery that is resulting in revenue directed to the Main Club.

Newsletter Update – NEKGMC Ramblings Newsletter Editor Ed Guest reports he is close to finishing the next issue, subject to the submission of the winter quarterly minutes. Ed solicited contributions via e-mail and from the section’s Facebook page. He requested that submissions of photos including descriptive information. Ed listed the various features that have become standard elements. As Ed stated, he is trying to get people invested. A reminder the newsletter is exclusively digital. Ed suggested storing a second copy of the newsletter on another Apple computer for archival purposes. Cathi Brooks and Michael Chernick will assume archival responsibilities for issues of Ramblings

New Business

COVID Update – John Predom discussed the pandemic and referred to the State update. Currently there is to be no post-hike lingering and masks are mandatory. He has created a spontaneous hike e-mail list. Tom Candon will check on the latest GMC guidelines.

Membership – The new NEKGMC membership coordinator, Beth Barnes, has happily assumed this role. She will coordinate her efforts with the Main Club. Among her ideas is working with the owner of the Great Outdoors store in Newport. She spoke of one-on-one outreach. Beth discussed communicating with local chambers of commerce, concerning NEKGMC activities. Another idea is contacting local real estate offices as an information distribution resource. As information tables are permitted, she hopes to pursue this option to inform the public about NEKGMC. Sheila Goss announced a winter focused tabling event occurring in February at the Pisgah parking lot.

Vermont Forests, Parks, and Recreation Specialist Luke O’Brien thought GMC might consider a tabling event in the prime hiking season. He also reminded the section that tabling at a state-owned facility requires an FPR permit. If no fundraising or dues solicitation is occurring the permit fee may be waived.

Discussions have occurred on adopting summit caretaker model at trailheads, focusing on information related to hiking etiquette, including aspects related to COVID. Tom Candon spoke of the GMC Ambassadors. Rick Dugan and Erica Harris are the MAIN Club contacts for the Ambassadors. Beth saw there being no ends to possibilities, but she wants to stay within club guidelines.

Camps – According to NEKGMC Vice President Paul Tojano, who serves on the Camps ‘Committee, the firewood supply at Wheeler is in good shape for this winter. He also mentioned the community service requirements at Lake Region High School as a source for volunteer assistance at Wheeler.

Trails and Trailhead – NEKGMC Trails Adoption Coordinator Kevin Williamson stated, assuming we retain this past year’s adopters, the adoption coverage should be set the 2021 hiking season. The scope of this season is dependent on the status of the pandemic.

Luke O’ Brien reported that a new small pull off has been opened after the end of the plowed road for the Mad Brook Trail. This is a temporary situation that Luke hopes will be improved for next year. He also reported a meeting is scheduled for January 20 on the Monadnock access problem. There may be funding for purchasing a new lower mountain easement. But the proposal needs a champion. The gravel pit owner has reached out to discuss options. But ultimately, construction of new mileage will take time (a couple of seasons). Luke requested GMC issue a support letter and Kevin will begin drafting a text.

The removal of the Perry Holbrooke sign is a temporary winter situation, but there will be a small area will be plowed for parking. Luke has put out bids for plowing for both Moose Bog and Victory. At Victory there will be a cleared area between the road and the gate. He listed four different Victory parking sites, which will be plowed. Kevin inquired if the entrance to Notch Pond Road could be plowed out. Luke indicated it would be a nice idea, nut doubts it can happen in 2021, perhaps in the future.

Partners Report – Luke summarized the attendees and discussion at the recent Kingdom Heritage Trails Partners (Zoom) meeting. Among the points discussed were overnight camping sites, which would require., owner approval and a delineation of facilities offered at a site and who (which organization) maintains them. Luke has requested FPR funding for overnight camping site work and assessment. He envisions it will be at least a year or two away. Luke commented if there are no sites then individuals may create their own. There was also discussion on ideas to extend the Kingdom Heritage Trail network in the future towards Westmore or to the north. Luke noted there is a capacity issue, but that it can be explored in the next field season.

John Predom submitted the following detailed report on the Partners meeting:

Kingdom Heritage Lands

KHT December Partners Meeting (via MS Teams)

December 4, 2020

Participating: Steve Agius (USFWS), Louis Bushey (VT FPR), Rich Carbonetti (LandVest), Cathi Brooks (NEKGMC), Dusty May (NWSC), Sierra Giraud (Weyerhaeuser), Isaac Alexander-Leach (GMC), John Plummer (GMC), John Predom (NEKGMC), Keegan Tierney (GMC), Maria Young (NWSC), Mike DeBonis (GMC), Paul Chambers (Brighton Recreation Department), Luke O’Brien (VT FPR)

Introductions and partner updates (brief partner introductions; round table format)


KHT status and conditions

• Various trail systems are in good condition, adopters and volunteers have been maintaining their sections.

Trail adopters and maintainers

• Bluff ridge trail has does not have an adopter. Spring maintenance shared by Luke, John Predom, and Kevin Williamson. It is the longest and least traveled trail. Extra effort will be needed to keep the trail visible and in good condition.

• Possibility of breaking up into three subsections to disperse the responsibility b/w adopters*

• GMC updates:

­ Will send out reminders to adopters to do a spring walkthrough of trails segments*

­ Possibility of setting up a training for trail adopters; including both online and field components to learn best practices for a sustainable and well-maintained trail

­ Potential GMC-NWSC co-sponsored training for NEK Adopters/crew staff*

• ANR updates:

­ FPR has some trail tools available (tool cache) for adopters/volunteers to use- contact

­ Volunteer trail days next year, COVID dependent


Overnight sites

• Bluff ridge trail is the longest and most remote section of the trail network. Traffic is limited on this trail as it is a long day hike, likely due to lack of designated overnight sites that could break day hikes into shorter segments.

• Possible overnight locations include Bluff Ridge, Middle Mountain, and lower Gore Mountain Trail

• Rich Carbonetti indicated that Peter Piper Timber would be open to overnight site on Black Mountain (northeast of Gore); would entertain campsite proposal/plan

• Luke indicated sites should be (relatively) evenly spaced apart; close to water; avoid camps and other sensitive areas; and situated on favorable sites (sheltered, dry)

• Sierra indicated willingness of Weyerhaeuser to consider sites on their lands. Would have to ensure that VLT and WY are on board, and if they have any further stipulations. Check with Dan Kilborn, VLT Forester*.

• While designated sites are on partner lands, ANR would ultimately have responsibility to devise a plan on maintenance and upkeep.

• ANR will address the public use management with a plan*- addressing topics like:

­ Trash, fires, cutting wood, emergency access, seasonal maintenance; waste management (moldering privy)

­ Sites would have minimal infrastructure- soil tent pads with log or stone retainers; fire pit; privy; small kiosk/information sign

• Upon these initial approvals, a team will go out and scout a couple of possible locations next field season- Dusty May (NorthWoods), Sierra Giraud (Weyerhaeuser), John Predom (GMC) and Luke O’Brien (ANR)*

• Lou indicated need for public meeting or public process to gain input from community and stakeholders

KHT 2.0- Black Mountain, etc.

• Lots of interest is generated with the rock climbing trails on the cliffs of Black Mtn (CRAG VT – rock climbing community).

• It would be beneficial to have an official, more sustainable trail built to access the cliffs- both Main cliff (on WY) and the North cliff (on Peter Piper)

­ See map for location aid, and possible routes.

• FPR and GMC have scouted at North Cliff; could also provide a good hike potential and great views.

• A designated overnight site and parking area would also be prudent*.

­ VELCO would need to be involved in Parking area discussion, if it would be in their ROW

• Possibility of connecting Gore mountain to Black mountain was discussed

­ Luke explored a possible ‘high route’ on ‘Trophy Ridge’, but terrain was difficult

­ He recommended a route using a portion of VAST trail, then following the Black Branch Nulhegan River to far end of Lewis Pond Road/log landing; Luke and Chris Fife (WH) explored a link from this area onto Gore Mountain years ago and found decent terrain with several viewpoints; comes close to USFWS boundary. Routes need to be revisited*… long term idea.

• There was brief discussion of exploring trail connection b/w Brighton and Willoughby SF; Paul was interested in efforts to expand trails in/around Island Pond; Dusty and Maria were also supportive of exploring options in this area*

Wrap-up, Other Items, and Next Steps

• Trailhead development- some trailheads need some upgrades

­ Unknown pond parking area needs gravel- FPR has funds and will coordinate with Sweet Tree*

• Will there be a trail going to Unknown Pond?

­ Unknown pond is under an STA, therefore is environmentally sensitive with poor access

­ Trail will not be able to sustain heavy public traffic without development or construction.

­ GMC is in process of selling Headwaters Camp on Unknown Pond.

­ Should we consider re-naming the Unknown Pond Trail? (Middle Mountain- South Trail?)

• Gore Mountain trail stream crossing

­ Crossing on tributary stream to Sucker brook needs improvement.

­ Group discussed pros/cons of building a bridge; Keegan indicated that GMC is generally not replacing remote bridges

­ Will evaluate crossing location/options; possibly improving step stones*

• Maria indicated that NW hopes to host a KHT Ridge Run on June 20, 2021; the event was planned for 2020 but cancelled due to COVID-19

• Steve updated the group on public access improvements on the Nulhegan Basin Division of SOC NWR, including new boardwalks at Black Branch, Lewis Pond, and Mollie Beattie Bog, Also new bike tour route on Refuge

• Sierra shared information on planned timber harvests on WH lands, relative to higher elevation/KHT locations; WH is working on forest management plans and harvests are 5-10 years out.

• Many shared regrets for not being able to meet in person due to COVID-19, preferring in-person gatherings to share stories, get to know each other, and see trail and timberlands.

Action Items (denoted with asterix* above):

• GMC will coordinate with trail adopters/send reminders of seasonal maintenance; continue seeking adopters for Bluff Ridge (possibly in 3 segments)

• GMC and NWSC will coordinate a trail maintenance training for NEK adopters/volunteers/crew staff

• ANR will coordinate public campsite use with a draft management plan (to include info on site preference/design, campfires, waste management, signs, etc.)

• Luke, Dusty, John P, and Sierra will look at potential sites on WH/ST/PPT land and coordinate with landowners/VLT, as needed

• ANR will coordinate public process to solicit comments and input on KHT 2.0 (trail extensions and campsites)

• Luke will revisit Black Branch Trail route (with others- GMC, WH, USFWS) on northeast side of Gore Mountain

• Maria, Dusty and Paul will investigate possible routes b/w Brighton and Willoughby SF

• FPR will coordinate with Sweet Tree to make improvements to Unknown Pond trailhead

• Luke, John P, and Dusty will investigate possible improvements at Gore Mountain Trail/Sucker Brook stream crossing

Thanks to all for participating and supporting this partnership effort. Thanks also to Sierra, who provided many of the notes above.

Gore Crossing Project – The water is wide and deep. The stones have shifted. Whether or not a bridge should be built has flood stage issue. GMC is looking to phase out some of the existing bridge structures and find other crossing points. At a minimum, the steppingstones should be revisited.

Other Business

Wilderness 1st Aid- Cathi Brooks recommended the Wilderness 1st Aid class. She attended with a friend and recommended that approach. Andrea Kane, the instructor covered everything during two full days of instruction and did a really good job. The topics included COVID issues. The NEKGMC paid for Susan and Cathi to take the class, giving them greater leadership confidence. Luke made a strong pitch for persons taking the course and for Andrea’s programs. He stated the course is well designed and teaches important skills. Tom Candon also endorsed taking this type of course.

Plowing Trailheads – John inquired if the section should pay for plowing. Michael Chernick raised the issue that the land is either state (could also be municipal) or privately owned, requiring landowner approval. Luke O’Brien is hopeful that after 2022, there may be funding available for plowing the parking area at Unknown Pond. HE stated that the plowing policy is somewhat haphazard. Kevin reported the Town of Granby has added plowing at the Cow Mountain Pond Trail.

Nulhegan Abenaki History – A Taylor Series presentation on Nulhegan Abenaki history is in the works. Luke found this proposal timely. He mentioned the new state statute directing inclusion of Abenaki placenames on FPR signage. Tom Candon endorsed the idea as a Taylor series.

Volunteers to Lead Group Hikes – John hopes to entice volunteers to lead a hike. The Town of Brighton is interested in snowshoeing events. NorthWoods will be conducting a Valentine’s snowshoe event. Brighton Recreation would be interested in co-sponsoring an event with GMC

GMC Logo and Mission Statement – This item will be on the GMC’s strategic plan’s agenda.

Next Meeting – Sunday April 11- 1:00 PM (tentatively by Zoom)


MOTION [Brooks/Guest] to adjourn the meeting at 2:40 PM

Approved unanimously

Northeast Kingdom Section – Green Mountain Club

Fall Quarterly Meeting Minutes

October 4, 2020

Island Pond, Vermont

Call to Order – NEKGMC President John Predom called the meeting to order at 1:01 PM.

Standard Business:

Secretary’ s Report – NEK GMC Secretary Michael Chernick presented a summary of the minutes of the summer quarterly meeting held on July 26, 2020 via Zoom.

MOTION [Brooks/Smith] moves to approve the minutes as presented

Approved unanimously

Treasurer’s Report – NEKGMC Treasurer Angela Smith presented the following quarterly financial report:

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of September 30, 2020

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 07/12/2020) $3,514.33


Dues Sharing

June Dues Sharing $142.50

July Dues Sharing $245.00

Misc. Deposits

Mask Proceeds Donation $129.48 and $60.00 $189.48




Ending Balance $4,091.31


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2021 @.40% $1,581.55

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2021 @.40% $1,742.84


Grand Total All Monies $7,415.70

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

The report was accepted as presented

Director’s Report – NEKGMC Director to the Main Club Cathi Brooks reported on the September Zoom Board of Directors’ Meeting. Since the start of the pandemic, the federal government has awarded GMC $209,000 in Payroll Protection Act financial support. Due to the pandemic, Main Club is now on version VI of its FY 21 budget, which has been reduced from $1.7 to $1.1 million. Erica Harris is the new development assistant. A new communications director (whose duties will include LTN editing) and a communications assistant have yet to be hired. In the interim there will not be a fall printed LTN.

The Codding Hollow tract in Johnson (a parcel Main Club has sought to acquire) has now been purchased. The planned additional LT work in northern Vermont has been delayed until 2021. Three new LT privies were completed this summer. Efforts to promote GMC’s sections will be effectuated through a special volunteer recognition publication. The annual volunteer picnic did not occur this fall. The GMC has raised $70,000 for the Resilience Fund (easily exceeding its $50,000 goal). Overall, there has been a 25 percent increase in donations to the Main Club.

