
The Northeast Kingdom Section of Vermont’s Green Mountain Club provides and preserves hiking opportunities and supports land and wildlife stewardship in the Northeast Kingdom region of Vermont.

Our Winter Newsletter is out! Ramblings 6-3

Our Fall Meeting Minutes are out! Minutes


Unknown Pond Snowshoe – Friday, January 24th, 8:30AM

Starting at the Unknown Pond Trailhead, we will snowshoe to the Kingdom Heritage Trail, then to the elusive Unknown Pond. This is a 4 mile out and back with several stream crossings. This will be a challenging hike, because we will be breaking trail for the majority of it. We will meet at the Community National Bank in Island Pond prior to 8:30AM and leave for Hurricane Rd at 8:30AM. RSVP gmcnek@gmail.com

Kettle Pond Snowshoe – Sunday, February 2nd, 10AM

Victor Caamano has volunteered to lead a hike in his backyard. This sweet 3 mile+ loop circles a beautiful glacial pond passing by numerous primitive camping areas and lean-tos. We are hoping that there is plenty of snow to cover the possibility of ice, but both snowshoes and micro spikes are recommended. A moderate hike with numerous boulders and a deep forest canopy makes this truly a wonderful adventure.
Please register your participation with Victor at victorcaamano@me.com
Carpooling will be highly recommended (to save gas). Possible meeting spots could be in East Burke, Lyndonville and/or the St. Johnsbury Park and Ride. Let me know if you would like to carpool either by messaging me or at s.j.p.winsor@gmail.com.

We will meet at the Kettle Pond parking lot at 10:00 and head out soon after.

Map and info: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/groton-state-forest-kettle-pond

Jean Haigh Cabin Wood Project – Tuesday, February 4th, 9AM

“Many hands make light work.” Gather with others to collaborate and achieve the task of bring firewood to the Jean Haigh Cabin at Wheeler Pond. Paul Trojano will be guiding us in the best way to do this on Tuesday, February 4. We will be moving dry wood from one camp and stacking it at the Jean Haigh Camp. Micro Spikes are highly recommended due to the incline to the cabin. Being that there is room for about four vehicles, carpooling is recommended. Contact Paul at paul.r.trojano@gmail.com to RSVP and/or for questions.

Victory Basin to Stone Dam – Saturday, February 8th, 10AM

Victory Basin Wildlife Management Area has many trails, and we want to share one with you. This one is accessible only in the winter when the bog is frozen, and snowshoes will be required. We will meet at Damon’s Crossing at 10:00AM. We will follow the Bog Trail and returning via the same trail. Carpooling is offered from the East Burke Library. Let us know if you would like to carpool. We will leave from the library promptly at 9:00AM. Please confirm with Cathi Brooks if you plan to attend, nektrecker@gmail.com

Map: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/victory-state-forest-trails
Map: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/4583902892

Bluff Community Trail Snowshoe – Saturday, January 18th

The trailhead was not plowed, so we parked beside the road. We snowshoed the Bluff Community Trail to the Overlook. This hike is 3.5 miles round-trip with 1216 feet of elevation gain, it’s considered a moderately difficult hike. We were lucky that two others had broke trail ahead of us. The wind at the overlook was steady and we didn’t stay long.

Map & info: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/bluff-mountain-community-trail

NEK GMC Winter Meeting – Sunday, January 12th

We held our quarterly meeting at Northwoods Stewardship Center. The morning started with skiing and snowshoeing and 20 people participating, followed by a potluck lunch, then 18 attendees stayed for our quarterly meeting. Activities started at 10AM, followed by potluck at 12:30PM, and meeting beginning at 1PM. The day will ended around 2:44PM. A special thank you to Maria for leading the skiing event and to Northwoods Stewardship Center for hosting us.

Brighton State Park First Day Hike – Wednesday, January 1st

Nine joined us for a First Day Hike at Brighton State Park, a tradition of the Vermont State Parks and the Green Mountain Club. We followed the Shoreline Trail to Council Point then returned on the Main Loop Trail. Total distance was 2.5 miles.

More information: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/brighton-state-park

Bartlett Mountain First Day Hike – Wednesday, January 1st

Susan led a First Day Hike (Snowshoe), a tradition of the Vermont State Parks and the Green Mountain Club.
Following the CCC Road in Willoughby State Forest for a nice leisurely snowshoe with lots of conversation! Four miles and a temperature that had most everyone shedding a layer, but happy to say, no rain!!!! And of course, being we do trail maintenance, this tree across the trail had to be removed! Have saw, will clean up!

