Past Trail Projects

Here you will find info on the NEKGMC’s trail work projects, details about the section’s ‘adopt-a-trail’ program, and news about trail building and maintaining in the Northeast Kingdom.

NEKGMC Trail and Work Projects in the Northeast Kingdom
  • Bald Mountain Fire Tower – restored 2001 — 2003.
  • Monadnock Mountain Fire Tower – restored summer 2005.
  • Moose Mountain Trail/Wheeler Pond trailhead bridge – replaced National Trails Day 2004.
  • Wheeler Pond Camps – frequent and on-going maintenance projects.
  • Split Rock/Middle Mountain Trail, first leg of trail completed Summer 2011.
  • Middle Mountain summit, flagline approved, to be completed summer, 2012.

Corridor Management plan approved by ANR Secretary and GMC Executive Director, 2009.
Champion Lands Trail Planning.

GMC has developed a management plan for hiking trails on the former Champion Lands in northern Essex County, a region that includes over 300,000 acres of public and private conservation land. The trail plan calls for the development over time of a network of trails linking together existing trails on Bluff and Gore Mountains as well as the development of new connecting trails, many of which follow existing woods roads and skid trails. The proposed system could include up to twenty miles of hiking trails that provide access to such unique areas as Unknown Pond, Middle Mountain and the Bluff Mountain Ridgeline. While the plan is extensive, it calls for the slow development of trails on only a fraction of the former Champion property. Working with the principle stakeholders: the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Weyerhaeuser, the Nature Conservancy, the Vermont Land Trust, VAST and other partners, GMC seeks to create a thoughtful and rewarding hiking experience that compliments the rugged and pristine nature of this wild corner of Vermont.

GMC Hiking Corridor Mgmt Plan_2007.pdf

GMC hiking Corridor Management plan, 2016

GMC Phase II Abstract_2007[1].pdf