A new capital campaign brochure, outlining the campaign’s objectives, has been issued. The publication includes a Wheeler Pond Camp replacement section. Because of a realignment, the date for the new Wheeler Camp’s construction remains uncertain. Another capital campaign project will be replacement of the Herrick Building at the Waterbury headquarters. The structure requires reconstruction. As a result of the pandemic, the campaign’s target dates were readjusted. Hadsel Mares Camp at Wheeler Pond continues as the top rent generator among the camps (representing 67 percent occupancy and 31 different renters, 43 percent of whom are GMC members). Cathi Brooks suggested leaving membership applications in Hadsel Mares. Paul Trojano and GMC Conservation Manager Molly Flanigan have been working on site at the Wheeler camps. There have been two recent wood stacking sessions. (Paul described them as the most successful he has witnessed). Cathi, who along with Paul serves on the GMC’s Camps Committee will promote the earliest date for the Wheeler Camps’ construction.

NEKGMC member, and GMC Secretary, Ed 0’ Leary, is the new Camps Committee Chair, succeeding the late Jean Haigh. The committee will hold its next meeting in two weeks. Efforts are being made, through a new committee, to promote diversity and inclusion at GMC. But no specific plan has yet been developed.

The Bromley Tower fundraising is completed and planning for its construction is moving forward. A new privy is being placed at Journey’s End Camp. Summer staff assisted US Forest service on summer workdays.

The traffic has increased on GMC’s Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). Membership is up from 9,000 to 9, 560 (Aug 2019 – Aug 2020). The Visitors’ Center remains closed, but online sales increased 81 percent. Because of the continued U.S.-Canadian border closure, Canadian online sales are down significantly.

LT Patrol did not work this year, and there was a reduced number of care takers. Trail adopter hours, club-wide, rose from 1398 to 1877. Correspondingly, shelter adopter hours rose from 125 to 357. Organizational trips declined significantly due to COVID. Contributions to GMC hit an all-time record. Nancy Thomas has replaced Steve Klein as GMC Treasurer. The Club ended FY 20 with a $7,000 surplus.

Newsletter – NEKGMC Ramblings Editor Ed Guest reported that the next issue of the newsletter is nearly ready for release. Janet Steinert’s LT trip will be reported through articles in several issues. This coming issue will feature a short report from NEKGMC President John Predom and a story on Elderberry’s supposed benefits (folklore not medicinal) from Paul Trojano. Ed is looking to conclude his membership role and focus exclusively on the newsletter. Kudos were given to Ed for the quality of the newsletter

COVID Response – GMC website has not changed since July 26. Everyone is social distancing, wearing masks, and riding with windows down. A lot of people have anxiety leading group hikes. There was the Moose Mountain hike had only one participant. Several other trips on a more limited basis were held with limited numbers via personal contacts. John would like to deemphasize personal hikes and promote more planned group hikes. There was discussion of promoting hikes on Facebook and e-mails.

Classes’ Update – No information yet form Luke on the proposed Map & Compass class Andrea has scheduled a two-day Wilderness First Aid class for October 19-20. Don Kaskaka also offers Wilderness First Aid instruction in Burke. Several persons have signed up or expressed interest in attending a Wilderness First Aid course. The section will cover the fee. Paul Trojano stated he will contact Andrea to reserve his participation.

Membership Coordinator – Ed Guest’s desire to focus exclusively on his Ramblings editorial duties, will necessitate John Predom appointing a new membership coordinator. Ed requested continual receipt of the periodically updated e-mail list for newsletter distribution purposes. He divides the list, as his e-mail can only transmit 100 addresses at one time. Kevin suggested that e-mails be transmitted via the blind carbon copy method, which was unanimously agreed. John indicated growing the membership should be the new person’s goal. Paul Trojano mentioned the section’s Facebook page membership has risen. Angela Smith signed up a new member at the recent Westmore Challenge. (Subsequent to the meeting, Beth Barnes, who plans to return to the area and has professional experience in an organizational membership role, e-mailed John and offered to assume this position).

Trail Adopter Update – NEKGMC Trail Adopter Coordinator Kevin Williamson reported that presently NEKGMC has good coverage. The only trail segment minus coverage is Bluff Ridge, which will be divided into three sections of approximately 8 miles each. Paul Trojano recommended each new member should have an assigned task; trail adopters could always use assistance. NorthWoods Stewardship Center (NorthWoods) offers trail training. Kevin reminded everyone that all official reports must be forwarded to the Main Club. He also recommended the Luke O’Brien, the regional Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) staff person, should update the section regularly on his work, be it exclusive FPR’s or in association with NorthWoods. Luke was prepared to request a NorthWoods crew to clean up the residue, resulting from a recent small forest fire on the North View spur off Moose Mountain. Paul Trojano stated he was always happy to assist with trail work. There was a discussion of a possible Cow Pond Trail relocation.


Westmore Challenge – Approximately 130 hikers, including Angela Smith and Ami English, participated. Angela commented on the quality of the aid station. John Predom volunteered and said it was a great day.

Other Business: There was a discussion of partial expenditure of the section’s funds. John discussed a bridge over the brook on Gore Trail north of Gore Junction. Privies or a designated camp site on Bluff Ridge was also mentioned. The Headwaters Camp sale will hopefully be finalized this fall. Cathi Brooks will advocate that any resulting revenue, beyond costs incurred, i be available for NEK projects.

Brighton Trivia Hike – The Town of Brighton Recreation Department will conduct a trivia hike on October 10. There will be prizes.

Unknown Pond Trail – The original plan was to take that trail all the way to the pond, but that may never occur. The answer to the mystery is simple, the pond is unknown. Realistically, section members suggested that the trail should probably be renamed.

Website – Personal e-mails will be removed, but officers’ names will be left on the site.

Next Meeting – The Winter Quarterly meeting will occur on Sunday January 10, 2021 at a location to be determined.

Future Hikes – Sunday October 18th – Michael Chernick – Headwaters Camp

Sunday October 31st – Paul Trojano – Victory Bog area

Requests to participate will be transmitted via e-mail and GMC COVID requirements will be applied.

Adjournment Motion

MOTION [Cathi Brooks/Paul Trojano] to adjourn the meeting at 2:20 P.M.

Approved Unanimously


Summer Quarterly Meeting Via Zoom

July 26, 2020

Call to Order – NEKGMC President John Predom called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM. He has attended the recent GMC Section Presidents’ meetings. Although the shelters are now opened, LT hikers are encouraged to bring tents for camping to facilitate social distancing.

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick reviewed highlights from the 2020 NEKGMC Annual Meeting held via Zoom on April 4, 2020.

MOTION [Cathi Brooks/Ed Guest] to approve the secretary’s minutes as presented

Approved unanimously

Treasurer’s Report – NEKGMC Treasurer Angela Smith submitted the following financial update for the time period beginning April 4. 2020 and concluding July 26, 2020.

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of July 12, 2020

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 04/06/2020) $3,031.88


Dues Sharing

January Dues Sharing $110.00

February Dues Sharing $158.75

March Dues Sharing $120.00

April Dues Sharing $168.75

May Dues Sharing $163.75


John Predom – Reimbursement for Website Cost $238.80

Ending Balance $3,514.33


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2021 @.40% $1,580.21

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2021 @.40% $1,741.66


Grand Total All Monies $6,836.20

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

The treasurer’s report was accepted

Facemasks – John Predom’s sister is producing facemasks as a section fundraiser. Section members expressed appreciation for her initiative. John will serve as the contribution collector for funds that the masks generate.

Board of Director’ Report – NEKGMC Main Club Director Cathi Brooks reported on the 2020 GMC, Zoom conducted, Annual/ Board Meetings. These virtual events had good turnouts. The GMC ended Fiscal Year 2020 (end date April 30, 2020) in the black. But, the pandemic has caused constant reevaluation. Steve Klein has concluded his excellent 6-year service as GMC Treasurer. $1.3 million has been pledged to the Capital Campaign, which was placed on a COVID-19 pause. Corporate contributions are now being solicited.

The Club is examining writing down the expenses associated with several older publications, dating back to 2009. Much of this book inventory will probably not be sold. Some copies, of these titles, will be distributed in giveaways and other promotions, avoiding completely discarding the volumes. As for new publications, the Long Trail Map has been digitalized, and a new NEK map and End-to-End Guide have been released. A new Walker’s Guide is being prepared with discussions continuing on its potential content. Development continues on a digital Long Trail Guide

GMC Director of Field Programs Kegan Tierney presented a field update. A new t food storage policy on the trail, intended to limit bear access to food, is being developed. A new Trails’ Coordinator position, in association with the National Park Service, has been established at Marsh-Billings Farm in Woodstock. Initially, it’s a one- year position.

GMC Executive Director Mike DeBonis reported 100 percent of the staff is working from home, Both the Visitors’ Center and Barnes Camp remain closed.

Several GMC staff members, including veteran Long Trail News Editor, Jocelyn Hebert have concluded their Club employment.

The 2021 Annual Meeting will be held at Sterling College in Craftsbury, the planned site of the 2021 meeting. The Northern Frontier and Sterling sections are the co-hosts.

The entire $250,000 FY 2020 line of credit is paid off. During the past fiscal year, the GMC received $561, 265 in direct financial support and $285,685 in membership dues. Before the pandemic, the Endowment stood at $4.86 million and currently has $4.1 million.

Prior to the pandemic, Hadsel-Mares had a 57 percent occupancy level. Camps are now opened again, on a limited basis. Plans to sell Headwaters Camp remain on the agenda but are not finalized. Assurances were given that Beaver Dam Camp will be rebuilt once the funds are raised,

Land Protection is working to acquire land in Johnson. A new five-year Long Trail Use Agreement has been entered into with the University of Vermont.

Newsletter – Ed Guest is preparing a new edition of the NEKGMC’s enewsletter, Ramblings, The contents will include an article on hiking the 4000 footers in New Hampshire. There are wonderful pictures, a regular item called Featured Hike and a flora and fauna story from Paul Trojano on Milkweed. An article on foraging may appear in a future issue. There is an entire page on miscellaneous ramblings through the woods and mountains. Cathi placed at the clubhouse both a binder of all issues of Ramblings, along with materials from the Jean Haigh Memorial Hike,

Outings & Group Hikes – Sue, Jill, Ami and John recently hiked Cow Pond Trail John has heard people are reluctant to lead hikes because of COVID. GMC wants people to be comfortable to lead. Because groups are limited to 10, John has limited section hikes to only GMC members. Kevin mentioned its unusual to have as many as 10 persons on an NEKGMC hike. If a hike leader is more comfortable with fewer than 10 participants, this is acceptable. Individuals are required to register. Andrea Kane desires lead a hike on Aug 4 in the Westmore area. Ed commented that we almost need to address the COVID situation weekly or daily.

Posting Hike Information – Ed suggested the revised website is the best method for promoting hikes. He is sensitive to sending out too may e-mails. Many members are GMC supporters but not necessarily active hikers. Ed can send a reminder e-mail but would emphasize the website. Paul mentioned the Hiking in Vermont (Facebook Page). John partially agreed with Ed’s e-mail comments but mentioned that new members might desire e-mails. Ed also commented that NEKGMC hikes are more spontaneous and consequently difficult to publicize in the printed press. Both Cathi and Kevin believe the section’s Facebook page is the preferred option for publicizing outings.

Classes – Andrea Kane has resumed teaching First Ad related courses. Participants have been bringing close friends or family members to serve as practice partners. John will leave it up to the section whether to proceed with a Wilderness First Aid class. Andrea can conduct the class outdoors in a tent in Peacham. There is no word yet on Luke’s O’ Brien’s compass and map classes.

FPR Updates – Luke O’ Brien, the St. Johnsbury-based FPR (Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation) recreation specialist submitted the following summary (written in late June) of the department’s current activities in the NEK of interest to the NEKGMC:

Yesterday, I patrolled the upper reaches of the Gore Mountain Trail with a NorthWoods Conservation Corps crew. All of the blowdowns are removed, drainages cleaned, and new growth brushed back. The crew was very efficient. They patrolled the lower trail on Tuesday and will be on the North Middle Mountain Trail today (June 25th) and the Unknown Pond Trail tomorrow. Not sure how far up the South Middle Mountain Trail they will get, but my guess is that they won’t make it to the summit, So there will be a gap in maintenance. I know John has patrolled this section, so it is probably okay.

I (gathered) some planking and cedar sills to replace the broken plank bridge discussed below. There wasn’t enough time to install. When I return to blaze the upper trail, I will install the new span- hopefully within the next two weeks We’ll have to wait on the log puncheon bridge. But, as I mentioned, this is less of a safety issue as it spans a muddy spot and is fairly- low to the ground. It would be great to replace this with step stones in the future.

Under an FPR Northern Trail Roving Grant with NorthWoods, crews will be patrolling the following trails over the next three weeks:

June 15: Bluff Mountain Community Trail

June 22-26: Bluff Lookout Trail and Basin Link

Lower Gore Mountain Trail

Upper Gore Mountain Trail

Middle North

Unknown Pond Trail and Middle South

June 29-July 3

Wheeler Mountain Trail

Burke Red and West Peak Trails

Burke Summit and Profile Trails

Haystack Mountain North and South

Moose Bog

July 6-10

Bald Mad Brook

Bald Long Pond

Bald Telegraph

Pisgah North (tbd)

Pisgah South (tbd)

A NW Crew will also be spending two weeks in the area of the Mt Hor North Trail, completing general maintenance and replacing two broken bridges. If time allows, I will see if they can replace the bridge span on the Mt Hor ridgeline leading to the Willoughby lookouts. This structure is over 10 years

old and needs to be replaced soon.​

FPR has still not received authorization to hire seasonal employees, so we are currently short staffed with no Seasonal Trail Coordinator or State Trail Crew. When/if we get permission to hire a skeleton (2-person) State Trail Crew, it is scheduled to complete 4 weeks of additional roving throughout the NEK District (with emphasis on State Parks trails and Groton State Forest). It is also scheduled to do 3 weeks of work on the Mt Pisgah Trail, where I hope the crew and do some substantial maintenance and restoration of waterbars, retainers, ditching and other heavily impacted areas. This is all TBD based on Covid-19 limitations and approval from the Agency of Administration. We will not have a Seasonal Trail Coordinator this year.

