Green Mountain Club
The Green Mountain Club is founder and maintainer of Vermont’s Long Trail, one of the first long-distance hiking trails in the country. The NEKGMC Section focuses on the mountains and trails of Northeast Kingdom region – leading hikes, maintaining trails and educating the public.
The mission of the Green Mountain Club is to make the Vermont mountains play a larger part in the life of the people by protecting and maintaining the Long Trail System and fostering through education, the stewardship of Vermont’s hiking trails and mountains. Following the protection of 133,000 acres of former timberlands in Essex. Orleans and Caledonia Counties, Vermont, the Northeast Kingdom section was founded on June 24, 2000 by outdoor enthusiasts at an organizational meeting in East Burke. The mission of this new geographic section of the venerable Vermont hiking organization is to provide and preserve hiking opportunities as well as support land and wildlife stewardship in the Northeast Kingdom.