Map: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/willoughby-state-forest-ski-trails

Mad Brook Trail Hike to Summit of Bald Mountain – Wednesday, December 18

Paul and I snowshoed  the Mad Brook Trail to the summit of Bald Mountain. This hike is a 4.6 mile out and back, with 1415 feet of elevation gain. It ended up being more than we expected with dozens of downed trees. We crawled under, over, and went around blowdowns, too numerous to count.

Map and directions: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/bald-mountain-trails

Jean Haigh Memorial Hike on the CCC Road – Sunday, December 8th

Five years ago, the Northeast Kingdom Section of the Green Mountain Club lost a memorable leader. She was an avid hiker and inspiration to all. In 2019, we celebrated her life with a well-attended saunter up the CCC Road in Westmore. It was decided to repeat this saunter, to keep the memory of Jean alive and to introduce others to the wonderful lady she was.The roads were snow covered getting there, but a few of us were able to make it! We had a great snowshoe hike on the CCC Road, Bartlett Road, and Middle Loop. About a 4.6 mile snowshoe.

Map: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/willoughby-state-forest

Cow Mountain Loop Hike  – Tuesday, November 12th

We enjoyed a windy gray day in the woods. The beaver dams and ponds were a sight to see, with traces of snow on the ground.

Map and Details: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/cow-mountain-pond

Golden Trail Saunter – Saturday, November 2nd

One of the cool things about our group is that we not only hike the trails, but we also cannot help ourselves and maintain them too! We spent time clearing brush and branches from the trail. We paused to remember Jean along the way. The new moldering toilet is a sight to see! Who brought that saw anyways? 



Gore East Saunter – Friday, October 18th
We met at the Old Railroad Station (Community Bank) in Island Pond and carpooled to the trailhead above Lewis Pond in the Silvio O. Conte Wildlife Refuge.
AMAZING DAY! Gore Mountain East trail was wet, snowy and beautiful!
Wood Stacking Weekend – Friday, October 11th – Sunday, October 13th

Another fun and successful Wood Stacking Weekend! It would have been a lot more work if the students from Sterling College and NCSU hadn’t done “the lion’s share” of the work! We so much appreciate your help! Thank you!

Friday evening was beautiful at Jean Haigh Cabin, then Amish donuts and coffee cake Saturday morning with coffee, followed by some good wood stacking, first by wheelbarrow, then forming a line. We finished before noon, ate lunch, then played corn hole for the rest of the afternoon. The evening ended with some games. Sunday morning started with Amish donuts and coffee cake with coffee, then a hike to Moose Ledge. The potluck lunch was delicious! Then our quarterly meeting. Thank you to all the volunteers!

Westmore Mountain Challenge – Saturday, September 28th

We (GMCNEK) sponsored a rest/aid station at the Mad Brook Trailhead supplying snacks and refreshments to participants of the Westmore Mountain Challenge hosted by Northwoods Stewardship. Volunteers spent time at this station throughout the day; we had a great time and enjoyed being part of the days event. Thank you to Charles, Morgan, and Julia from Northwoods for spending the day with us (and the ride to BBQ).

Moose Mountain to Herbert Hawkes Hike – Friday, September 27th

This ended up being a solo hike. It’s the 3rd year that I have flagged this section of trail for the Westmore Mountain Challenge. The temperatures were perfect and the view are fantastic! I started hiking at 8AM and reached the Herbert Hawkes Trailhead at 1PM, that included all viewpoints and both summits. Another great day in the woods!

Long Trail Day – Saturday, September 21st

This year Team Kingdom Express hiked the Long Trail south from Jay Pass (VT 242) to Hazen’s Notch (VT 58) . Seven of us started hiking from Jay Pass headed for the summit of Gilpin Mountain, spirits were high and the weather was excellent. We had a great day hiking. Team Kingdom Express raised $2,481 for Long Trail Day and the GMC! Thank you!

Donation are being accepted until October 1st. Join Team Kingdom Express and donate to the Green Mountain Club.

Mad Brook Lumber Carry – Saturday, August 24th, 10AM

NEK GMC, Northwoods Stewardship, and Vermont FPR had 46 volunteers show up for a lumber carry up the Mad Brook Trail to the summit of Bald Mountain. The lumber was staged about a mile into the woods. Volunteers carried white oak lumber for about 1 1/4 miles to the summit for the firetower restoration. Many of us met at NorthWoods Stewardship Center and shuttled to the trailhead. It was a fun day and FPR was very appreciative.