Additional crew projects in the NEK include maintenance of the Brighton State Park ADA Trail and ADA-compliant trail/boardwalk construction in Victory, as well as ADA compliant access improvements at Kettle Pond in Groton.

Funding has been granted to GMC to patrol the Long Trail near/north of Jay Peak but the project dates are still TBD. (Keegan, if you have updates on this work, please be in touch.).

The next phase of Covid openings is our State Parks system and remote shelters, which are scheduled to officially open this Friday, June 26. We are working with GMC and USFS to develop signage for remote shelters, and I will be visiting sites in the NEK over the next few weeks to post this and other, general shelter use information.

I want to thank John, Kevin, Keegan and Lorne for your help coordinating GMC volunteers and Dusty and the NorthWoods staff for being creative and flexible with your crew operations during this challenging time this spring/early summer. From your direct communication, trail reports, Facebook posts, and hard work, we have been able to tackle a lot of ‘pre-season’ trail maintenance under difficult conditions. While I look forward to resuming conversations about future trail projects, additional shelter and trail adopters, and further build-out of the KHT and overnight sites, I am appreciative that we are, at this time, able to address the core needs of our public recreation and conservation mission in

the NEK District.

Thanks for all of your good work!

Aside from Luke’s report, Angela mentioned there is a major blow down adjacent to one of the Mount Hoar trails.

Membership – There have been membership drops. Ed commented that due to COVID some members may be out of work. He is retaining (for now) members who are currently active. John inquired about members who have not rejoined. He is interested in growing the group’s membership and inquired about dues’ forbearance. Cathi Brooks suggested a one-time one- year free option. John also inquired about courtesy members. Paul Trojano suggested digital communications but otherwise that participation/recruitment are very much one-on-one tasks. Ed agreed. John stated that is where group outings really help. Cathi also suggested communicating with individual members via Facebook messaging. Paul recommended a template that starts off with an acknowledgement for past support. Ed and John will work together. Ed will obtain an updated membership list from Main Club. John indicated there should be benefits to Club membership and therefore communication is important.

Local Group Coordination & Partnerships- John is interested in working with similarly focused local conservation organizations, including NorthWoods Stewardship Center. Based on this goal, John met with NorthWoods’ staff leadership and submitted this report:

Dusty May, Conservative Corp. Director at Northwoods Stewardship Center

Westmore Challenge – is on (I forget the date? Should we volunteer to help?)

KHT Ramble Aug 29th – This will be an event (run) from Lewis Pond to Island Pond (should we volunteer to set up food or water stations?)

Workshops for trail maintenance – Dusty said Northwoods could provide workshops for building water bars, using chainsaws, etc.

A trail maintenance day – A day where GMC and Northwoods got together to work on a section of trail.

Trail connection from Lewis to Wheeler – He mentioned the thru trail from Bald to Island Pond, over Jobs. He said there are 3 landowners we would need to work with, and Island Pond.

Island Pond Trailhead parking – Michael Strait said Island Pond was going to enlarge this trailhead parking area this year and put up a kiosk.

Mad Brook – Northwoods just helped install a new kiosk and signage for the trail.

Maria Young, Executive Director of Northwoods Stewardship Center

I met with Maria from Northwoods today. She would really like to get our two groups together on some projects. She also talked about the KHT Ramble and the Westmore Challenge. She said the Westmore Challenge is definite and may be able to use some volunteers. She has the permits for the KHT Ramble, but isn’t sure about going forward? She said there is some logistics for getting hikers to the trailhead that may keep it from happening. She would like to do some trail work with our group and also can offer some trail maintenance classes if we are interested. One more fun thing, NorthWoods has a Kingdom Peak Challenge that includes 19 peaks and they are looking for a 20th peak. She asked us for ideas and I said I would bring it up at the meeting

Camps – Paul Trojan reports Hadsel Mares is renting again. He will be visiting Wheeler this week. As the camp was closed for several months, there is a fair supply of firewood. In the fall, the annual wood allotment will be delivered. It will probably not be feasible to move the wood in its entirety. Kevin inquired on the pumping of the privy. Apparently, it was pumped late last fall. A gift of a glider was made to the camps. It was used to repair the gate. Ultimately, a new gate may be needed. There is no final decision yet on a possible sale of the Unknow Pond Camp. Cathi will inquire of Molly (the Main Club’s Conservation staffer) regarding the status of Unknow Pond Camps. The Camps’ Committee last met May 11th, Cathi will print out the minutes.

Trail & Adopter Issues – Moose Bog Trail and the entirety of Bluff Ridge need adopters. Kevin does not know the status of the trails in the Bill Sladek Wildlife Management Area. He also mentioned the trial in Cow Mountain Pond area. Kevin indicated he would also be willing to adopt part of Bluff if a satisfactory replacement for his current assignment is found. Cathi is extending her trail maintenance responsibilities. With respect to the NorthWoods 19 Challenge, Kevin suggested adding Crown Mountain, Big Rock or Devil’s Hill in Groton to increase the number of peaks from 19 to 20. The main summit of Middle Mountain is not listed. Regarding the Mount Monadnock Trail individuals are hiking the mountain even though the parking lot is closed. John heard that FPR may pay the owner’s fine. But, nothing is definite. Kevin reports that the situation at the trailhead is confusing at present.

Sue Winsor reports that Jeff took a stumble on his LT hike and that the hike has consequently been postphoned.

Contest – John reviewed ides that have been suggested for possible items publicizing the section through personal gear (such as a tee shirt).

Kevin inquired if the NEKGMC could use logos from Main Club, which John believes we can,

John compiled the following suggestions:

Ami English

suggested a trail map on a tee shirt.

Bart Selle

You asked for ideas for Section Logo Gear: One option I would buy is a green shirt with a small (about 3”) GMC logo & Northeast Kingdom under it.

Ryan Baxter

Ex long trail patrol member and professional trail worker living in Lunenburg. I think some NEK specific gear is a great idea. I have seen some shirts from the Adirondack Mountain Club that incorporate landscapes into the image of animals or other symbols and know they have been really popular. This is a rough sketch I think could be nice for the NEK. The left antler is based on Wheeler and the right is Maidstone.

Susan Winsor

I really think we should go through all our fantastic photos and make cards to sell. Spring flowers could be one theme, but like the idea of maybe some of our views (Pisgah’s view of Willoughby, a nice trail view, . . . there are so many!) I purchased card from GMC with Mansfield, Camels Hump and Jay – eight cards for $6 on sale, but normally $12. I think they were more expensive because of the photographer – well, we could save right there because we have photographers!

Future Plans- There will need to be a Wheeler wood stacking day in conjunction with the fall meeting Ed recommended Saturday October 3rd. for the quarterly meeting at Wheeler. There may be a workday with NorthWoods in September. John will inquire on the date of the Westmore Challenge.

Adjournment – Motion [Cathi Brooks/Paul Trojano] to adjourn at approximately 2: 25 PM

Approved Unanimously

2020 Annual Meeting

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

April 4, 2020

Welcome & Call to Order: – NEKGMC President Cathi Brooks called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. She thanked everyone for attending online (This first-ever NEKGMC virtual meeting via Zoom was convened in this format due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting gubernatorial stay-at-home-order). Cathi urged everyone to get outside. She commented that NEK GMC Membership Coordinator, Ed Guest, has been great, sending out updates from the Main Club.

Secretary’s Minutes’ – NEKGMC Secretary, Michael Chernick, reviewed the minutes of the January 26, 2020 Quarterly Meeting

Motion [Ed O’Leary/Paul Trojan] To accept the minutes of the January 26, 2020 Quarterly Meeting’

Approved Unanimously

Treasurer’s Report – NEK GMC Treasurer, Angela Smith, presented the current Treasurer’s Report as follows:

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of April 4, 2020

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 01/21/2020) $2,790.63


Dues Sharing

December $206.25

Loon Talk Series Donations $135.00


Kevin Williamson – Gift Card for Lenny T. $100.00

Ending Balance $3,031.88


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1 ….4489/Matures 01/12/2021 @.40% $1,577.57

CD#2 ….3785/Matures 06/27/2020 @.40% $1,738.76


Grand Total All Monies $6,348.21

Angela Smith – Treasurer

Lenny Expression Appreciation – Cathi Brooks reported that Lenny Targonski expressed his thanks to everyone for the much appreciated Farmway Gift Certificate.. He welcomes the section to meet at his his camp for future meeting. Cathi reported that Lenny drove back to Holland to retrieve the card, once he realized it contained the gift certificate.

Main Club Report – Cathi Brooks attended the March Main Club Quarterly Board Meeting. GMC President, Tom Candon, who participated in the NEKGMC Annual Meeting offered additional comments during Cathi’s report. The Main Club’s budget was approved at the meeting. But (in light of the COVID-19 pandemic) the budget may require subsequent amendment. At the time of the budget’s adoption, the Main Club’s finances were in good shape. The Capital Campaign continues, having now raised $1.4 million in donations and pledges as the major donor phase continues. Membership has increase (over 9500 total). Tom, spoke of his fond memory of attending the Kingdom Heritage Trail dedication day on June 22, 2019. He reflected that Jean Haigh was a real inspiration. Cathi, thanked Main Club Executive Director Mike DeBonis and his staff for doing a great job, trying to protect staff and the now closed Long Trail (LT),, during the COVID-19 pandemic. There was a real concern that so many persons were hiking the LT (since the stay-at-home order was adopted and the LT is now closed, as is the Visitors Center in Waterbury. Tom stated that he appreciated participating in the NEKGMC Annual Meeting and regretted the circumstances prevented him from attending in person. Cathi made a particular point that Main Club was really humming along, including that the summer staff has been hired. The staff is keeping up with the budget and trying to decide about the summer. On the financial front, the Main Club’s unrestricted donations have increased.

Turning monetarily to an NEKGMC matter, Cathi indicated that the planned Wilderness First Aid and Compass Navigation classes are postponed and hopefully will be rescheduled for June.

Returning to Main Club topics, Cathi explained that hopefully at that time, the summer crews will be able to proceed. In the meantime, the Main Club is doing what it can. The new membership staffer, Rick Dugan, is knowledge about databases and is an experienced hiker.. The decline in (annual) donations from Capital Campaign contributors is not as big as had been expected. There are plans to improve the road sign at the Main Club’s entrance. Also, an effort has begun to improve the Main Club’s vehicle fleet. An AmeriCorps volunteer from the Nature Conservancy is working on the GMC dataset.

A new Walker’s Guide is being issued and both Kevin Williamson, especially and Cathi contributed to the NEK section of the publication. Turning to the Camps’ Committee, Tom Candon has appointed NEKGMC member and Main Club Board Secretary, Ed O’Leary, to succeed Jean Haigh as the committee’s chair. All camps are shuttered due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But, prior to the closings, Hadsel Mares had achieved a71 percent occupancy rate. When the acceptance of reservations for Bolton and Bryant camps resume, they will first be opened to GMC members. Cathi noted that the Camps Committee will be considering the future of the Headwaters Camp.

Extensive work is planned this summer on the northern third of the LT. Sterling College is collaborating with GMC on an inclusion-diversity project. The Bromley Tower project is ready for Act 250 review Sterling Pond work will continue this summer. Despite the prospect of an alternative purchaser, efforts are continuing to acquire a parcel in Johnson. Social media subscribers to Main Club sites (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) have risen. New multi-topic GMC blog have been created. There is money in the budget for new improvements at Visitors Center. NEKGMC hosted a Taylor Series presentation on Loons at Sterling College. It was a great event at which $135.00 was raised for the section. Cathi thanked those who helped, including Karen Ash, who baked refreshments. Main Club is now working with several schools, including Woodstock Union High School, Champlain Valley Union High School, the Green Mountain Technical Education Center, and Winooski High School on various experiential educational projects. There was discussion of the NEKGMC establishing a local educational connection. Ami English mentioned that her local high school requires 80 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Tom Candon suggested checking with Marge Fish, who has a long-standing collaboration with Burr and Burton Academy in Manchester.

Newsletter – NEKGMC Newsletter (Ramblings) Editor, Ed Guest, thanked Janet Stinert for her proof reading. Ed reported that a better format has now been developed. The new issue focuses on the trails at Cow Mountain Pond, including articles that Bruce Berryman wrote. An entire page is devoted to the Northeast Kingdom Snowshoe Expeditionary Force. Beyond this content, there are lots of nice pictures. Ed thanked everyone who contributed photos. Janet commented on the issue’s layout and its professional look. Cathi thanked Ed for all his extra help.

Election of 2020-2021 NEKGMC Officers – Cathi reviewed the proposed slate for the coming year. It includes:

President- John Predom

Vice President –Paul Trojano

Treasurer – Angela Smith

Secretary- Michael Chernick

Representative to the Main Club – Ed O’ Leary

An e-mail was sent to the entire NEKGMC membership soliciting alternative nominations and none were received.

Motion [Ed Guest/Ed O’ Leary] that the proposed slate be approved by acclamation (a single vote)

Approved unanimously

Cathi thanked John Predom for assuming the NEKGMC presidency and offer her assistance. John acknowledged Cathi’s service to the section.

Wilderness First Aid & Compass Navigation Class – As Cathi mentioned in her Main Club Report, Andrea, who teaches the courses, explained they might be offered in June. However, even then social distancing will be observed.

Wheeler Pond Update – Paul Trojano reported bids are planned to be solicited for site work at the planned parking lot. There is one pile of wood left to be sacked. When the camp reopens, the wood will be stacked. Paul hopes to check on the Wheeler property when he next returns from Massachusetts. In the interim, Ami English, who lives near Wheeler, will check on conditions at the site. Paul mentioned the issue of removing ash at the site. John Predom inquired regarding Vermont Huts Association relationship, mentioning its director has tons of energy. There was no update at this time.

Jean Haigh Memorial – Ideas were suggested as a fitting memorial to honor and remember Jean Haigh. Naming the new camp at Wheeler for Jean was suggested. It was stated that whatever we do should focus on one project that we can maximize. Cathi indicated that perhaps the section could conduct a work day, later in the spring, as the Main Club’s 2020 Annual Meeting will probably not occur. The 2021 GMC Annual Meeting will probably be rescheduled for Sterling College. Cathi will reach out to Sterling College for help with Wheeler, once everything is again open. Ed O’Leary stated that the Main Club wants to recognize Jean. If we come up with proposal, he believes, it will be Main Club endorsed. He suggested naming the new Beaver Dam Camp in memory of Jean. Ed Guest also liked the permanency of the idea. Angela thought it would be a nice place to gather for anniversary events honoring Jean. John also concurred on both points. Cathi asked Tom if Beaver Dam funding was planned for 2021, and he replied affirmatively. Cathi further stated that we need to work in coordination with the Main Club. Ed O’ Leary offered that it was appropriate for the Camps Committee to make a recommendation to the Main Club and for the NEKGMC, in turn, to make a recommendation to the Camps Committee.

MOTION [Michael Chernick/Ed O’Leary] That the NEKGMC recommend to the GMC Camps Committee that the new Beaver Dam Camp be named in honor of Jean Haigh.

Approved unanimously

Paul Trojan offered a series of alliterative names as possibilities, such as Haigh’s Haven or Haigh’s Highway.. He suggested a list of 3 names be offered to the NEKGMC membership for its consideration and approval. Ed O’ Leary thought this was a great idea. After further discussion, it was decided a poll would be sent to the membership via an Ed Guest e-mail. Luke O’Brien reminded everyone of the need for Main Club approval. Ed’ O Leary reiterated that if the NEKGMC submitted a recommendation he was confident of its acceptance.

Winter Trails Day – John conducted a snow shoe event at the Main Club’s Winter Trails Day, held at the GMC’s Waterbury campus on March 7. He led a group, including at least one child under 10, in an outing to create the GMC logo in the snow. There was a good turnout, and the crowd enjoyed the food offerings, Burlington Beer and a bonfire.

Forest, Parks, and Recreation – NEK Updates- Luke O’Brien, who is an FPR recreation specialist, opened his comments staying he was glad this virtual NEKGMC Annual Meeting was occurring. In terms of Willoughby State Forest, things are up in the air. The south end project is in its final design stage. It would create a parking area near the existing one. FPR is working on various roadside permit issues. There would also be an overflow parking area. This would require a curb cut permit and changing the speed on Route 5A. But, for now, things are on hold. FPR plans to use what money it has, as those funds expire this fiscal year. Parking at the Pisgah trailhead may be improved. But, there are complicating factors, beyond FPR’s jurisdiction, so it may or may not happen. From annual Trail Fund expenditures, work will be done on structural trail rehabilitation work on Mt. Pisgah, the Victory boardwalk project will go forward, and the broken bridges on the backside Mt Hoar and at Wheeler Pond will be fixed. An exception to the no field work during the Governor’s stay-at-home order has been granted for the placement of mud season signs at trailheads. Luke reminded everyone that the LT, AT, the VAST Trail System, and the Kingdom Trails are all closed. Otherwise, the Governor is trying to keep State Lands open. The trail finder tool on the FPR website is now regularly updated. But all trail work is suspended. Kevin Williamson inquired on the status of the Mount Monadnock Trail. The owner of the private parking lot at the trailhead has closed it. Luke indicated he has not heard anything on that topic. Signs reminding the public of COVID-19 best practices, advising everyone to recreate closer to home are also being placed at trailheads. In response to a question from Tom, Luke described the mud season sign’s contents and noted the use of a piece of GMC artwork. He also stated the LT signs state closure and the others signs are advisory. Cathi thanked Luke for the update. She mentioned that a recent FPR newsletter included a wonderful article on Perry Holbrook State Park. Luke offered two comments on Perry Holbrook:. first, that the winter parking lot arrangement seems to have worked (notwithstanding the disgruntled individual who left the NEKGMC hike on New Year’s Day); and secondly, there will be an effort to improve and widen the narrow trail segment in order to make it a little less treacherous.

Trail Adopters – Kevin Williamson repeated that trail maintenance is on hold till at least the end of April. Time will tell for how long the closure will last. Kevin is still waiting to hear from Loren. Other than the new Kingdom Heritage (KH) Trail, the current situation looks good. Cathi suggested a group workday (date to be determined on trail work again being permitted). Ami English mentioned there are lots of blowdowns on Bluff justifying a group work day. Cathi stated that a NorthWoods Stewardship Center (NWSC) crew will conduct some trail work on Bluff. Luke confirmed that he has arranged for 6-7 days on the KH Trail once field work is approved. If anyone is interested, Kevin can discuss a possible assignment. If Kevin has more information, he will post it on Facebook. Luke requested that Kevin e-mail him a list of the current trail adopters.

Miscellaneous Items – Cathi commented it would be nice if a section hike were held on the KH Trail on June 22, which will be the first anniversary of the trail’s dedication. Kevin reported that he hiked at West Mountain and there are now No Trespassing signs posted on the mountain.

Next Meeting – Hopefully the next (July) NEKGMC Quarterly meeting will be in person and not virtual. After discussion, the tentative date of Sunday July 26 at Wheeler Pond Camp was agreed upon. Ed Guest will e-mail Molly at Main Club requesting if the date can remain open, once the GMC resumes taking reservations.

Adjournment – The meeting was concluded on the unanimous approval of an adjournment motion at 2:15 P.M.

Submitted by,

Michael Chernick

NEKGMC Secretary

Summer Meeting – August 4, 2018

Summer 2018 – Combined Executive Committee & General Summer Quarterly Meeting. Lenny Targonski’s Camp -Holland Pond, Vermont August 4, 2018

Call to Order & Welcome: NEKGMC President Cathi Brooks welcomed everyone to Lenny Targonski’s camp at Holland Pond for the section’s summer quarterly meeting. Many thanks to Lenny for his continuing generosity as the section’s summer host. This meeting followed both a work hike, assisting in the clearance of new Bluff Ridge Trail on the former Champion Lands, which Jean Haigh and

Luke O’ Brien co-lead, and an area hike at Holland Pond under the leadership of Cathi Brooks.

Secretary’s Report: NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick reviewed the highlights of the Spring 2018 minutes.

MOTION [Offered and seconded] Approved the 2018 Spring Minutes as presented

Approved unanimously

Director’s Report: NEKGMC Section Director Jean Haigh reported on the main club’s pending capital campaign (officially starting in January 2019) and its special focus on upgrading the northern segment of the LT, financing a southern care taker’s position, and implementing a major restoration/reconstruction of the Herrick Building (the older segment of Main Club’s Waterbury headquarters that survived the 2003 fire).The Main Club Board has been trained on fundraising techniques. The goal is to raise $5. Million for these designated purposes. Jean Haigh mentioned the prior capital campaign and its focus on the Main Club’s headquarters (barn-hiker center) reconstruction project.

The GMC (Main Club) Annual Meeting was held in June at Lake Morey. The Main Club’s financials are in generally good condition

Treasurer’s Report: In the absence of NEKGMC Treasurer Angela Smith (who is  NEKGMC President Cathi Brooks presented Angela’s updated report on the section’s financials. The report Angela submitted is as follows:

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of July 31, 2018

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 04/11/18)                                          $2,881.29


Dues Sharing

March                                                         $178.75

April                                                           $357.50

May                                                            $83.75

June                                                            $170.00


GMC – Bluff Ridge Project                         $500.00

NorthWoods Stewardship Center                 $500.00


Ending Balance                                                                        $2,671.29


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1          ….4489/Matures 01/12/2019 @.40%                     $1,565.27

CD#2          ….3785/Matures 06/27/2019  @.40%                    $1,724.33



Grand Total All Monies                                                                     $5,960.89

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer .

NorthWoods Celebration: Cathi Brooks reported on the end of season celebration for the NorthWoods youth crew that has been working on the Bluff Trail this summer. It occurred at the NorthWoods Stewardship Center in Charlestown on Friday August 3, 2018. This fall, a smaller professional NorthWoods crew will continue working on the Bluff Ridge Trail.

Election of Officers: At the NEKGMC Annual Meeting held in April, the section neglected to elect officers for the 2018-2019 term. Consequently, these elections were held today. None of the incumbent officers has served his or her maximum number of one year-terms (six , except unlimited for the treasurer). Lenny Targonski nominated and Sheila Goss seconded the following incumbent section officers to serve for the 2018-2019 term:

President – Cathi Brooks

Vice President – Kevin Williamson

Secretary – Michael Chernick

Treasurer – Angela Smith

No other individuals were nominated and the slate was approved unanimously on a unified vote.

*Jean Haigh’s first 3-year term as NEKGMC Section Director expires in 2019. Has one more 3-year term, 2022.

Bluff Ridge (Kingdom Heritage) Trail – This past week, Jean Haigh, Cathi Brooks and GMC (Main Club) President Tom Candon hiked to second summit on the Bluff Ridge Trail

Jean Haigh explained that the trail traverses the former Champion Lands that were sold in segments to the State (Kingdom Heritage Lands), the federal government (Conte Wildlife Refuge), and to a private timber company (originally Essex Timber then LandVest and now Weyerhaeuser serving as the private owner). Sweet Tree, a maple sugar producer, also owns a portion of the land that the trail traverses. In accordance with a land conservation easement, which the Vermont Land Trust holds, different recreational activities, subject to the conducting of commercial activities (logging/maple sugaring) of the private landowners, are authorized on the land.

In accordance with the easement, the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation has designated the Green Mountain Club (the Club) as the hiking corridor recreation management organization. This designation started with the submission of the Corridor Management Plan in 2004. This designation, initially granted to the Club in 2009, has resulted in the continuing construction of a hiking trail that upon completion (planned for 2019) will extend from the summit of Gore Mountain (with the preexisting Gore Mountain Trail starting at Vermont Route 114 serving as the northern entrance point), continue across the summit of Middle Mountain and proceed southward across the ridge and summits of Bluff Mountain, where it will flow into the existing Community Trail that terminates in the village of Island Pond.  Unknown Pond trail Was completed and connected to Middle Mountain Trail in 2014. The Club contracts with the NorthWoods Stewardship Center (NWSC) for the trail construction work.

Annual construction is dependent on the awarding of a grant from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation. The 2018 grant of $44,000, for the Bluff Ridge Trail, is the largest annual amount ever awarded for our project. As a condition of the 2018 grant, the NEKGMC is required to complete 360 volunteer hours. In partial fulfilment of this requirement, a number of NEKGMC members devoted time this morning (8/4/18) to working on trail treadway clearance. On add occasions, NEKGMC members will have participate in trail development activities to count towards the 360 hour requirement.

Wheeler Pond Camps Update: Cathi Brooks detailed the history of Wheeler Pond’s two camps, Hadsel Mares and Beaver Dam. They were previously the property Chris Hadsel and Bill, sold to the Appalachian Mountain Club, then bought back by Hadsel and Mares and donated to GMC.

Beave Dam is now closed and awaiting demolition and subsequent reconstruction. Unfortunately, because asbestos has been discovered in the Beaver Dam’s infrastructure, the demolition is delayed until 2019. The asbestos removal must be completed before the demolition can procedure.

The GMC has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the 16 acre located across the road from the Wheeler Pond Camps. The lot has been logged and will serve as a much needed parking lot for patrons of the camps. Chris Rice raised the issue of the upper level wood storage shed’s accessibility to the lower level where the cabins are located. There will be a separate NEK regional fundraising campaign for financing the new Beaver Dam Camp. The idea was also raised to conduct minor maintenance work at Hadsel Mares, using NEKGMC funds. This is a definite possibility.

Pulpit Rock- Chris Rice raised the issue of the stability of Pulpit Rock at Mount Pisgah, resulting in an extended conversation of possible solutions. Any action onthis matter is the responsibility of the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation.

Trail Adoptions: NEKGMC Vice President and Trails Adoption Coordinator Kevin

Williamson indicated a continuing interest in assigning (through the Main Club), new trail adopters as the need arises. The overgrowth on the Unknown Pond Trail is being addressed. The adopter is John Preedom. NorthWoods has worked this summer on the trails at Burke Mountain.

Future Outings: The following hikes were announced:

Saturday August 11- Work Hike on Gore Trail Extension to the Lewis Pond

Overlook – Jean Haigh – Meet island Pond

Saturday August 19 – Burke Mountain – Cathi Brooks

Saturday August 25 – Pinnacle Mountain, Quebec (requires border crossing

documentation) – Lenny Targonski

Saturday September 1- Perry Holbrook State Park – Jean Haigh

(General interest was expressed in hiking at Perry Holbrooke State Park and Jean

Haigh provided specific entrance location and parking guidance).

Sunday September 16 – Mount Monadnock – Michael Chernick

Saturday September 22 – Long Pond Trail at Bald Mountain – Chris Rice

Saturday September 29- Lewis pond Overlook to Gore Mountain, to 114.

Date to Be Determined – Kirby Mountain – Kevin Williamson

Next Meeting: The next NEKGMC Meeting will occur on Saturday Oct 13 at Wheeler Pond Camp (will include a morning wood stacking session).

Adjournment: The NEKGMC’s combined Executive Committee & General Summer Quarterly Meeting adjourned on a unanimously approved motion at 3:30 PM.

Annual 2018– Combined Board & General Meeting

Burke Mountain Clubhouse- East Burke, Vermont

April 21, 2018, Draft Minutes

Called to Order & Welcome:  NEKGMC President Cathi Brooks opened the meeting at 5:48 PM.

Cathi thanked everyone for attending

Secretary’s Report: NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick summarized his January 27, 2018 minutes

Motion (Chris/Bob)) Approve the minutes as presented

Approved unanimously

Treasurer’s Report:  Ami English, substituting for NEKGM Treasurer Angela Smith, presented the following financial updated

Northeast Kingdom Section ~ Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of April 11, 2018

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 01/21/18)                                                                           $2,957.54


Dues Sharing

January                                                                                                $193.75

February                                                                                              $30.00

March                                                                                                   Not Available Yet



Burke Mtn Clubhouse Donation                                                 $100.00

Gift Certificate for Marie Grosser                                              $100.00

Brighton Rec Dept – Maple Fest                                                 $100.00


Ending Balance                                                                                                                                  $2881.29


Certificate of Deposit

CD#1                     ….4489/Matures 01/12/2019 @.40%                                       $1,563.72

CD#2                     ….3785/Matures 06/27/2018  @.40%                                      $1,722.59



Grand Total All Monies                                                                                                                  $6,167.60

Angela Smith ~ Treasurer

GMC Director’s Report:  NEK GMC Board Director Jean Haigh reported on items related to the Main Club. The most recent Main Club Board meeting occurred on March 24, 2013. The Board was presented a completed feasibility study that the GMC commissioned from an external consultant to assess the institutional capacity to conduct a new capital campaign. The study concluded that GMC has the capacity for a $4 million capital campaign. But, there is a need for improved staff outreach to the membership if the campaign is to meet this goal. The formal solicitation of potential donors has not yet started. Initially, all board members will be asked to contribute. This will begin January I, 2019.