Bluff Community Trail Hike – Saturday, August 10th
Geoffrey Commons led a hike on the Bluff Community Trail. This 2.6 mile out and back with 1,216 ft of elevation gain is considered a moderate level hike . We met at the pavilion in Island Pond prior to 9AM and carpooled to the trailhead at. The trail was in good shape and surprisingly not to muddy.
GMCNEK Quarterly Meeting – Sunday, July 14th

We started our day with a hike to Beaver Pond, 1.6 miles out and back, then a potluck, and quarterly meeting. A few people took a swim and some kayaked. Mike Debonis (GMC Executive Director) reviewed upcoming plans for the 2025 Kingdom Heritage Land Corridor Management. Luke O’Brien provided a FPR season overview. It was a great day to share with friends.

Map: AllTrails – Bill Sladyk WMA – Beaver Pond Trail

Norton Pond Paddle (Repeat) – Monday, July 1st

Four of us paddled at Norton Pond in Warren’s Gore, just south of Norton. We explored the inlet where Hurricane Brook comes in.

Norton Pond Paddle – Tuesday, June 25th, 9AM
Susan volunteered to lead a paddle at Norton Pond in Warren’s Gore, just south of Norton. This 583 acre pond is considered an overlooked treasure. One person joined her on this adventure. They explored the coves and inlets on the south end, and they explored the inlet, where Hurricane Brook comes in, spending 6 hours exploring.
Owls Head Hike – Monday, June 24th, 10AM

Victor volunteered to  lead a hike on the Owls Head Trail, 5 miles, 700 ft elevation, easy-moderate, 2.5 hours. Like a true hiker Victor hiked though nobody else signed up.

Map: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/groton-state-forest-owls-head-mountain

Brighton Trails Day – Saturday, June 22nd

Another Brighton Trails Day in the books. Volunteers led hikes on Bluff Community Trail, Bluff Ridge Trail (PDF map), Middle Mountain Trail, Moose Bog Trail, and Nulhegan River Trail. Thank you to Susan Winsor for organizing this. Thank you to the volunteers that made this happen. Also thank you to Brighton Recreation , Town of Brighton, Vermont , Brighton State Park, Vermont State Parks , Silvio O’ Conte Wildlife Refuge, Vermont ANR, and landowners.

Green Mountain Club Annual Meeting – Saturday, June 15th

Victor, Cathi, and I represented the Northeast Kingdom at the Annual Meeting. Cathi was presented with the GMC President’s Award for all her years of volunteerism. Yay Cathi!

Gore East Trail Hike, Monday, June 3rd

John led and impromptu hike on the Gore Mountain East Trail, joined by Susan. This hike was posted on our Facebook Page on Saturday. We left Island Pond at 8AM for the 1 hour drive on Henshaw Rd, 4 Mile Rd, and Lewis Pond Rd. to reach our destination. There were many ladyslippers along the drive, both pink and white. The hike is 2.3 miles to the summit and started off by surprising a young moose. During the hike we enjoyed our surrounding, while also looking for Steve’s glasses along the way (Steve lost them while doing trail work). We enjoyed a snack at the summit, then headed back.

Jean Haigh Cabin Grand Opening, Saturday, June 1st, 2024

Saturday we celebrated the grand opening of the GMC Jean Haigh Cabin with Jean’s Family, GMC, GMC NEK, and a select few guests. Because of limited parking this was an invitation only event. During the event there were presentations by GMC Executive Director Mike Debonis, GMC President Nancy McClellan, Director of Land Conservation Molly Klepack Flanigan, and GMC NEK Director Cathi Brooks, all speaking kind words and memories of Jean.  A plaque was unveiled to Jean’s family that will hang at the cabin. After many of us enjoyed a hike on the Wheeler Pond Trail.

Haystack Mountain Loop Hike, Sunday, May 26
I was at the North Trailhead, Kate was at the South Trailhead, we both started our hikes at 9:10AM and met at the summit. This 3.3 mile loop hike up and over Haystack Mountain and out Long Pond Road has 840 feet of elevation gain; it’s a steep climb to the summit and three viewpoints along the hike from the summit along the descent.
Essentials of Map & Compass, Sunday, May 19th

NEKGMC Member Gordon Dubois and Burlington Section Member David Hathaway led this workshop to help people understand the information provided on a topographical map, the proper use of a compass, and how to put the two together. They learned about magnetic north, true north, and magnetic declination, and pairing a compass to a map. Then learned how to use a map and compass to find a bearing with a map and follow it in the field, and to take bearings on visible landmarks and use them to determine where location. After covering these fundamentals, they practiced orienteering skills in the woods around the Green Mountain Club campus.