Main Club financials are satisfactory, and the Board approved the FY 2019 Budget.  Paul Kendall, a former GMC Board member, long time member and supporter of GMC, will be the Honorary Life Member for 2018.

Ami English inquired concerning local outreach for the capital campaign. Jean Haigh stated our section needs to focus on the Beaver Dam’s fundraising project. Luke O’Brien inquired on the disconnection the feasibility study detected between GMC management and the membership. Jean explained this was not so much a section to Main Club problem, but rather the relationship between volunteers and long time donors and the Main Club .

Bluff Trail Grant: The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation (FPR) has awarded a $44,000 grant to GMC that will enable the Kingdom Heritage Trail to be completed from its current termination point to Bluff Ridge, bringing to full fruition a trail first proposed at the start of the 21st century.  Luke O’Brien, who is now an FPR Recreation Specialist, explained the many elements the grant entails. The GMC had to wait patiently for12 weeks for a decision from FPR. A memorandum of agreement will be entered into between GMC and NorthWoods Stewardship Center. Northwoods , serving as a subcontractor to GMC, will be supplying the work crews to  perform the trail construction work.  As a condition of the grant, the NEKGMC will provide volunteer support. The grant will provide for five weeks of NorthWoods Conservation Corps crew support in the summer ,plus three weeks of an adult NorthWoods trail crew in the fall. The fall crew will be able to perform chain saw work that the summer crew will not be undertaking.  Jon Knox (who has extensive trail experience) along with Dusty May, will supervise the summer crew. As NEKGMC President Cathi  Brooks explained , the NEK Section is the only GMC Section developing a new trail.

The 2018 grant was largely was a collaborative effort, with Ross Stevens, (NWSC), Jean Haigh and Kevin Hudnell, from the Main Club, and submitted by Mike DeBonis, GMC Executive Director.

Jon Knox and Dusty May from Northwoods will be the contacts for volunteers. Luke O’Brien suggested that volunteers will be needed on weekdays to work with the crew. But, weekend opportunities for volunteer participation may also be an option. Luke further mentioned that despite outreach from the Main Club for volunteers that effort could be improved. Although, Kevin Williams, NEK/GMC Vice President and Trails Adoption Coordinator, reported that the adopter situation is improved. But, there is a need for better understanding at the Main Club concerning the scope of the NEK’s trail objectives.

Gore Trail Extension:  Luke O’Brien  explained that Gore is a large peak near Norton. He met with the new Conte Federal Wildlife Refuge manager who is very supportive of improving nonnotarized access within the refuge. Luke made the pitch for the Gore Extension to the Lewis Pond Overlook. The manager is prepared to contract for two weeks of Northwoods crew time in 2018, plus future years of maintenance, to develop the Gore Extension.  The proposed trail from the overlook to the summit of Gore is approximately 2.4 miles. There is a major blowdown at the .05 mile mark from the overlook that will require removal.  The Refuge will be leading this project, but volunteers will be appreciated. The very short trail from the summit that now exists will feed into the new trail.. There needs to be an agreement entered into between GMC and the Refuge as the proposed Gore Extension is located on Weyerhaeuser land for which the GMC is the hiking corridor manager.

Beaver Dam Camp Construction:  Jean Haigh shared the minutes of the most recent GMC Camps’ Committee meeting . The minutes provide details on the Beaver Dam Camp project, with interesting information on both Wheeler and Headwaters camps.

Wheeler (meaning just Hadsel Mares) has been 64 percent  occupied during the first quarter of 2018.

The land across the road from the Wheeler Pond site is for sale. One of the parcels is 16 acre and has parking lot potential. The asking price is $30,000 to $40,000 Jean Haigh is hoping GMC can find the funds to purchase this parcel. The parcel has already been logged.  GMC Land and Stewardship Coordinator Mollie Flannigan is spearheading this land acquisition effort.  Ami English suggested placing GMC brochures at Hadsel Mares. Cathi Brooks suggested adding a membership link on the Wheeler rental Webpage. The 55% of renters are not GMC members. Paul Trojano checks on the Wheeler  camps every month.  Renters are leaving positive comments about their Wheeler experience.

In July, Beaver Dam will be deconstructed under the supervision of the GMC construction crew, but with volunteer opportunities. Ami English might be able to arrange for a dumpster. The deconstruction process will require two weeks.  The wife of the original Beaver Dam builder kept journals concerning construction of Beaver Dam.

Headwaters Camp: There are a number of options.  It needs a lot of work. But Weyerhaeuser  is only offering a one-year instead of a five-year lease. Consequently, for now there is an interim plan. No major investment will be made until there is greater clarity with Weyerhaeuser. If GMC were to end its lease the camp would revert to Weyerhaeuser’s ownership.

Gore & Kirby Trail Projects : To date the Main Club’s Trails Management Committee has only approved the Gore Trail Extension (see separate item). But, the TMC has yet to approve the Kirby Project as it is not specifically listed on the original approved 2009 Trail Management Plan. Kevin Williamson explained that an outcrop (a rock with a natural vista) was discovered on Kirby Mountain. It was not until the Victory Management Plan was approved in 2017 that the Kirby Trail proposal was FPR approved. This has led to the effort to secure GMC Trail Corridor approval . Kevin had an initial discussion with a private landowner concerning the trail potentially traversing the owner’s land. The owner indicated he needed to speak with an attorney. The proposed trail would start on the CCC Road. The distance round trip from the CCC Road to the outcrop is approximately 6 miles. In the ideal, a trailhead would be developed at Bennett Road to connect to the CCC Road.

Luke O’ Brien explained that the Champion Corridor Management Plan is unique.  He further explained there are trails that were not state constructed (Hoar, Moose, Bald) but were privately funded and are now state managed. Luke stated that the state would not build the proposed Kirby Trail but could possibly manage it.

Friends of Willoughby State Forest: Jean Haigh, who also leads the Friends of the Willoughby State Forest organization, reported the allocation of state funding for an interpretive trail at CCC Camp 55. There is considerable local interest in this project.. Jean welcomed anyone to participate on this project which is off the west side of Route 5. Luke O’Brien is not sure when it is going to happen or if it will be a NorthWoods crew that builds this trail. But, some tree work need s to be done in a project Luke characterized as involving boutique forestry. How this will be accomplished administratively is yet to be determined. The handicapped access must also be worked through. The extent of handicapped access must be mapped out and also parking plans must be finalized. Handicap access is only being considered to the pool, just a short distance to the road. FPR is excited about the project as that side of the forest is not as heavily patronized. An initial walkthrough will occur on May 8.

FPR Updates:  Luke O’ Brien itemized trails and locales that will be worked on this year including Gore, Bluff Ridge, Burke (Red Trail) Moose Bog,, Sentinel  Rock (trails to connect farm to back acreage), and Perry Holbrook (late summer to improve trail to summit and back to main trail). In the fall, ADA accessible trials on Burke Summit will be constructed. Also in 2018, the. Wheeler Pond circular trail will have improvement s , including the construction of new bog bridges as needed. The trail  at certain pints is near the water and those  will be pulled back. Much of this work will be accomplished with Northwoods crews

New GMC Field Director: The new GMC  Field Director is Keegan Tierney. He previously served as the Operations Director at the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps. Keegan has extensive budgeting and management experience. He will be introduced at the Wednesday (4/2518) TMC meeting.

2018 GMC Main Club Annual Meeting : The event will  occur on June 1 and 2 at the Holbrooke Center adjacent to Lake Morey,  The general meeting  will occur on Saturday June 2.

NEKGMC Newsletter: There was further discussion of converting the quarterly minutes into a newsletter. The first issue was transmitted during the winter. Overall, there was positive response.  Materials for the newsletter should be submitted to Angela Smith..

Charitable Contribution:

MOTION:  To purchase a $50 gift card for transportation requirements of an ill section member.

Approved unanimously

Planned Work Days:  Cathi Brooks, in response to a Main Club inquiry, asked if the section had any planned work days? Crew weeks on Bluff Ridge start on June 25 and go through July.  Luke O’Brien suggested that Cathi respond to Main Club offering Tuesdays in July for Bluff Ridge volunteers..

Trail Adopter s: Kevin Williamson still needs to communicate with Main Club on which trail adopters are returning for the 2018 season. Ami English mentioned she will serve as a  Volunteer Long Trail Patrol crew member at  Stratton Mountain.

Outings :

May 19 CCC Road Loop (Jean Haigh)

May 20 Perry Holbrook State Park annual wildflower hike. (Jean)

June 9 Brunswick Springs. JBrowns Mill Esker (Paul Trojano) &-Kevin Williamson)

June 16 South America Pond (Jean Haigh)

June 24 Monadnock (Michael Chernick)

Next Meeting:  Saturday July 14 (since rescheduled for Saturday August 4)at Lenny Targonski’s camp at Holland Pond. A morning work hike on Bluff ridge will precede the meeting.

Gore Mt Cabin:  Luke O’Brien reported that unfortunately, there is money to work on the cabin but there is not landowner permission at this time. Landowner is Sweet Tree LLC.

Adjourn : 7:58 PM


Submitted: Michael Chernick, GMC Secretary





Northeast Kingdom Section – Green Mountain Club

Winter 2018 -Combined Board & General Meeting

Burke Mountain Clubhouse – East Burke, Vermont

January 27, 2018

Call to Order & Welcome:  NEKGMC President Cathi Brooks opened the meeting and everyone introduced himself or herself.

Birthday Presentation: NEKGMC Director Jean Haigh presented a birthday gift (from Beth Barnes) of a GMC membership to our section’s newest member Bob Rushford

President’s Report: NEK President Cathi Brooks reported on the section’s morning excursion on the Lake Willoughby trail system. She noted that a memorial service was conducted in memory of the late Dave Hardy, the Main Club’s veteran Director of Field Programs. The Main Club sent a thank you note to the section thanking the NEKGMC for its memorial contribution in memory of Dave Hardy

Secretary’s Report: NEK GMC Treasure Michael Chernick summarized the highlights from the October quarterly meet held at Wheeler Pond Camps. His summation focused on the construction status of the Bluff Ridge Trail and the Beaver Pond Camp.

Treasurer’s Report:  NEKGMC Treasurer submitted the following  report on the section’s current finances

Director’s Report:  NEKGMC Director Jean Haigh reported on the last Main Club Board meeting conducted on January 6, 2018. The Main Club’s Executive committee had previously approved demolition of the Beaver Dam Camp. After a small degree of contentious discussion, the Board approved the construction of a new Beaver Dam Camp on a 21-3 vote. Jean spoke of Dave Hardy’s 15 year tenure as GMC Director of Field Programs. Over 300 persons attended both a post-Board meeting memorial presentation for Dave Hardy, held at the nearby Zen Barn in Waterbury and a subsequent potluck served at club headquarters. An ad has been posted for Dave’s successor. Work on Beaver Pond Camp, initially the demolition for which there is already funding, could start in May.

Bluff Ridge Trail: Jean Haigh summarized the NEKGMC’s early history as it relates to the former Champion Lands (now Weyerhaeuser) dating to 2000. After many years of writing and revisions, the proposed Bluff Ridge Trail (as it is now known) received Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation (FPR) approval in 2011. It is being constructed largely on a public access easement located on the private Weyerhaeuser land. Work has proceeded incrementally since 2011. The trail has now traversed across a locale known as Slit Rock, over Middle Mountain, past Unknown Pond and forward towards the Bluff Ridge summit. Flagging to the summit has been completed. The GMC has applied for a $50,000 FPR Recreation & Trails grant to complete the trail to the summit, where it would meet the Community Trail in Island Pond. The grant has passed the first round and a final (second round) application will be submitted on February 1, 2018. A decision from FPR will follow shortly thereafter.

Using a large color map, Jean detailed the incremental construction of the Bluff Ridge Trail. In the summer of 2017, the Northwoods Stewardship Center implemented a major construction project that brought the trail to its current temporary endpoint location. Paul Trojano offered to arrange for this large Bluff Trail map framing, including a wooden frame. It will then hang in the Burke Mountain Clubhouse. The wood framing, glass covering, and related framing elements would be completed at no cost. However, the section would offer a gift of appreciation to the framer.

Should the FPR grant application be successful, the plan is to complete the cutting of the trail in 2018. The post-construction hardening process could possibly occur as early as this fall. As a condition of receiving the grant, NEKGMC will be providing in-kind field work support for the trail construction work. The section also approved a financial contribution toward the project.

Motion: [Beth Barnes /Chad ]  That the NEKGMC should contribute the sum of  $500 towards support for the Bluff Trail project.

Approved unanimously

The attending membership also authorized Jean Haigh to write a letter of support to FPR for the grant on which all officers’ names will appear as signatories. Northwoods Stewardship Center will perform the work under a contract with the GMC

Wheeler Mountain Trail: Jean Haigh has written a letter to FPR in support of hardening the newly constructed Wheeler Mountain Trail.

Beaver Dam Camp:  As an ancillary to the Main Club’s Camps Committee, a working group has been established to facilitate the construction of the new Beaver Dam Camp. Considerable discussion has occurred regarding who would build the new camp. It was ultimately decided that the GMC’s own construction crew would be assigned this project. Jean Haigh distributed several associated documents. These included sketches, the text of a fundraising letter directed initially to section members but also intended for regular renters; and a spreadsheet detailing possible fundraising allocations. There is agreement that the word Camp needs to be added in the letter, in order to clarify that the fundraising is for a camp and not a beaver dam. Jean spoke of the need for volunteers to help with demolition. The fundraising for Beaver Dam Camp is separate from, although associated with, the proposed $1.6 million Main Club capital campaign. Hadsel Mare Camp will continue to be rented during the construction process. Judy Anastasia inquired about using local high school or college students to assist. High School students were not deemed realistic but college student are a possibility.

As for the fundraising, any gifts for the Beaver Dam Camp will be restricted to this purpose. The projection on fundraising is for a $67.000 total with $7,600 from the section.  But the fundraising process remains in a feasibility study phase. Jean will keep coming from the NEKGMC. The section will be posted on fundraising progress.

Trail Adopters: NEKGMC Vice President Kevin Williamson reported the addition of three new trail adopters. An 11-year veteran trail adopter, Marie Grosser, is concluding her service on the trail at Mount Hor.

Motion: [Michael Chernick/Cathi Brooks] that the NEKGMC purchase a GMC Hiker Center gift certificate in the amount of $100 for presentation to Marie Grosser,

Approved unanimously


Angela Smith (with Amy  ) will consider serving as the adopter at Perry Hollbrook State Park..

Kevin indicated that the Gore Mountain Trail could use an adopter. Cathi Brooks  is willing to document trail problems on Burke Mountain. Kevin is starting to develop a proposal for a trial on Kirby Mountain. There is private owner who is seeking legal advice on liability issues. Cow Mountain Pond Trail also needs an adopter.Newsletter: NEKGMC is the sole GMC section without a newsletter. Cathi Brooks reviewed the concept of using the Secretary’s minutes as the base document for a newsletter. Judy Anastasisa suggested omitting the treasurer’s report. Kevin Williamson questioned the value of the document, But, Jean Haigh thought the minutes have value for the membership. Chris Rice suggested transmitting the minutes to the membership as a starter document and that if someone were interested in serving as the editor an enhanced newsletter could be developed. It was decided that Angela will revise the minutes that NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick transmits to the Executive Committee. The goal is to transmit the revised document by March 1 to the section’s membership..

Burke Mountain Club Donation: Annually, the NEKGMC has donated a contribution to the Burke Mountain Club in lieu of a rental fee for use of its facilities.

Motion [Cathi Brooks/Chris Rice] That the NEKGMC donate $100 to the Burke Mountain Club

Approved unanimously

Future Hikes:

If interested in participating in an outing please contact the leader. Winter outings may require snowshoes, micro spikes, or skis.

Saturday February 17, Perry Holbrook State Park, Chris Rice

Sunday February 24, Victory Bog, Cathi Brooks & Jean Haigh

Sunday March 4, Gore Mountain Trail Michael Chernick

Sunday March 11, Cube Mountain, Kevin Williamson with Upper Valley Outtauqechee Section

Next Meeting: Saturday April 14 –This will be the section’s annual meeting and will be held at the Burke Mountain Clubhouse. A pre-meeting hike will be scheduled. There was a brief discussion on nominations with the assumption that all officers will continue for the next year The April meeting will also plan YAC (Young Adventures Hikes) for youngster..


Motion {Chris Rice/Ed Guest] moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:09 PM

Approved unanimously





NEKGMC 2016 Fall Quarterly Executive- General Combined Meeting

Saturday October 15, 2016

Wheeler Pond Camp- Barton, Vermont

Called to Order & Welcome– NEKGMC President Luke O’ Brien called the meeting to order at 11:50 AM. Introductions were conducted and among the attendees were Kristin McLane the Main Club’s new Membership-Communications Coordinator. The meeting followed a log stacking and woods clearing morning at Wheeler Pond Camps.  Duncan and Sheila Goss were renting Hadsel Mares Camp and joined us.

President’s Report – NEKGMC President Luke O’ Brien spoke of the newly opened Wheeler Mountain Trail and the development of anew canoe access for Wheeler Pond.

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick reported on the July meeting at Holland Pond.  One amendment offered is that Cathi Brooks will be the second Facebook administration.

Motion [Ed Guest/Martin Haselton] Approve the Secretary’s Report   as amended

Approved unanimously

Treasurer’s Report– NEKGMC Treasurer Cathi Brooks submitted the following Treasurer’s Report that was accepted as presented:

Northeast Kingdom Section

Green Mountain Club

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of October 15, 2016

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of 7/16/2016)                                                                                        $2353.13


Dues Sharing                    June                                                                                                      $141.25

July                                                                                                        $218.75

August                                                                                                  $80.00


Ending Balance                                                                                                                                                 $2793.13

Certificate of Deposit

CD #1                                    4489/Matures 6/27/2017 @.40%                                              $1554.38

CD#2                                     3785/ Matures 1/12/2017 @.40%                                             $1712.31


Grand Total ALL Monies                                                                                                                               $6059.82

Cathi Brooks

Treasurer                                                                                                                                            October 15,2016

Main Club Report– NEKGMC Main Club Director Jean Haigh reported that at the 2016 GMC Annual Volunteers’ Awards Picnic, held at GMC headquarters in Waterbury on September 24, Cathi Brooks and Beth Barnes were awarded Green Mountain Club Service Awards and Angela English and Ami Smith were honored as GMC Blazar Award recipients.

At the Board meeting preceding the picnic, the Main Club’s audit firm presented the first ever totally clean audit. Special credit for this accomplishment is owed to the Main Club’s staff and Budget and Finance Committee for this special accomplishment. This is a major improvement over the difficult financial management situation that has previously existed. Jean discussed the latest governance reorganization proposal that was approved at the meeting.  Executive Committee term limits are being implemented, and the number of committees has been reduced. An informal set of advisors was created as a replacement for these committees.


Beaver Dam Camp – Jean Haigh, who chairs the Main Club’s Camps Committee, reported that the committee will be determining the future of the now closed Beaver Dam Camp on Thursday October 20th. The committee is overseeing the reconstruction of Bryant Camp and Beaver Dam will be addressed in detail (should it being retained) next year. Matt Wells, who supervised construction of both the Lamoille River and Winooski River suspension bridges, has estimated the cost simply to stabilize Beaver Dam (with no restoration work) is approx. $37,500. Matt has developed a possible new design if the present building is demolished. The approximate cost of this replacement option is $62,000. Another option is to use the design and construction services of Yestermorrow Design Build School in Warren. Chad Forcier is also presenting an alternative design option. Financing will be through fundraising. Jean Haigh distributed Matt’s preliminary design proposal including proposed changes to the current Beaver Dam’s interior layout. Matt’s proposal addresses the current darkness in the Beaver Dam Camp. The NEK Section would remain involved with the camp.. Both the section and long term guests at Beaver Pond Camp will be solicited for fundraising. Section members were invited to offer ideas on design elements.

James P Taylor Series – Luke O’Brien, in response to a letter from GMC Executive Director Mike DeBonis, inquired if there was interest in the NEKGMC’s hosting a 2015-2016 Taylor series presentation. The section has previously hosted lectures at both the clubhouse at Burke and at LSC. Luke left the proposal on the table for now and invited members to email him with ideas.

Membership – Longstanding NEKGMC Membership Coordinator Jerry Phillips has resigned. Jerry maintained the digital membership list, sent out notices on meetings and hikes, and remained in contact with the Main Club. Ed Guest expressed interest in the position and will speak with Jean Haigh for more details. Jerry Philips will continue to assist the new person. The Main Club’s new Membership-Communications Coordinator Kristin Mc Lane reported overall GMC membership is now approximately 9500. The NEKGMC has one of the more active sections and Facebook pages. Kristin also oversees digital/social media activities, including Facebook , E-Blaze, and blogging. Beth Barnes discussed a local school project in Newport that consists of 8 walks mimicking LT hikes to shelters. The actual walls are accomplished via designated walking routes in Newport. The project will lead to the students taking an actual LT hike to Journey’s End next spring. Beth’s project is a candidate for a Main Club guest blogging opportunity..

Trails & Shelters– NEKGMC Vice President Kevin announced there are several adoption openings. Luke O’Brien has blaze paint and is organizing a sign assignment for the Vermont Department  of Correction’ St Johnsbury work camp.. Jean Haigh thanked Martin Haselton for his clearing work on Gore Mountain. Martin and Jeff Manning also cleared a section on the Nome Trail at Wheeler Pond. Luke O’Brien, Jean Haigh, and Mike DeBonis will be discussing the next steps on Kingdom Heritage Trail. This could result in possible 2017 work on planning and implementing the trail’s progress towards Bluff Mountain in Island Pond.

Outings – Kevin Williamson hopes to lead an ad hoc hike on Black Mountain in Averill. Luke reminded everyone on the importance of wearing red during the upcoming hunting seasons. Kristin McLane mentioned GMC has new orange colored bandanas for sale.

NorthWoods Stewardship Center-(Luke O’Brien left to avoid a conflict of interest on this item as he is employed as the Director of Development at NorthWoods Stewardship Center). Ross Stevens sent a fundraising letter to Jean Haigh that discussed several recent trail crew projects including the new Wheeler Trail and Gore-Middle Mountains. It needs to be noted that GMC has a contractual relationship with NorthWoods. Mike DeBonis has indicated it’s a section decision whether to donate. Jean Haigh recommended that if we donate, it should be earmarked for the Kingdom Heritage Trail.

Motion: [Ed Guest /Jeff Manning]That the NEK GMC Section donate $350 00 to the NorthWoods Stewardship Center for the exclusive purpose of continuing the development and construction of the Kingdom Heritage Trail

Approved unanimously

Next Meeting    the winter quarterly NEKGMC meetings will occur on Saturday January 7, 2017 at the Burke Clubhouse in East Burke. Kevin Williamson will lead a hike up Kirby Mountain preceding the Executive Meeting. The meeting time for the hike will be announced at a later date.

Adjournment                                MOTION [Kevin Williamson/Beth Barnes] Moved to adjourn at 1:08 P.M

Approved unanimously

  NEK GMC Winter Quarterly- Combined Executive & General Meeting

January 10, 2016

Burke Mountain Club House – East Burke, Vermont

Attendance: Jean Haigh, Cathi Brooks, Michael Chernick; Cheryl Byrne, Janet, Steinert, Pam Kennedy, Jeffrey Manning, Beth Barnes, Ed Guest, Kevin Williamson, and Angela Marquis

Call to Order- NEKGMC Director, Jean Haigh, welcomed everyone, and she chaired the meeting in lieu of NEKGMC President Luke O Brien’s absence, due to a family death. A number of new members attended the meeting, and the attendees introduced themselves. Jean explained the communications chain with our e-mail coordinator Jerry Phillips

President’s Report in Luke’s absence – Jeansummarized the NEKGMC’s section history, dating from its formation in 2000. She stated the section was created to focus on the Champion Land trails,as the GMC had applied for corridor management responsibility for hiking. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources granted GMC the requested corridor manager status in 2009. Construction, with contracted with the NorthWoods Stewardship Center, for developing the trail began in 2011. The first hiking trail segment, beginning with the preexisting Gore Mountain Trail, was completed from Route 114, north of Island Pond, to a location known as Split Rock. By the close of the 2015 trail building season, the trail had been extended to the summit of Middle Mountain with two access trails, the Gore route, and the second, from the Hurricane Road, known as the rerouted Unknown Pond Trail Jean explained the trail will eventually meet the Bluff Mountain Community Trail in Island Pond. This completed the first phase of the corridor management plan. She spoke briefly about the Wheeler Pond Camps, including their role as a possible meeting place for the section.

Jean distributed draft copies of the new NEK hiking map that will be published at a later date.

Jeff Manning mentioned there are new signs at Holland Pond. Jean used that comment as a Segway, noting the section’s periodic Holland Pond area meetings and excursions. There was a  mention of implementing a Trails to Every Classroom program,

Secretary’s Report – NEKGMC Secretary, Michael Chernick, reviewed the Secretary’s Minutes from the fall 2015 meeting:

MOTION [Steinert/Barnes] to approve the fall 2015 Secretary’s Minutes as presented

Approved unanimously

Treasurer’s Report – NEKGMC Treasurer, Cathi Brooks,reviewed the latest NEKGMC Treasurer’s report:

Northeast Kingdom Section

Green Mountain Club 

Quarterly Financial Statement

As of January 9, 2016

Operating Account

Beginning Balance (as of October 3, 2015)                                                                             $2714.34


Dues Sharing                      August                                                                                                  $231.25

September                                                                                         $133.75

October                                                                                               $146.25

November                                                                                          $96.25

Expenses                                                                                                                                                             0


Ending Balance                                                                                                                                                 $3321.84

Certificate of Deposit

CD #1                                    ….3785/Matures 6/27/2016 @.25%                                          $1549.78

Cd#2                                      ……4489/ Matures 1/12/16 @.40 %                                           $1707.19

Grand Total ALL Monies                                                                                                                               $6578.81

Cathi Brooks

Treasurer                                                                                                                                                            January 9, 2016

Cathi noted that CD#2 matures on Tuesday January 12, 2016.  A one-year renewal will result in a.40% interest rate. Discussion ensued on whether to renew and for the duration of any renewal.

Motion [Chernick/Kennedy] That CD# 2 be renewed for one year.

Approved unanimously

Annual Meeting Donation from NEKGMC to Main Club – The NEKGMC Executive Committee had previously authorized a $500.00 section donation that has not yet been forwarded to the Main Club.

Motion [Barnes//Guest] That the NEKGMC donate $1,000.00 to the Main Club for  Annual Meeting expenses with the donated funds being placed in a restricted account. Ed

Approved unanimously

*Cathi Brooks will e-mail the Main Club on the decision and send the check this coming week.

Director’s Report – Jean informed the section that the Main Club Board conducted a retreat and that a new governance plan, five -year strategic plan, and five- year budget plan will be developed. She announced the GMC Winterfest on Saturday February 6. Michael will co-lead a hike up Stimson Mountain Jean will post the Winterfest announcement on NEKGMC digital media.

2016 Annual Meeting – The NEKGMC Section is hosting the 2016 GMC (Main Club) Annual Meeting on Friday June 10 and Saturday June 11, 2016. Cathi and Jean Haigh will co-lead the planning for this event to be held at Lyndon State College (LSC). Rooms, in the newest dorm, for overnight stays, will be available for rent, for $25.00 per night. Prices for weekend registration and meals will be reasonable. Registration information for this event will be included in the Spring 2016 Long Trail News. There will be access to the LSC pool and climbing wall. Charlotte Porcelli, the LSC events coordinator, has been extremely helpful. Jean, Cathi, and Charlotte, have been working with GMC Executive Director, Mike DeBonis and GMC Membership Coordinator, Jenny Montagne to prepare for this event, and the contract is now signed. Copies of the agreement will be e-mailed to interested NEKGMC members.

Friday the 10th features an evening reception on the patio (cash bar and appetizers) at LSC from 5:30-8:00 P.M., possibly with  ghost stories from Beth Kanell or music. Dinner is on your own. Saturday begins with a bird walk (Lee Allen).Breakfast follows, and then the full membership general meeting, Lunch and the short board meeting  will follow. The afternoon is comprised of hikes, paddles, and bike rides. Saturday is concluded with a cocktail reception, dinner (including raffle prize drawings), and a speaker to be determined. Kevin inquired if the Wheeler Camps should be reserved. It was decided in the affirmative. Ed and Janet offered to help develop a local restaurant list (including hours).Ed and Pam will e-mail Jean and Cathi with that info. We should also list alternatives for non-outdoor options in case of inclement weather. Jean will ask  Beth Kanell if she would be interested in offering a selection of Northeast Kingdom tales on Friday evening, if Mike and Jen approve. Beth Kanell presented a similar, and well received, program at the 2004 NEKGMC Annual Meeting at Burke Mountain. Alternatively, Jean will speak to Pam concerning musical entertainment options.