Trail Work at Cow Mountain Pond Forest, Sunday, May 19th
Some hearty members of the GMC NEK showed up to tackle the brush, blowdowns, drainage, heat, and bugs on this 6 mile loop. We started by sending half the crew on the Back Loop and other half on the Main Loop. We met again near the “getting overgrown” overlook, then headed back to do the spur to Little Cow Pond and the spur to the summit. A few of us swallowed blackflies on this team effort.
East Haven Cabin Hike, Saturday, May 11th, 9AM

Gordon DuBois led a day hike to The Cabin on East Haven Mountain, in East Haven, VT., where they enjoyed lunch. The Cabin sits on the edge of a cliff offering a spectacular view of Umpire Mountain and the White Mountains. After lunch, they hiked to the summit of East Haven Mountain (3,060′), the summit of East Haven Mt. is another mile from the Cabin.

NEKGMC Annual Meeting, Sunday, April 7th

We met at the CCC road trailhead and hiked the 2.9 mile Middle Loop, then enjoyed a potluck at the Burke Community Library. The meeting started at 1PM, we honored Cathi Brooks with an NEK Section Award & Gift Certificate for all her volunteer work for the past 19 years. Next we asked for nominations, then reelected all members of the Executive Committee to continue for another year. We are still in search of a Director to replace Cathi when she leaves later this year.

Map: https://www.trailfinder.info/trails/trail/willoughby-state-forest-ski-trails

Hike South America Pond Rd, Friday, March 8th

We met at the Community National Bank in Island Pond then carpooled to the Moose Bog Trailhead. We hiked the  South America Pond Road to the Firing Range, about 5 miles out and back. Then, we hiked out to Moose Bog and back.

The Mooseway at Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge, February 15th
It was a beautiful day to hike with NEKGMC section friends to Mooseway and Mud Pond. We made additional stops at Cherry and Little Cherry Ponds and ended up with a 6.28 miles hike under deep blue sky and sunshine.
Explore the ROCKS in Bethlehem, NH, Wednesday, February 7th
Janet Steinert led an easy 2 mile saunter on snowshoes in Bethlehem at a Forest Society North location in Bethlehem, NH called The Rocks. Perfect for SLOTHs (Sauntering Lads and Ladies on Therapeutic Hikes). With many acres of preserved land, this is a great destination for snowshoers with forest and field views of the north country. Lots of history there, totally worth the trip.
Check out the Jean Haigh Cabin, Tuesday, February 6th

Only a few showed up, but it was a beautiful day to check out the newly constructed cabin. Conditions were hard packed snow and slippery, so getting there was tricky, micro-spikes were an after thought.

Winter NEK GMC Meeting, Sunday, January 21st

We started the day with a snowshoe hike and some of us skied. The snowshoers hiked the Gardner Trail, Echo Lake Trail, then the Lang Brook Trail for a short 1.7 mile enjoyable hike. The skiers started and Echo Lake and did a point-to-point ski to the Northwoods Stewardship Center in East Charleston, Vermont; I guess they did a little bushwhacking along the way, as the trail was trackless prior to their ski (snowshoe or ski on Northwoods many trails). At noon, we enjoyed a potluck lunch with 4 types of vegetarian chili, mac & cheese, meatballs, snacks, salads, homemade bread, and desserts. The meeting began at 1PM; Maria Young, Executive Director of Northwoods Stewardship gave an excellent presentation on all the Northwoods Projects, followed Luke O’Brien, Recreation Specialist for Vermont Forest, Parks and Recreation, he provided updates on projects for VFPR. A special thanks to Northwoods Stewardship Center for hosting us.

First Day Hike, Monday, January 1st
As is the tradition with the Vermont State Parks, we once again did a First Day Hike

Yes, the Bartlett Mountain Hike was amazing! Fifteen people explored the Willoughby State Forest in Westmore to start off the new year right!


Past Events

If you would like to see more of our past events just follow this link: History of Past Events – 2023

If you would like to see more of our past events just follow this link: History of Past Events – 2022

If you would like to see more of our past events just follow this link: History of Past Events – 2021

If you would like to see more of our past events just follow this link: History of Past Events – 2020

If you would like to see more of our past events just follow this link: History of Past Events prior to 2020