As for a Saturday evening speaker, several ideas were offered including Jennifer Hannux of Northeast Kingdom Photography in Hartland, Chris Bouchard (formerly a Fairbanks Museum meteorologist) on chasing tornadoes, or Lawrence Pryne, the host of VPT’s Outdoor Journal. He filmed a segment with the NorthWoods Stewardship Center crew building the Middle Mountain Trail. He also interviewed Jean and Mike DeBonis on the Bluff Mountain Trail.

Camps Committee – Jean updated everyone on the Main Club’s Camps’ Committee (Bolton Lodge, Bryant Camp (should be done by summer 2016), Wheeler Pond Camps (2) and Headwaters Camp (on Plumb Creek Land),. Various matters will need to be addressed before Headwaters is more widely used, possibly in 2017. Cathi Brooks also serves on the committee.

Trail Adopters – Kevin Williamson, NEKGMC Trail Adopter, reported pretty good coverage right now. His priority for trail maintenance this spring will be on those trails scheduled for an Annual Meeting hike. We need someone for Bluff and the Nome Trail at Wheeler Pond. Maintenance work includes primarily use ofhazel hoes, loppers, clippers, and axes in particular. The Main Club offers trail maintenance workshops a couple of times a year.Jean asked Cheryl Byrne, who has served as a Main Club seasonal Field Assistant to offer a trail maintaining workshop this spring, for the NEKGMC, and she agreed.


The following outings were scheduled:

Jan 31 – Pisgah South, Angela/Ami

Feb 13- Middle Mountain Loop, Jean

February 20- Perry Holbrook, Jean

Feb 28 – Lake Constance-Eagle Cliff (NH), Kevin

March date to be determined – Burke Red-CCC –J Bar loop, Cathi

March 20 – Mad Brook Trail, Michael

NEKGMC Annual Meeting – April 9 (Sat) at Burke Club House (4:00 PM Executive and 5:00 PM General) with a trail maintenance workshop preceding

Motion to adjourn approved unanimously at 12:15 P.M

Michael Chernick, Secretary

Northeast Kingdom Section

Green Mountain Club


Annual Meeting

March 23, 2013


Annual Meeting Minutes

Meeting convened at approximately 5:30pm (following potluck dinner)


Attending: Jean Haigh, Catherine Brooks, Kevin Williamson, Joe Anastasia, Luke O’Brien, Michael Chernick, Steve Farrow, Dennis Naughton, Judy Anastasia


Jean called the meeting to order @ 6:32pm and facilitated on behalf of Section President Chris Rice, who was unable to attend.


Secretary Report- Luke presented 1/5/13 meeting minutes, motion to accept (Joe/ Michael) approved unanimously


Treasurer’s Report- Total club monies: checking= $1175.20; CDs= $3227.64; total= $4402.84


Election of Officers- Luke presented slate of officers on behalf of nominating committee, includes: president- Chris Rice, vice president- Steve Farrow, Secretary- Cathi Brooks, Treasurer- Joe Anastasia; motion to accept (Nom. Comm.) approved unanimously. Luke will transfer prior Secretaries documents to Michael for archival purposes.


Directors Report- Michael Chernick (Section Director) provided an update; staff reductions took place at the club as result of budget deficit; working with new CFO to transition club to greater financial stability; Winooski crossing moving forward; dues going up $5 (individual) and $10 (family); board approved purchase of Headwaters Camp; Bromley tower replacement and Annual Mtg at Stratton were discussed; new snowshoe hikes book in process; Bolton project completed in partnership with Vermont Land Trust, including GMC management of 2 lodges; Taconic Rambles- GMC will act as back-up/secondary easement holder for VLT conservation project in SW Vermont; Smugglers Notch- Route 108 relocation and Barnes Camp improvement projects will move forward this summer


Wind- there has been no action on the SMW application before PSB; Governor’s siting commission will provide recommendations late April; local legistlators drafted a resolution (JRH 8) calling on FAA to approve radar activated lights for turbines.


Trails and Shelters- Luke provided a brief update on pending projects by NorthWoods youth crews on local trails; also status of Unknown Pond Trail (planning in progress); there was some discussion on Trail adoption and need for help, will be listed in next LTN?


Other business- following discussion regarding the GMC purchase of the Headwaters Camp there was a motion (Michael/Steve) that, subject to the finalizing of a legal agreement, the NEK Section will donate $500.00 towards the leasehold purchase price of the Headwaters Camp subject to the following condition: The transfer of the $500.00 contribution from the NEKGMC to the main club shall not be made until after the completion of the first of the five $2,000.00 purchase payments from the GMC to Norm Greason. If for any reason, the sale is not consummated, and the first $2,000.00 payment to Norm Greason is not made, then the NEKGMC’s $500.00 gift towards the purchase of the Headwaters Camp leasehold is withdrawn. Approved unanimously. There was extensive discussion and general agreement that the NEK Section supports the purchase of the camp (financially and as part of the NEK Sections trail plans).


Dates- a number of hikes/outings were discussed:

Headwaters Camp/ Unknown Pond- April 21 (Sunday)

Perry Holbrook SP- April 28 (Sunday)

Wheeler Pond Work Day- May 11 (Saturday)

Middle Mountain Trail- May 18

GMC Annual Meeting- June 8 at Stratton

Bald Mountain- June 15

NEK summer meeting (at Holland Pond, tbd)- June 29

Monadnock Mountain- July 27


MOTION to adjourn (Judy/Kevin) approved. Meeting adjourned at 6:50pm


Respectfully Submitted,


Luke O’Brien

NEK Section Secretary (emeritus)

NEK GMC Annual Meeting 3/23/12 at the East Burke Club house at 5 PM. Hike TBD

Hike to Stannard Mountain Overlook on December 20, 2012.

Snow, and enough to use snowshoes. What a sight to behold following two days of cold rain.  NEKGMC members Kevin and Chris were happy to strap on the old snowshoes and hike into Stannard Mountain overlook today.  Although there were a number of brook crossings, following the snowmobile trail to the lookout presented few difficulties. There was one large blow down that we had to walk around but otherwise it was an easy hike out to the lookout and back. We saw no signs of snowmobile activity.

Across the beaver meadow in a west, southwesterly direction.

Perry Holbrook State Park late season workday on December 16th, 2012.

It’s not the usual time of year to hold a work day and so it wasn’t unexpected that just a couple of unusual members of the NEKGMC, Bart Selle and Chris Rice, showed up.  The weather was cold but there was no snow when we started out.  We did some clipping beyond the camp on Round Pond and on our way to Long Pond.   We took the trail up to the overlook and had lunch. Beyond the overlook the trail was not well marked but there were flags from an early hike pretty much still in place. We got to the summit without much difficulty. On the way down we had a few points at which we lost the flags. The snow had started by then and the wind began to pick up. Given the weather we decided to just make our way back to Long Pond where we picked up the trail just on the other side of the boat house. We managed to do enough clipping to make it easier to pick-up the work in the Spring. It’s a beautiful hike and would be a great snowshoe but for the section of trail that goes from Mud Pond to the summit expect difficulty in following the markers. If it’s snowing be prepared to bushwack and bring your compass. Another great day on the NEK trails.

Long Pond (right) and Round Pond (left) from the overlook on Big Rock Mountain.


Please Send me your news of your hikes and trails in the Kingdom.

Approved 1/5/13

aBusiness Meeting – Saturday October 13, 2012

 (Submitted by Michael Chernick, NEK GMC  Acting Secretary)


  1. Call to Order – NEKGMC  President Jean Haigh called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM with 11 people  in attendance.
  2. Secretary’s Report – In the absence of the secretary, there was not a secretary’s report presentation.  Lenny Targonski  hosted the summer meeting. Steve Farrow   joined the Executive Committee in July. The Executive Committee  voted $750.00 to Northwoods Stewardship Center for continued Middle Mountain work and a $250.00 to the main club for the same purpose. There was discussion on progress  on the Middle Mountain and Jean noted that Department Forest Park and Recreation has approved the trail work just beyond the summit that was completed this summer.
  3. Main Club Board Report – Michael Chernick reported on highlights from the last main club board meeting including developments on the Winooski Bridge crossing, intellectual property issues, and the proposed Bolton lodges proposal.
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Joe Anastasia presented the treasurer’s report referred to several recent donations to the section and current total of $4,168.89. Special mention was made of Reggie Ellingswoth passing. Reggie was a selectboard member in Lemington who was very helpful in the Monadnock tower project. The  section sent a memorial contribution to the Vermont Rivers Conservancy in his memory
  5. Winooski River Crossing Update – Because the construction of the new bridge will not begin until next year, a ground breaking ceremony was replaced with a hike. Over two dozen  persons hiked along a proposed flag line up Stimson Mountain. The flagline is extremely step . A proposed land acquisition (not definite yet) would allow switchbacks  to be developed.
  6. Main Club Trails Management – The proposed Bromley tower replacement remains under discussion. A new research center in the current building on top of Mt. Mansfield is being examined.
  7. Energy Siting Commission- The governor, in part due to the request of five land  conservation organizations including the GMC  has formed a new energy siting commission which will look at industrial wind ridge line development and other energy siting issues. The letter seeking the commission, which the governor has not acknowledged will now be released.  The commission’s report is due in April.
  8. Glen Ellen Shelter – Jean reported on the helicopter drop at Glenn Ellen Shelter. The shelter (At Glen Ellen North) which dated to the 1930s was rebuilt this summer.
  9. Sterling College –GMC Executive Director Will Wiquist and Jean met with John Zaber, a Sterling College dean along with the Sterling College Outing Club Chair. The college is interested in developing a formal relationship with the NEKGMC. The hope is that members of the Sterling Outing Club will become actively involved in trail work and the section. Luke stated that five Sterling alumni now work at Northwoods.
  10. Wheeler Pond Camp – Pete Antos-Ketcham submitted a report on Wheeler developments (see attachment). There will be small picnic pavilions constructed to discourage cooking in the camps.. Pete hopes to have more detailed information on replacement was reconstruction costs in time for a January meeting. But in the interim, new windows could be installed at Hadsel Mares as a short term improvement. Luke suggested a retaining wall adjacent to the regular entrance at Hadsel. Rental occupancy continues to be at a good level.
  11. Middle Mountain- Luke reported on the great summer at Middle Mountain. The trail now extends slightly beyond  the summit of Middle Mountain and has been officially approved.  Luke would prefer that all the signs  be the same. There is need for communication with Jerry Devost for his land. As an aside, there is a whole new trail (same pathway) on Gore .
  12. Seneca Wind – Newark has voted to amend its town plan to prohibit upper elevation development.  Brighton is still reviewing its town plan. The process is still continuing.
  13. Perry Holbrrok State Park- The section hiked the proposed trail restorationin Perry Holbrook State Park. The park was a gift to the state from the Holbrook family. A Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation hearing will be held Monday evening October 15 at Sheffield Town Hall on  the park’s proposed management plan and management plans two other proposals cumulatively known as the Heights.
  14. Trails & Shelters Report – Trail adoption needs to be updated with respect to assignments and trails requiring an adopter. Luke has fixed the trail register at Bald Mountain. Luke requested that if you collect register sheets please place the name of the trail on the sheet. Luke has been hanging signs on the back sides of Moose and Hor and Burke. Sign work is still needed on Pisgah. The Monadnock Trail has been reblazed. Luke spoke of a desire to conduct trail work on the state  sections of Bald. Luke would like to work with the state and Burke to construct a hiking information kiosk on the summit of Burke. There will be a trail symposium at Monitor Barn in Richmond on Saturday October 20.

15.Hikes & Outing- A hike schedule was developed and will be posted on the web.

  1. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned by a unanimous vote. Next meeting 1/5/13

Averill and Brousseau Mtns

Updated on Saturday · Taken in Averill, Vermont

NEK-GMC members Kevin Williamson and Chris Rice lucked out on the weather for a trip up to Averill, VT. We hiked Averill Mtn and then Brousseau Mtn. Both are short hikes with steep grades. We then drove along Gaudette Road into the Conte National Wildlife Refuge. We passed by an amazing rock chimney. Once in the Refuge we visited all the main attractions, Lewis Pond Overlook, Lewis Pond, and Mollie Bog

NEK-GMC members Jean, Linda, Cathi, and Chris were joined by Walter Pomroy and Bruce McDonald (and Lettie his dog) for a hike up the new trail to Middle Mountain. Good hiking weather with a cloud overcast and cool temperatures. The trail’s condition was leaf covered and wet, so care was need to maintain footing. It’s good to report there were no mishaps. This group kept a lively pace to the summit of Middle Mountain, stopped for lunch and went on to the trail’s end about 2/10 of a mile beyond the summit. On the descent it rained lightly for a time, but a good hike was had by all.

Northeast Kingdom Section

Green Mountain Club

Annual Meeting

March 31, 2012 

General Meeting Minutes

Meeting convened at 5:45pm (following potluck dinner)

Jean called the meeting to order at 5:45pm and welcomed everyone. Following introductions the minutes of January 14 meeting were approved. Meeting called to order by Section President Jean Haigh

Directors Report

Michael provided and update of GMC board activity including 2013 revision of website, interest in replacing Bromley fire tower and the Winooski River Crossing which will be dedicated this fall (hopefully). Annual meeting is coming up in June. $10,000 was spent on crews this past season to help with tropical storm Irene clean-up. This affected the end of year budget. Wind policy revisions as a result of Lowell/Deerfield projects includes language on radar lighting, site remediation, and NEK Heritage Lands. 2013 budget of 1.8M was approved. A house bill is pending that addresses the protection of conservation easements, GMC will participate in a summer study committee. A recent audit identified segregation of duties relative to the director of finance and club finances. A search for  a new director of finance is underway. GMC updated its board conflict of interest policy, approved a new wind policy which is more critical but open to support, if practical. Chris asked about geographic range of GMC wind policy and Jean and Michael clarified that policy only applies to GMC managed corridors.

President’s Report

Jean provided Winooski update, including recent $25,000 donation and easement/land acquisitions for Smith property in Bolton and overStimsonMountain. All properties are secured under GMC control.

Treasurer’s Report

Joe gave an update on club section finances, including $1315.24 in checking plus dues sharing.

Exec Comm Motion (no second needed) to donate $50 to Melissa Jenkins memorial fund. Approved by acclamation.

Nominating Committee

Jean provided an update on nominating committee and required change to bylaws eliminating term limits for all officers except section director.

Exec Comm Motion (no second needed) to amend bylaws as presented (eliminating term limits for section officers). Approved by acclamation.

Motion (Gary Aubin/Luke O’Brien) to approve the slate of officers for 2012 including Jean Haigh (interim P), Kevin Williamson (VP) Luke O’Brien (S) and Joe Anastasia (T). Passed

Other business

Jean asked for photos, quotes and summaries of hikes/outings for website and facebook. Kevin offered to head up newsletter which will be in web format or printable pdf. Luke updated section on 2012 work plan for NEK trails, including 2 weeks each of work on Middle andGoreMountainsand possibly one week of fall work on Middle. Volunteers are welcome and there will be a volunteer day on June 10 after the Annual Meeting in Jay. The annual meeting will be hosted byJayPeakand coordinated by the NEK and Northern Frontier sections, and include Long Trail beer, skit, tram rides, and hikes. Sign up on-line. The Long Trail needs help from route 118 to Hazen’s Notch. The Randonee ‘section’ can’t do required work and Northern Frontier is asking for volunteers before annual meeting. Kevin will provide updated list of trail adopters and coordinate with Mari at main club.

Outings and hikes

The following events were scheduled: april 17- volunteer training at GMC

April 21 hike atHolbrookState Park(Chris)

April 28 hike to CCC camp in Westmore (Steve)

May 5 hike to Barr Hill inGreensboro(Kevin)

May 12 Wheeler Pond Camp

May 18 hikeBluffMountain(Luke)

May 19 hikeHaystackMountain(Steve)

June 2 hikeGrotonStateForest(Jean)

June 30 hikeMonadnockMountain(Michael/Cathi)

July 21 Summer meeting at Lenny’s camp on Holland Pond


Motion to adjourn (Chris/Michael) at 7:05. Approved.

Next Meeting

July 22, 2012 at Lenny Targonski’s Camp on Holland Pond

Respectfully Submitted,

Luke O’Brien

NEK Section Secretary


Tillotson Pond


Multiflora Rose on Long Trail North to Tillotson

Landslide on Belvidere

Saturday , June 16th 2012 NEK members Jean Haigh and Chris Rice, joined Walter Pomroy (Northern Frontier section) for a hike to check out the scar on Belvidere Mt. (3360’) in the northern section of Division 11. The scar is easily visible from the Old Mines road. You get a good view of the east side of the Mountain (see photo). We hiked in on the Forester’s trail, took a fix on an approach to the scar (we didn’t bushwack over to the scar because the hobblebush cover was dense and unforgiving on bare legs) and reached the summit in time for a snack. Evidence of the scar (toppled trees) was not visible from the fire tower. The Lowell ridge scaring and the abandon asbestos plant (see 9 June 2012 posting) was still there. We headed north on the LT to the Tillotson Camp. A short stop at Beaver Pond showed that there are beavers with a new lodge and a quite efficient dam in evidence. After lunch at Tillotson Camp we took the Frank Post trail for the return to the parking area. At the juncture of the Frank Post and Forester trails, Walter discovered that someone had ripped the Forester Trail sign from the tree and done so just since we began the hike. What a puzzle. None-the-less it was good outing with in good company.

3 hours ago ·

CCC Ring

Dolloff Pond CCC Camp hike 4/28 12 Mustering the groupMembers of the NEK section of the Green Mountain Club hike about the section of the Willoughby State Forest that was once the site of Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Company 121. Steve Farrow lead the hike and provide an overview of probable locations of the structures built by the CCC. We found many of the sites had partial remaining artifacts. This hike, short on “trail miles” was huge on history.By Christopher RiceOwl’s Head walkabout – 4/3/2012

The southern end of the Benton range, Owl’s head has an appealing cliff-face. Too appealing for the hearty band of GMCNEK bushwhackers to pass up. With Kevin leading, Bart and Chris set off across the Oliverian Brook and up a steepening ridge line to the northeast. While there was speculation that a pre-WWII trail once lead to the top of the cliff at Owl’ s Head we only found rock tumbles, blow downs, and hucklebrush as we made our way up the ridge-line. Just below the crest in the beginning of a red pine growth Chris spotted a marked stake. Grave assurances all around proclaimed it evidence of the “old trail” (see pic). As is often the case the quick conclusion proved to be in error as soon after cresting the ridge we in fact came upon a yellow blazed trail that lead us to the cliff and what appeared to be a tenting area complete with fire place and lounge chair. We took the trail southward for our return and after several twists and turns brought on by Forest Service cutting operations we landed on a the dirt road to Long Pond. After a stop for lunch at the Jeffers Brook BBQ pit (see video) we took the Townline Trail , part of the AT, to Jeffers Shelter and on back to Oliverian Brook. Nice hike.  By Christopher Rice

Qwl’s Head Walk about

Holbrook State Park

Members of the NEK section of the GMC hiked in Holbrook state park on Saturday, April 21 2012. Despite heavy overcast the hike proceeded along mostly dry ground in a meander through mixed woods along the northwestern edges of Round, Long, and Mud ponds. Returning from Mud pond we began the summit trail to Big Rock Hill (elev. ~2100ft). We flagged as the original blue blaze marks have grown faint with age. Upon reaching the summit we stopped for lunch admiring the 360 view (although only through the leafless hardwoods). The descent took us to an overlook with fine views of Long and Round ponds below and to the south and west in the distance. The woods above the ponds were covered in early spring wild flowers, a visual treat. It was an easy hike in good company. By Christopher Rice

Perry Holbrook State Park Overlook

Approved 3/31/12

Northeast Kingdom Section – Green Mountain Club

Combined Executive and General Winter Quarterly Meeting

Lenny Targonski’s Camp – Holland, Vermont

January 14, 2012

  1. Call to Order – NEK President Jean Haigh called the meeting to order at approximately 2:00 P.M. This combined executive and general meeting followed a morning winter’s hike to the Round Pond Shelter and a pot luck lunch featuring a broad assortment of baked goods. She welcomed everyone and commented on the good attendance.
  2. Secretary’s Minutes -The membership reviewed the October 2011 quarterly minutes which acting NEKGMC Secretary Michael Chernick prepared.

Motion [Targonsky/Judy Anastasia] approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.

Approved unanimously

Jean stated her desire to post the secretary’s minutes prior to the next meeting on the NEKGMC Website once the secretary has submitted the document. Acting Secretary Michael Chernick stated they should be approved prior to posting. The membership decided, without a formal vote, that the minutes will be posted as Draft Minutes.

  1. Board of Directors Report- NEKGMC Director Michael Chernick stated he did not have a director’s report to present as the main club’s board of directors has not met since the last NEKGMC meeting. The board is scheduled to meet next on Saturday January 21, 2012.

MOTION [Judy Anastasia/Ed Guest] that the treasurer’s report be approved.

Approved unanimously

  1. Annual Donation to the Burke Mountain Club – In recognition of the continuing hospitality of the Burke Mountain Club (BMC), the NEKGMC annually donates a thank you contribution to the BMC.

MOTION [Ed Guest/Karen Guest] That the NEKGMC donate $100.00 to the Burke Mountain Club.

Approved unanimously

  1. President’s Report – NEKGMC President Jean Haigh reported that the section is now the fastest growing in the GMC. She thanked everyone for coming and suggested a future ski trip around Holland Pond as well as a fall hike. The Fiscal Year 2013 main club budget is going to be balanced. The main club will be introducing a new Website.

Turning to the new Winooski River Crossing project, Jean detailed the route across the railroad tracks, under a Route 89 culvert, and across various lands for which the GMC has either acquired easements or has purchased. The total cost will be approximately $1,000.000.00. To date, $780,000,000 is in hand including the $250,000 gift from Don Zwick. The club still needs to raise $200,000.00 to $300,000.00 more. Main club board members are being solicited.

With respect to membership, the number of voting members has fallen slighty below 10,000, and an effort to raise that number up is being initiated. Jean reminded everyone of the importance of not going ahead of the group on a GMC sanctioned (advertised hike) as these outings are covered under the main club’s insurance policy. The Legal Committee has discussed not providing insurance coverage for kayaking and bicycling trips. On another topic, she reported on the GMC’s assumption from the Dartmouth Outing Club of official trail maintenance responsibilities for the segment of Appalachian Trail extending from Route 12 in Barnard east to the Connecticut River in Norwich.

  1. NEKGMC Annual Meeting – The 2012 annual meeting of the NEKGMC will take place on March 31 (rescheduled from the originally announced April 7) at the Burke Mountain Clubhouse in East Burke. Jean reminded the membership that she will assume the main club presidency this spring and that she can not continue as section president. The question of term limits was reviewed again. Michael Chernick indicated the section had not totally eliminated term limits. There was some confusion on this point. Michael agreed to review the bylaws to verify this matter. If they have not already been stricken, this item will be on the NEKGMC’s annual meeting agenda.
  2. Nominating Committee – Jean again raised the issue of her continuing to serve as NEKGMC President following the expiration of her current term at the annual meeting. She is especially concerned that new hike leaders are needed. For now, the question of who will serve as section president for 2012-2013 was left undecided. However, Jean did state a willingness to continue in this role. Other officers were not discussed. Since then, Chris Rice has graciously agreed to assume the presidency next January or March, oncc he retires from FIU.
  3. Long Pond Road – A major tree cutting has occurred along Long Pond Road in Westmore. Vince Dotoli (the owner of half of the Long Pond Trail) contacted Jean requesting that GMC support his complaint against the town, Jean replied that GMC did not have legal standing and would not file a complaint.
  4. GMC Director of Operations Pete Antos-Ketcham submitted a report informing the section that the pro bono consultancy engineering report should be submitted in late January. It was decided that a WPC committee meeting will be held as soon as the report has been received with Pete in attendence.
  5. Trails & Shelters Update – Luke O’Brien, in his role as Trails & Shelters Coordinator, submitted a progress report on current and proposed construction of the new trail located on the Kingdom Heritage Lands (former Champion Lands) and the status of trail registers at NEK trailheads: The Anastasias took some trail sign-in forms for the trail registers near them.

Trails and Shelters Report

January 2012

Middle Mountain Trail

Work on Middle Mountain continues to progress. GMC and NorthWoods completed approximately 1-mile of trail construction to Split Rock in 2011 and a funding proposal has been submitted to fund another 1-mile of trail to the summit of Middle. On December 2, GMC partners reviewed a draft ‘flagline’ to the Middle Mountain Summit and several positive route changes were confirmed. The summit route is near to a final layout and will undergo final review before trail construction, if funded, begins this summer.

Additional scouting is taking place on the south side of the mountain, in anticipation of 2013 trail construction. This will be divided into two phases. The first phase will include construction of the Unknown Pond Trail from the Hurricane Road on 114 up to a lookout over Norton Pond (Catamount Ledge?). The second phase will climb to the summit and complete the over-mountain route. Efforts to site connector trails to Unknown Pond and the Bluff Ridge are continuing.

With funding, NorthWoods will field a Backcountry Crew for 2 weeks on Middle this summer (as well as 2 weeks on the upper Gore Trail). We hope to include as many GMC volunteers as possible, including a potential volunteer day following the GMC Annual Meeting at Jay Peak in June.

Trail Registers

NorthWoods received a small grant to construct (thanks to Steve Farrow) and install trailhead registers at a number of trails throughout the NEK. We are currently looking for adopters to collect information and report maintenance issues. Register maintenance includes removing/adding sign-in sheets, as needed and inspecting boxes for damage. Minor repairs (with screwdriver, stapler, pliers, etc.) may be required. For most trails, spring and fall check-ins are sufficient however on busier trails (i.e. Pisgah) more frequent checks may be needed. NorthWoods will provide sign-in and information sheets (maps, etc), as needed.

Available registers include: Bald (LP), Pisgah (N and S), Hor, Moose in Westmore; Burke Mountain (Red Trail); Brousseau and Monadnock Mountains. Contact Luke if you are interested.


Jean reported on the December 2, 2011 partners hike involving Plum Creek Lands Chris Fife forester, Brendan Kelly, forester , Ed O’Leary, the Chief of Operations at the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, and GMC, including current Executive Director Will Wyquist and former Executive Director Ben Rose. Dependent on funding, as described in Luke O’Brien’s report, the trail is slated for extension to the summit of Middle Mountain in 2012 and in the Unknown Pond Area in 2013.

  1. GMC 2012 Annual Meeting – The 2012 GMC Annual Meeting will be a jointly hosted (NEKGMC/Northern Frontier) event to be held at the Jay Peak Resort the weekend of June 8-9. The resort is generously donating the site free of charge. The Friday night activities will feature a barbecue, free passage on the tram to the summit of Jay Peak and a skit dramatizing the correspondence between then GMC President George Pearlstein and a young Ohioan, known as John Doe, contemplating an LT through hike. Camping on site will also be available at no charge. For the standard fees, participants may use the water park, skate at the skating rink, or rent a hotel room.

The Saturday program features the GMC annual business meeting, a brief board meeting, lunch and afternoon hikes. Jean listed the hikes being offered including a flat along the Newport Rail Trail, Steeper trips include hikes to the summit of Jay Peak,, Journey’s End, Shooting Star shelter,, and possibly Tillotson Camp. Following the Saturday evening dinner, Ed O’Leary of the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, & Recreation, will offer a presentation on the natural history of Vermont.

As an invigorating conclusion to the weekend, on Sunday June 10 there will be work hikes scheduled including one on the Middle Mountain Trail.

  1. Trail Adopters – NEKGMC Vice President & Trails Adopter Coordinator Kevin Williamson will e-mail to the membership a list of trails available for adoption in the NEK. Several NEKGMC section members are already serving as adopters.
  2. Future Outings

Saturday January 28 – Unknown Pond – Leader Jean Haigh

Saturday February 4 – GMC Snowshoe Festival – Waterbury

Saturday February 11 Wheeler Mountain Road– Joe & Judy Anastasia

Saturday February 18 – Moose Mountain – Jean Haigh

Saturday February 25 – Mount Pisgah (South Trail)

Sunday March 4- Bald Mountain – Jean Haigh

  1. Next Meting – The NEKGMC Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday March 31 at 5:00 P.M. at the Burke Mountain Clubhouse
  2. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned on a motion of Judy Anastasia (Joe Anastasia seconding) at 3:20 P.M.

Submitted by Acting Secretary Michael Chernick